Ron Koch to face NFL opponents May 21

Brian Seiken reports that Ron Koch will face a field of pro football players at the New York, New York hotel in Las Vegas on May 21. This will be Koch’s first contest since the Reno ribs contest in August.

Comments (9)


  1. Mad Stork said

    April 6, 2007 @ 9:37 am

    where did everyone go .. no rhonda, no anonymous, hardly anything what happened?

  2. beautifulbrian said

    April 6, 2007 @ 11:02 am

    In the future anyone that has an issue with what i post on my site, email me or let me know. Copy and pasting the above Koch article to George Shea is pretty my estimation. Quite obvious it is someone within or without the organization that has a beef with me or maybe you get your kicks out of being a troublemaker.

  3. The Tubesock Destroyer said

    April 6, 2007 @ 12:55 pm

    Hey OJ,

    Can you start a regular post that lists upcoming contests that are open to the public? I’ve been craving a good event and to be honest I don’t check any of the other CE sites anymore because I don’t have the time and my coworkers think I may have an unhealthy obsession with the sport.

    Hope everyone’s doin well…

  4. ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)

    April 6, 2007 @ 1:21 pm

    The sidebar lists the next 10 upcoming contests I have been able to find. lists all upcoming contests.

  5. Rhonda Evans said

    April 6, 2007 @ 1:44 pm

    I rambled too much, so I’m taking a break.

  6. Mad Stork said

    April 6, 2007 @ 1:54 pm

    hey brian what are you talking about fool how do you know someone emailed it to George Shea?

  7. Mad Stork said

    April 6, 2007 @ 2:00 pm

    tsd are there any other ce sites no

  8. The Tubesock Destroyer said

    April 6, 2007 @ 3:15 pm

    Got it, thanks.

    Stork, rather than go to,,, etc, I’d rather just stop here and see what’s coming up.

  9. El Toro said

    April 9, 2007 @ 3:37 am

    The Undertaker is going to show these clowns what MLE is all about! I’ll be there to mock these eating wimps of the NFL! lol They have no idea what their up against!

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