Montreal rib contest June 16, $500 first prize
(From A rib eating contest will take place at the Mesquite restaurant in Montreal in June. Finals will take place on June 16 (5 minute qualifiers will be held) and the first place is $500 (presumably Canadian) and dinner for 6.
SuperPaul said
April 12, 2007 @ 7:21 am
Hopefully they’ll be covered with Maple Syrup, eh
Oksijen konsantratörü said (Comment pending approval)
March 16, 2023 @ 7:23 am
Oksijen konsantratörleri, havadaki azotu filtreleyerek yüksek konsantrasyonda oksijen elde eder ve hastaya temiz oksijen sa?lar. Bu cihazlar, bas?nç sal?n?ml? emme (PSA) ad? verilen bir teknoloji kullan?r. Cihaz, hava moleküllerini süzerek oksijen ve azotu ay?r?r ve yüksek konsantrasyonlu oksijen gaz?n? hastaya ula?t?r?r.