Naader Reda is the subject of the cover story for the current issue of Inland Empire Weekly.
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anonymous said
December 2, 2011 @ 12:50 am
How do they do a story about someone who is making a mokery of the sport.He does three contests in a day and people think he is great? Any pro eater can do the same, and after each contest have a reversal in private..Naader give yourself three years of doing this and see what your health and teeth will look like. Great eater ehhhhhhh
Hey, Anonymous, Chill said
December 2, 2011 @ 11:28 am
Naader IS a great eater. On days he does multiple contests, it’s to build capacity for future huge challenges. Reversals would prevent that capacity increase he’s looking for. Also, Naader’s a cool guy, so you should probably stop being such a jerk in your tone of writing. Quite frankly, it’s uncalled for and rather petty. Why go on such a cruel rant? What do you hope to gain?
If you think you’re saying this out of concern for his “health and teeth,” you’re pretty off base. No one says things out of concern while being so degrading.
I am pretty damn sick of people coming onto eatfeats just to be evil dickheads. Practice some kindness for goodness sake. Honestly. Kindness for the sake of just being a good person. It’s not that difficult.
KevinRoss said
December 2, 2011 @ 11:47 am
Well said, 11:28am!
anonymous said
December 2, 2011 @ 11:57 am
Anony 1128 goodness is not practiced here. All about evil dickheads Go through the archives and you can rate the top ten victims of hate. Brian Seiken is number one on the list. Sad part is that they make it seem as though the man committed horrific murderous crimes when the most they could possibly accuse him of is a few digs on some ungrateful competitive eaters.
Someone needs to draw the line on the verbal attacks regardless of whether or not profanity is included. You can get your point across in a very nasty way without using profanity and that seems to be the case with posters such as Hmm.
Hmm said (Registered November 12, 2009)
December 2, 2011 @ 12:14 pm
Agree with 11:28, whoever posted anonymously is jealous, but that is no excuse. There are a few people on here who continuously try to ruin things for everyone.
anonymous said
December 2, 2011 @ 12:33 pm
Hmm why do you only post here when the topic is based on negative comments and people that try to ruin things for others ? I know who you are referring to . Its always Seiken Seiken Seiken . The whipping boy on Why dont you put the blame on the person that runs the site. If he condones the behavior he is to blame. Doesnt take much effort to moderate comments.
Ron Koch said
December 2, 2011 @ 1:58 pm
Naader Reda is a good guy who can eat. So lay off.
DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)
December 3, 2011 @ 2:07 am
The dood has one of the biggest capacities in the game, he is great for the Sport and one Hell of a model Emerician. And since when has reversing after a contest or challenge a Bad thing? I thought it was just the elephant in the room, Fuck I hate pickles and trolls.