PinnacleSports Nathan’s odds

(From theOnlineWire) Pinnacle.sports has posted their odds on Kobayashi winning the Nathan’s finals and the over/under on the winning amount:

Tue 7/3 Will Takeru Kobayashi win?
12:00 PM 101 Yes -102
  102 No -114
Tue 7/3 How many hot dogs will the winner eat?
12:00 PM 103 Over 57 hot dogs -141
  104 Under 57 hot dogs +125

Comments (4)


  1. Mega Munch said

    June 8, 2007 @ 9:28 am

    I have no idea what those numbers mean. Can someone with a current or former gambling addiction please explain?

  2. Anonymous said

    June 8, 2007 @ 12:55 pm

    example: over/under bet 141 to win 100 on the over

  3. Philly Guy said

    June 8, 2007 @ 5:45 pm

    I would have responded, but I was at the horse track.

  4. Carey Poehlmann said

    June 9, 2007 @ 1:20 am

    The house always takes it’s 2 points, or “juice” for the bet. So basically, you pay $102 to win $100 on Koby to win, which is basically even odds, and you need to bet $114 to win $100 if he loses. This is where the money is made by them, the juice. So it is in their best interest to get as many people betting for him to win as there are for him to lose. (well, at least the same amount of money being bet on each side)

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