Hofmann Hot Dogs has produced a one minute commercial starring Takeru Kobayashi. Awful Advertisments has a blog entry about the ad.


  1. Wasn't that the guy? said

    September 18, 2012 @ 4:52 pm

    As the article points out: “But, in recent years, Kobayashi’s supernova has faded. He’s been surpassed by American Joey Chestnut as the top competitive eater in the world and had a series of ugly disputes that has tainted the sanctity of competitive eating.” Yeah, that pretty much sums Kobi’s career now. Sad, that the once best eater in the world has turned into a embarrassing washed up pitchman for a fourth rate hot dog brand mainly because of poor management decisions that selfishly “tainted” competitive eating as whole. That’s not me saying that, that’s how this reporter and those outside competitive eating view him. Now, Kobi still desperately uses his fame gained through Nathan’s as crutch for a collapsing career, ginned up contests against nobodies, and sad eating demos at state fairs, college campuses, and minor league baseball games. The last Nathan’s he won was a half a decade ago, yet it he still uses it as his high water mark because he’s done nothing of note since. Storming the stage at Nathan’s, phoney same day MLE contests like Crif Dogs and turkey eating, I could go on, brings to mind the sad drunk at the end of the bar — “Look at me! I used to be a somebody!” Note to Joey: When it’s time to go, Kobi showed how not to do it. Leave with class.

  2. Anonymous said

    September 18, 2012 @ 4:53 pm

    You have to give full credit to Hofmann hotdogs for one thing, a brilliant decision. Kobayashi says not a word in any language. I wonder how long he plans to stay in the US. But then what would he do in Japan? He has never had a job after college outside of competitive eating. And CE is over in Japan. Not sure if he had stayed with MLE whether or not he would have been any better off though. LIkely if he is getting big appearance fees, all together he is better off independent.

  3. anonymous said

    September 18, 2012 @ 5:52 pm

    Here’s another question: I guess we’re supposed to believe that the hot dogs he scarfs down without the buns aren’t his preferred brand, Hofmann’s? And where was his restraint at the New York State Fair?

  4. Anonymous said

    September 18, 2012 @ 5:59 pm

    Going to have to try Hoffmans hot dog and the mustard. So Kobi as a spokesman has worked on me. Whty wouldn’t you try it? Maybe just a ordinary dog but Nathans is just a generic blah tasting hot dog with creative advertising other than that you might as well buy the store brand.

  5. Anonymous said

    September 18, 2012 @ 6:59 pm

    Koby may end up SERVING fast food if he’s not careful. Does he have a trade?

  6. BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)

    September 18, 2012 @ 7:51 pm

    One report says that and that’s what all media thinks? LOL Most people outside of the CE world think he’s still the Nathan’s champ.
    No one really knows much about the inner workings of CE cause they’re not really interested in it.
    At any rate, I like the commercial spot.

  7. Anonymous said

    September 18, 2012 @ 8:05 pm

    Competitive eating is shrinking, not growing. Japan got it right.

  8. Anonymous said

    September 18, 2012 @ 11:59 pm

    Does Koby have a trade..WTH!? He is going to make millions from Hofmann as he rightfully should. Nathensgives the eaters table scraps compare to what the sheas and the company makes as a whole. Koby has the balls to do and did what chestnut would never dream of doing, and joey talks about loyalty. What a joke. I tried a Hofmann and they taste awesome unlike the nasty hotdogs that come the the most sick greedy company on earth that behind closed doors is laughing at how retarded the eaters are excepting the pennies their paid all the while they make the brand millions of dollars.

  9. Anonymous said

    September 19, 2012 @ 1:18 am

    Anon 11:59 definitly doesn’t sound bias….

  10. Anonymous said

    September 19, 2012 @ 3:25 am

    Millions? I don’t know about that. For his sake that would be nice, I would wish him well. It is a clever marketing scheme on Hofmann’s part but the results are unknown. Maybe Kobayashi will marry his manager, she has style for sure and is responsible for many of his connections and his wardrobe. He would not have to worry about renewing his visa, would get an automatic one as spouse. The Hofmann’s company has big bucks too, as individuals. They are only paying one person. His stake is small, 2% specifically but 2% of what, these are wealthy investment people, they know not to give away the store and surely have a good idea of what his participation might be worth. Basically what 11:59 is saying is that Nathans is a huge wealthy corporation (It is) and the eaters for their contest get what? they get hotdogs. Nathans is known to be sharp with a pencil, the principals are simply not generous people, but competitive eating isn’t a huge part of their company push. It’s a business. MLE is a business. Hofmann’s is a business, Crif is a business, the point is that they are not social work agencies or a democracy where everyone gets treated equally and democratically.

  11. the great gavonne said

    September 19, 2012 @ 6:25 am

    I feel like I’m in the ‘Twilight Zone’ when the comment that makes the most sense comes from “Slender” Millender but that’s about the size of it.I’ll try Hoffman’s but I doubt I’ll give up my Ballpark Angus Hot Dogs.KOBY RULES!!!

  12. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    September 19, 2012 @ 6:53 am

    Just speaking for me, Nathan’s are the best hot dogs I have ever eaten. I’ve been told that Hebrew National dogs are better; I’ve yet to try them. Until this year, I had never heard of Hofmann’s dogs, but I would certainly give them a try. I hope Koby does make a little coin on this venture. He deserves it.

    For my money, IMHO, regardless of Koby’s English-speaking ability, you put him in front of an audience or a camera, and with minimum guidance, he will not only entertain you, but give you a quality product. Sonya is the same way. People are drawn to them, probably more than any other two competitive eaters. I loved the commercial Koby made for Coors Light, even though it never aired.

  13. Ben Dover said

    September 19, 2012 @ 4:15 pm

    “This year, Kobayashi decided to organize the Crif Dogs event, which he says “allows anyone to compete, free from any restrictions related with contracts.”
    — Japan Times, July 5, 2012

    I’ll bet Crif Dogs wish they had Kobayashi sign a contract now. But, that’s what you get dealing with someone with no sense of loyalty. For a small company, Crif Dogs dumped a lot of money into their event and wanted to make the Classic a yearly thing. Now they’re screwed. West Coast is already screwed. Also, Kobi loves to publically blame Nathan’s, a company which helped make him famous, for his own misguided decisions. Get ready Hoffman’s to assume the position like everyone else who ever dealt with Kobi. Kobi comes off as a nice guy when you meet him, but would selfishly screw anyone when their back is turned. Remember that independent eaters when Kobi tries to use you and begs you to participate for his own credibility with the media.

  14. Anonymous said

    September 19, 2012 @ 4:38 pm

    Well written Ben!

  15. Ben Dover said

    September 19, 2012 @ 5:32 pm

    Thanks Anony 4:38. They probably don’t have the money to get all lawyered up, but if I were Crif Dogs I would sue Kobi and his “Team Kobi” for breach of a verbal contract and try to get back the money they put into the Classic and the possiblity of future contests that in many public statements Kobi himself organized at Crif Dogs’ expense. At least it might get him sent back to Japan where Kobi can’t publically embarrass Crif Dogs claiming Hoffman’s are the best dogs. Clearly, Kobi told Crif Dogs that the Classic would be a yearly event calling it a “First Annual” event. Just a month after the Classic Kobi was in bed Hoffman’s. Yet, maybe Crif Dogs should have seen the precedent when “Free Kobi” tried to blame Nathan’s, a company he had nearly a decade long relation with, for not allowing him to participate in the contest because of phoney claims of not wanting to sign a contract. Then just two years later Kobi signs a contract with a potential competing hot dog company. We know now the Nathan’s dust up was just excuse because he couldn’t stand not being number one and needed a patsy to leave MLE. My only satisfaction is the Hoffman thing is teaching the Kobi Kool Aid crowd of Kobi’s truer nature. This is one instance where a dog slept with Kobi and the dog got fleas.

  16. Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)

    September 19, 2012 @ 6:08 pm

    Did anyone really think Crif would continue?! 2 locations & the event was held at a pizza place. Has everyone been paid? Or, was it like that pizza place in AC?

    I have not had Hofmanns yet, but if I saw a Kobayashi branded hot dog, I would certainly give it a shot, even if it was more expensive. Kobi should make significantly more money in his current situation, than if he had remained w/ifoce & Nathans. Also, I’d be confident that he will never be forced to leave the USA.

    Kobi, myself & I’m sure many others don’t have a problem signing a contract, but it has to be FAIR, not super one sided. How is that so difficult to understand?

    Kobi made Nathan’s millions of dollars. Like Hofmanns, before Kobi it was mostly a regional brand.

    Seems like Ben Dover is a Shea, or closely connected.

  17. Anonymous said

    September 19, 2012 @ 6:15 pm

    Ben Dover wants to see Kobi bend over.

  18. Anonymous said

    September 19, 2012 @ 7:24 pm

    Menchetti is confident that he will never be asked to leave the USA? He obviously knows nothing about Kobayashi’s visa status. Kobayashi has a three year special visa which is yes, renewable potentially for another two years. After that he is done unless he marries an American. He can stay, he could even become an American citizen but Japanese are not allowed dual citizenship. He would have to give up his Japanese citizenship, and what kind of job might he have here, how will he make money every year, year after year? Keep dreaming Joe Menchetti, Ben Dover is not a Shea and Koby alone did not make millions of dollars for Nathans. Others did, even other Japanese, but no, he is not solely responsible for the huge growth of Nathans. I would bet GJoe’s scalp on that.

  19. Anonymous said

    September 19, 2012 @ 9:14 pm

    By creating a separate Hofmann’s division to make Kobi dogs, Maggie may have set him up to get an entreprenuer visa. The division will create new jobs, and new money for Hofmann. Unfortunately, I think we’re stuck with him forever. Unless the whole thing folds, of course.

  20. the great gavonne said

    September 19, 2012 @ 11:47 pm

    Funniest thing I’ve heard all week: Menchetti giving legal advice-that’s like asking Charles Manson to be your lawyer.
    I’d marry Koby for the right price-keep that in mind, Champ, when your visa is up.(Me love u long time)
    I’ve never seen Hofmann’s in any local supermarket & I doubt I will anytime soon.Nathan’s has been a national brand for decades-somebody has trouble with facts & the truth-no surprise in that, is there?

  21. anonymous said

    September 20, 2012 @ 6:22 am

    Gavoone i think you owe Mr Menchetti an apology for some of the nasty comments you wrote about him

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