Teddy won first place and a prize of $250 in a Dagwood eating contest held Saturday at Lucky Dill in St. Petersburg, FL. Stephanie Torres was runner up and Craig Reed was 3rd.
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Anonymous said
December 11, 2012 @ 3:11 pm
Good job teddy!
Average People Eating said
December 11, 2012 @ 3:48 pm
The number one APE eater in the world can’t beat “Teddy?”
Anonymous said
December 11, 2012 @ 4:37 pm
Teddy is so popular he does not need a last name.
Sarcasm said
December 11, 2012 @ 4:47 pm
Man, I bet MLE is really regreting loseing such a valuable asset.
Potential to be better then Sonya Thomas. Yep.
Anonymous said
December 11, 2012 @ 8:38 pm
She already is better. Torres is the best female competitive eater in history. The IFOCE made a huge mistake.
Anonymous said
December 12, 2012 @ 4:47 am
@838 Torres is undeniably a great great eater but better than Sonya Thomas what are smoking lol….. and who is Teddy ????!?!!?
jig said
December 12, 2012 @ 5:46 am
Maybe in 12th grade History.
Anonymous said
December 12, 2012 @ 10:49 am
MLE would not possibly regret letting someone go or casting them out even if she were actually a better eater than Sonya Thomas or anyone else including Joey Chestnut if that person went against MLE contract. Period, amen. No one, not one person is irreplaceable, there are always other eaters to take their place, always, always, always. MLE are the Masters of Spin. What Torres did was completely and beyond unacceptable. Foolish youthful mistake, perhaps, but this is not a court, second chance with a judgment. Do the crime, you do the time or are cast out. Her misdeeds were especially ridiculously poorly executed. But likely she is better off anyway.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 12, 2012 @ 12:14 pm
It is true that no one is irreplaceable in any field or endeavor. No one person is singly responsible for the success of any business or team (though Adrian Peterson makes me think twice).
But I do believe that it might be a few years before someone comes along, whose talent can rival that of Takeru Kobayashi, Joey Chestnut, or Sonya Thomas.
You know you’re pretty good when it’s major news when you don’t win.
Average People Eating said
December 12, 2012 @ 3:00 pm
As Rhonda pointed out, “You know you’re pretty good when it’s major news when you don’t win.” True. If Sonya Thomas loses to some joker off the street named “Teddy,” now that’s major news. Torres losing to Teddy, besides this site, who cares. The proof is that you can’t even find a local story about Teddy or Stephanie on this Lucky Dill debacle. Torres losing to Teddy suddenly thrusts APE into the credibility category of the Boone league. Everyone knows APE will do press releases about their eaters world records and accomplishments at the drop of hat. Then how come no APE press release about Teddy beating their number one eater? How come no press release regarding Teddy’s new world record? Seriously, as a sponsor what exactly do you get when you pay APE to promote your event, a “number one eater” named Stephanie Torres that can’t even beat some guy off the street? This contest finally answers the old argument on EATFEATS about APE compared to MLE eaters. Now it’s clear, APE eaters are just MLE wannabe copycats that aren’t good enough to join or stay with the MLE. The lesson is, if you’re going to have a league of professional eaters you might want to first get some top professionals eaters that can at least beat amateurs.
Anonymous said
December 12, 2012 @ 3:30 pm
the contest was supposed to pay $500 for first. maybe she had already planned the trip and let a local take first after the prize was changed?
Average People Eating said
December 12, 2012 @ 4:43 pm
Whoa 3:30, are you trying to tell people that the APE number one eater in the world Stephanie Torres first pays to go to St. Pete, FL, for a $500 prize. Upon arriving at Lucky Dill’s she finds the prize is reduced by half to $250. Torres then pays $20 to enter the contest. Then, out of the goodness of heart, she lets some dude named Teddy embarrassingly step on her number one title to pocket a net $80. Sounds logical. Do you apply the same type logic when you try get some sucker to sponsor an APE eating contest?
Anonymous said
December 12, 2012 @ 9:06 pm
are you really telling me you don’t think she could eat a 3lb deli sandwich in under 11 min? someone that can break 30 dogs in 10 minutes? do you apply that logic when making internet posts?
anonymous said
December 13, 2012 @ 4:00 am
average people eating, stephanie never pays out of her own pocket to travel anywhere . Duh wake up and smell the shit
Average People Eating said
December 13, 2012 @ 11:35 am
Well who ever paid Stephanie’s way to St. Pete sure got suckered. What did they get for their money? No media coverage and some dude off the street beats her as APE’s number one eater. Yes, Stephanie is an above average. But Stephanie’s not number one at anything. She knew that and that’s why she got herself bounced out of MLE to eat against the APE team of jokers. I take that back, she may actually be number one right now at fooling people like any sponsor stupid enough to have APE promote their competition as demonstrated by someone actually paying Stephanie to go to St. Pete. I can’t blame her though, she’s just following the Kobayashi, “Furious” Pete model — if you eat enough against bad eaters some sucker might actually believe you are the top eater. Lot’s of good eaters do that, Jamie McDonald learned early on he couldn’t compete against top MLE eaters, that’s why he didn’t join MLE. Someday, Jamie will go around and tell people he’s the top eater in the world or join some bogus league like APE that will give him the title. It’s kind of sad though when an eater like Dahl actually believes they are a top eater. Dahl went around telling everyone he was the number one eater in the world until he ate against a barely-top-20-MLE reject like Stephanie.
Anonymous said
December 13, 2012 @ 12:29 pm
average people eating, it sounds like you spend too much time inside thinking about comp eating and not enough time in the sunlight and socializing. You also sound very angry about anything but MLE. Is your sky falling?
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 13, 2012 @ 12:39 pm
APE I don’t believe any of the eaters you mention in your 11:35 post think along those lines. In my estimation each of them is more concerned about having fun and making a little coin when possible.
Save Kobayashi, Pete, Jamie, Steph, or Eric, IMHO, are about as concerned with rankings as deciding what to wear each morning, which I believe is as it should be. Kobayashi is more concerned with rankings / being ranked at less than #1 it, but he is a living legend. And still is arguably the world’s best eater in many people’s minds.
If I were to follow in the footsteps of an eater, and that eater happened to be Koby, Pete, Jamie, or Eric, I’d be pretty happy.
Anonymous said
December 13, 2012 @ 1:40 pm
I think Kobi probably is very concerned with what he wears each morning, hes a male model now!
Craig Reed said (Registered February 21, 2009)
December 13, 2012 @ 4:29 pm
APE, you obviously don’t know Steph or what you’re talking about.
Craig Reed said (Registered February 21, 2009)
December 13, 2012 @ 5:14 pm
You guys!!! I totally found out who APE is!!!!
anonymous said
December 14, 2012 @ 11:21 am
who cares shutup
Anonymous said
December 15, 2012 @ 5:19 pm
Around here, none of the I.F.O.C.E. ladies get any respect. This sight seems to have a hankering to avoid finding anything good about them.
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
December 16, 2012 @ 1:26 am
pretty confident that Stephanie is the real deal. Everybody has a bad day, sometimes its the schmoes running the contest who cant get things right. Teddy gets a smiley face today.
hot off press said
December 16, 2012 @ 8:17 am
Siken informed me that he saw the shredder for a second or two yesterday in long island. . Shredder parked right next to him said something to his wife about meeting her in the bank and completely ignored serken
anonymous said
December 16, 2012 @ 9:15 am
Wow what a spit in the face to a legend . How can someone be that mean
Anonymous said
December 16, 2012 @ 9:34 am
Hey Seiken, what are you doing in Shredder’s neighborhood, stalking him or did you just take a wrong turn in Bensonhurst?
beautifulbrian said
December 16, 2012 @ 10:31 am
That is true i was there.. I wasnt stalking anyone i happen to like Shoprite and the deli a few blocks away. . I shop there maybe once a month.I was playing with my GPS and for a split second i looked up and realized it was him. The one and only protege of Ed Jarvis.Honestly i think its an outrage and lack of total common courtesy on his part not to say hello even if you hate someone . I expect that from Stephanie Torres but hes a little older than her. He might have not realized he was parked next to me . Even if he did he would have ignored me anyway. I wasnt in the mood for negative confrontations so once i detected the face and voice i zoomed out of there
whaaaaaat? said
December 16, 2012 @ 10:33 am
This “Snub” from Shredder should make front page headlines in the Daily News. Shredder snubs Siken Mayor Bloomberg will hear about this .That you can bet on
Anonymous said
December 16, 2012 @ 11:15 am
OMG another thread hijacked by the same sad human being. On and on and on…. he doesn’t get it.
Dollars to donuts 817, 915, and 1031 are from the same douche as always… wow he is some kind of lonely. Very sad…. someone hug this dude…
I don't buy it.. said
December 16, 2012 @ 1:51 pm
Come on Seiken, are you saying that there aren’t any decent supermarkets and deli where you live? Admit it, you go there hoping to run into the Shredder. You should have just went up to him and said hello. I doubt he even saw you.
Anonymous said
December 16, 2012 @ 3:13 pm
Can’t we all be friends. This is competitive eating for crying out loud, what a stupid silly thing to be fussing over.
anonymous said
December 16, 2012 @ 3:17 pm
Listen i am by no means taking Seiken side but i have been to Brooklyn supermarkets and the food taste like it came from Long Island Shoprite , but tastes like it came from there two weeks later. Food is not fresh especially Shop and Stops. There is a shoprite iin Brooklyn but the element that shops there is as stale as the food
beautifulbrian said
December 16, 2012 @ 3:23 pm
I have a life you asshole. I have tons of things on my plate. If you think that is all i have to do is make a Ihr trip from Brooklyn to Plainview Long Island in the hope that i might be able to get a glimpse of the Shredder , then you are f— up Someone should hijack you and cut your fingers off so you cant use the keypad anymore. He doesnt get it he doesnt get it. Same line come up with something else so i could be better entertained
Appauling said
December 16, 2012 @ 4:38 pm
Why.is this even being addressed? Why make it public?
Evaluator said
December 16, 2012 @ 4:44 pm
Teddy is a force to be reckoned with.
Anonymous said
December 16, 2012 @ 6:02 pm
Brooklyn? Didn’t Seiken move to Jersey?
anonymous said
December 16, 2012 @ 8:11 pm
I think he still lives in Brooklyn.
anonymous said
December 16, 2012 @ 8:15 pm
Good point . Why is this even being addressed? I think i know why. it is because this thread is about as pointless as Seiken getting snubbed by Shredder. Boring =Boring
Anonymous said
December 16, 2012 @ 8:31 pm
Seiken should be banned from this site. It is not here to entertain him nor should anyone have to read his ridiculously rude and disrespectful lashing out.
anonymous said
December 16, 2012 @ 9:00 pm
Shredder making believe he did not see Seiken is horrific news. I would make an issue out of it
Craig Reed said (Registered February 21, 2009)
December 17, 2012 @ 9:48 am
“Seiken should be banned from this site. It is not here to entertain him nor should anyone have to read his ridiculously rude and disrespectful lashing out.”
This should be the next poll.
Anonymous said
December 17, 2012 @ 2:51 pm
Let me cast a vote in favor of banning but let’s be democratic and give everyone a chance to vote. He thinks he can slam everyone yet thinks he is the victim. Makes zero sense. He claims to have fans but slams everyone on his own site.
seiken fan club said
December 17, 2012 @ 3:46 pm
Who is craig reed and why should he have a say in anything? For one he can’t eat and he can’t even make money as a weird al yankovic lookalike
Anonymous said
December 17, 2012 @ 4:34 pm
Well Mr. Seiken aka seiken fan club and even if not, everyone should have a say. I wish everyone would have their say with respect, something Mr. Seiken shows no evidence of understanding.
Anonymous said
December 17, 2012 @ 11:01 pm
No one should be censored for any reason not even, in fact especially not Brian Seiken, Joe Rose, or the make believe anonymous poster who picked the name Rhonda Evans. They are all “special” in their way right? These folks get enjoyment from posting and knowing that makes me happy even though I may not always agree with what they post. Hey you can’t take any of them to seriously which is odd really because that is what they truly desire the most… to be valid.
Anonymous said
December 18, 2012 @ 2:41 am
Is it going to be a CE first when Brian gets bitch slapped next 4th of July? US Male won’t be able to save him next time.
Anonymous said
December 18, 2012 @ 2:42 am
Stick with MLE contests Cry Baby Brian, they’re the only thing that protect you.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 18, 2012 @ 7:01 am
Thanks A 11:01. While I cannot and will not speak for anyone else, my every sense of self worth hangs on the validity at which I feel that I am perceived here.
I just don’t think I could take it if my words weren’t taken seriously; it would be hard for me to go on.
Anonymous said
December 18, 2012 @ 11:51 am
Go Rhonda Evans, I just love your sense of humor and irony.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
December 18, 2012 @ 12:30 pm
Thanks 11:51. I call it verbal judo—-using others’ own negative verbal energy against them without expending much of my own; I’ve better things to attend to.
More importantly, I find that having a sense of humor can often transform mere existence into fruitful thriving. I choose the latter.
Anyone who waits in ambush for (perceived) opportunities to lambast others has chosen the former. What sad and shallow lives they must live.
anonymous said
December 18, 2012 @ 1:56 pm
Rhonda , waiting in ambush to lambast others seems to be the norm on here when it comes to Seiken. Honestly what did that man ever do to anyone that would make them so upset?. Sad shallow lives indeed
Anonymous said
December 18, 2012 @ 2:40 pm
Oh come on 1:56, whoever you are, just read what he writes on his own website. He is the most negative horrid stir up the yuck overall that I have ever encountered. If he gives a compliment, it is almost always grudgingly and with some negative. He wants, wants, wants for himself and does not take responsibility for the horrid things he says and personal things he reveals when he should not. Then he says well, I just tell it like it is and if anyone objects, too damn bad. You cannot have it both ways. That is what he wants, to be praised but take potshots and worse at almost everyone else, then complain that he is being victimized. And he does it again and again. He just will never quit. History shows that. Please, do not be ridiculous. Rhonda gives him the benefit of the doubt from time to time as she is generous, I have given up. Anonymous or not matters not one bit. He shows utter disrespect and disregard for people period.
Anonymous said
December 18, 2012 @ 8:23 pm
Add 1:56 to another seiken post in the third party . He doesn’t get it! Hmmm?
When a individual who “doesn’t get it” like seiken doesn’t get it and is always posting about himself in the third party it is with out a doubt a form of autism. Studies have shown “Third party speaking (posting) occurs within pervasive developmental disorders of the autism spectrum”.
anonymous said
December 18, 2012 @ 10:08 pm
Proves how popular seiken is and how uninteresting this site is if he remains the center of attention. Thought this thread was about Stephanie Torres ? Seems that everyone is fixated on his every move. . Sorry this isn’t Seiken
anonymous said
December 18, 2012 @ 10:10 pm
Studies have shown you copy paste that comment from Wikipedia. I saw the same thing
Humm said
December 18, 2012 @ 10:40 pm
Sybil Seiken?
C'mon guys said
December 19, 2012 @ 11:51 am
You guys just need to stop talking about him. Narcissists don’t care if you don’t say bad or good things about them, just as long as you say anything about them. The worst thing you could do to a narcissist such as him is not recognize his behaviors, good or bad. To be ignored is his greatest fear. He has no talent for eating, writing, or any insight into competitive eating, so really why give him any attention. If you ignore him, he will act up for a time, usually with profanity, unacceptable behavior for attention, and try to inject crazy behaviors for a reaction from normal people, such as his “Oink, Oink,” comments, etc. But if you do ignore him, he will eventually move on to somewhere else that will give him the attention he craves. So just ignore him and move on. If you want to truly punish him, don’t even recognize that he exists.
Anonymous said
December 19, 2012 @ 2:43 pm
11:51 makes full sense. I for one am going to try to do exactly that, just ignore him. He is many things described including a bully, and the thing a bully hates applies also. Ignore them even though you really want to make them stop and they will go away and go to try to bully someone else. It is a shame but there is nothing one can do with a Seiken except what is suggested. Let him rant and not respond. Let him talk to himself and answer himself. He is transparent.
beautifulbrian said
December 19, 2012 @ 3:38 pm
Good point Rona aka 243 . I truly pity you. 72 yr old woman with nothing better to do with her life. To Oj rifk in and the rest of the haters you will never stop me from telling it like it is. I actually thank you for all the attetion I am getting. Not here but on my site. In just 2 days your rants have increased my traffic 40 %. Ill post the chart on my site later tonight. To my fans keep on trucking. Ha ha ha
Bri-Bri said
December 19, 2012 @ 4:05 pm
So don’t be to hard on him.
Thsi is not Seiken .
C'mon guys said
December 19, 2012 @ 5:01 pm
Back to the subject of Stephanie Torres. Did anybody ever consider that due to Stephie’s shananagins — wearing a wig and using an alias at some rinky dink contest immediately following her free trip to New York and $2500.00 prize money — now it’s nearly impossible for any current independent to be allowed to qualify for Nathan’s? MLE won’t make that mistake again. So, if somebody like a Jamie McDonald hopes to someday compete at Nathan’s, it ain’t going to happen. They’re too much of a risk. Get their name out there on the biggest stage in competitive eating at the expense of Nathan’s, then bolt back to the indie circuit.
Anonymous said
December 19, 2012 @ 7:30 pm
Is Nathan’s really such a big deal except for the male winner? I don’t think so.
Anonymous said
December 19, 2012 @ 9:43 pm
If you think Nathan’s isn’t a big deal in competitive eating, your either stupid or ignorant.
anonymous said
December 19, 2012 @ 10:00 pm
Narcissist never apologize for wrongdoing. Seiken does. There are plenty of narcissists other than Seiken . Shall I name names ?
anonymous said
December 19, 2012 @ 10:05 pm
I have to admit goldstein not saying hello to seiken was a spit in the face. How llong has he known him hmmm? Hmmm?
anonymous said
December 19, 2012 @ 10:07 pm
If I were Seiken I would have spit in his face for not saying hello
Anonymous said
December 20, 2012 @ 8:20 am
Seiken needs to shop in his own neighborhood and stop looking for trouble. Shredder moved on, now so should he.
anonymous said
December 20, 2012 @ 9:55 am
Nothing like Shoprite in Plainview LI