Epicurious: Joey to do ramen noodles
Epicurious has a preview of tomorrow’s ramen noodle contest which states that 9 eaters will compete in that event. Joey Chestnut is the only entrant listed who was not in the original press release, leaving 3 other unnamed eaters. A picture of Kevin Carr at the 2004 noodle contest appears in the preview.
updateNYMag.com also has a preview:
This masticating Felix and Oscar have been competing against each other frequently, with the younger, leaner, but less eloquent Janus trumping Conti every time. (The elder statesmen of the New York competitive-eating scene, such preening behemoths as Ed “Cookie” Jarvis, Eric “Badlands” Booker, and “Hungry Charles” Hardy, are now retired from the game.) World champion Joey Chestnut, the man who returned the Nathan’s Mustard Yellow Belt to America, will likely win the contest, but he doesn’t count. He’s from California.
Rhonda Evans said
October 26, 2007 @ 1:42 pm
Ed I have the utmost respect for you. When you and Badlands post on this site I feel like I am in with celebrities, because that’s what you two are to me.
When I see posts from people criticizing grammar and spelling I want to reverse my breakfast. Surely such people have better things to do.
I do hope that someday you and BB work things out. I don’t know him, but I’m a pretty good judge of character, based on what I see, hear, and read, and I think that he’s (like you) a really good guy who means well. He’s very sensitive, as are all of us, about something or other, or else we wouldn’t be human.
Rhonda Evans said
October 26, 2007 @ 1:53 pm
I’m surprised that Joey (or Pat) would be “allowed” to eat in the contest, because it seems that there would be a greater need for one or both of them to arrive in Chatty a day early to promote the contest with interviews, radio and T.V. appearances, etc.
See, that’s what I mean. As great of an eater Joey is, and he is the best right now, as we speak, he doesn’t have the clout or popularity of a Kobayashi. (But he may achieve it in time.) If he did, it would be insisted upon that he be in Chatty doing them.
Having said that, I now half way expect Sonya and/or Juliet to compete in noodles. If they do, watch for both of them to put on a clinic for eating with chopsticks.
Hall "Hoover" Hunt said (Registered July 13, 2006)
October 26, 2007 @ 1:53 pm
Nice Kevin! Are you getting a chance to compete in this?
PS I love the eatcasts.
beautifulbrian said
October 26, 2007 @ 1:57 pm
I think OJ closed the thread because that horrendous spelling from Jarvis was killing him and the fans of this site . It’s worse than bad breath. Now its plain as the picture in front of you that this organization could care less whether two of their members tear each other to pieces.Not one person tried to break this up or come to either one’s defense. It might make a great future rivalry for a dvd or a high def show in which the participants wont get a dime for for doing it. Just to clear the air about the MLE dvd . I was not the one that initially bitched about compenstation. It was the party i just mentioned that became infuriated about it and posted commentary regarding a lawsuit on his website . I am sorry i ever came to his defense nor will i come to anyone in the IFOCE’s defense unless i am sure they are true blue friends. Now you know the rest of the story and the true colors of a certain individual . BTW i am positive that emails and phone calls were placed by that individual to every single IFOCE member and the organization as a whole in an attempt to blackball me frp, CE completely. He didnt mention that before he apologized to Rhonda and told me to have a nice life.
comprende? said
October 26, 2007 @ 2:00 pm
“By the way, the eater in the photo on top, stuffing himself with noodles, is Kevin “The Carburetor” Carr of Columbus, Ohio, in 2004. He won’t be at the noodle-ninja contest. In the photo above, he’s only moments away from suffering what’s known in the circuit as a “reversal of fortune.” According to his MLE bio, his wife and child got to share that special moment.”
wahhhhh said
October 26, 2007 @ 2:16 pm
brian its because it is entertaining to watch you guys bitch between yourselves about nothing important…………….
beautifulbrian said
October 26, 2007 @ 2:17 pm
The real reason i wanted to do noodles is a second shot at the contest i couldnt attend in 2004 .That was the only reason along with convien transportation I realize the current lineup is way better competition i would be facing than the first time around but at least i would hold my own. The only consolation would be to lure Brian Subich , Brett Barna(if he still exists) Kevin Carr and Jim Reeves to do this one more time in our own private location other than Ohio . We can have our own little noodle championship. The hell with what anyone else thinks.
Eric Duclos said
October 26, 2007 @ 2:20 pm
If the bowls are 1 pound of noodles and broth as they are described in the article and you have to use chopsticks to eat the noodles, how is the weight of the broth being accounted for?
beautifulbrian said
October 26, 2007 @ 2:21 pm
Wahh i know . I enjoyed every minute of it myself . I would do it over in a heartbeat.
Mega Munch said
October 26, 2007 @ 2:51 pm
Is it smart for Joey to gorge himself on noodles and sodium the day before a major eating contest? Arguably a contest in which his #1 ranking is at risk? I don’t think it is.
Mega Munch said
October 26, 2007 @ 2:52 pm
Unless he, well, you know…afterwards.
Jake from SF said
October 26, 2007 @ 2:53 pm
At the risk of being threatened physical harm by brian again, I would like to know how much of brian’s literary garbage he acutally believes himself and how much he writes to rile people up?
Rhonda Evans said
October 26, 2007 @ 2:54 pm
I bet you don’t have to worry about the broth. Most noodles I have ever eaten soak up the broth fairly readily. I think the preparers need to exercise care to make sure that the same amount of both noodles and broth go in each bowl, however.
Mr Wright said
October 26, 2007 @ 2:56 pm
The IFOCE went to waldbaum’s or shop n stop and bought the 6 packs of ramen noodles for a $1. Its usually on sale for that amount. When they hype the event that day , whomever is announcing will make up some story the noodles have been specially prepared by a chef like maybe chef boy ar’dee
Philly Guy said
October 26, 2007 @ 2:56 pm
I gotta get me into some good old IFOCE stock footage.
Kevin Carr said
October 26, 2007 @ 4:37 pm
Sadly, they are correct when they say I won’t be there. I think they just used the pic because it’s the only one with noodles, although those Shanghai noodles are quite different from Ramen noodles.
Would have been nice to go, though. Good luck to the competitors. I predict poundage reports between 15 and 20.
donmoseslerman said
October 26, 2007 @ 8:02 pm
So Joey Chestnut is going to do the ramen noodles thats like a kentucky derby caliber horse competing in a claiming race .why dont he stay home and leave a piece of the cake for the locals…..Don Lerman
I know Krystal said
October 26, 2007 @ 8:11 pm
Joey (and Pat) arrived to Chattanooga on Friday to do press interviews for Krystal Square Off so doubt they are competing in Noodle contest
badlands Booker said
October 26, 2007 @ 10:56 pm
Good luck to everyone competing in Ramen Noodles tomorrow and Krystals on Sunday. May the best Gurgitator prevail