Beautiful Brian sings & other holiday treats

On the home page of, Brian sings “White Christmas” while playing piano.

Brian also has a “director’s cut” of last year’s Christmas episode featuring extended interviews with Juliet Lee and Seaver Miller and a commentary about what goes on behind the scenes in producing an episode along with an excerpt of the Charles Hardy / Dale Boone verbal fracas on youtube.

Comments (6)


  1. Eyesore Forsure said

    December 9, 2007 @ 9:09 am

    Brian has great info, and I want to read it, but, can’t he put this stuff into human paragraphs? Trying to read his blog without my eyes going crossed, and losing my place 39 times, is a challenge.

  2. Anonymous said

    December 9, 2007 @ 5:19 pm

    My post was deleted. So let me try this: Oh Briam, you are so great. No one can compare to you.

    Perhaps these lies will get posted. Lets see.


  3. anonymous said

    December 10, 2007 @ 12:29 am

    Eyesore unless you are a college professor grading an english term report , there is nothing really wrong with Brian’s paragraphs. Aside from a few typo errors which is common on this site , i understood every word he wrote without crossing my eyes. Would you prefer mosesnews? Lets see if you can make heads or tails out of that

  4. donmoseslerman said

    December 10, 2007 @ 5:19 am

    to anonymous12’29 in the future use an another example other than my site show errors , someone once told me that when someone critise you , that somone had criitisized them for the same thing . my site is in the top 3 of competitive eating sites and I know that by the sitemeter..don lerman

  5. anonymous said

    December 10, 2007 @ 10:21 am

    That is correct what Mr Lerman said. I read on BB bits and pieces that he was mocked by a former CE who more than likely was mocked as a teen for the same reasons. It is one thing to poke fun at someone in friendly fashion but when its meant as a dig with hurtful intentions , then that insecure individual is a friend of noone.

  6. anonymous said

    December 11, 2007 @ 9:53 am

    The song white christmas has racial overtones to it

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