Brian Seiken on Sunrise qualifier controversy
Brian Seiken has a few more details about the controversial finish to the Nathan’s qualifier in Sunrise, Fl on Saturday. It is surprising that there are no articles, blog entries or buffet message board posts with additional details about this contest two days after it took place.
Bubba said (Registered January 8, 2006)
April 17, 2006 @ 3:18 pm
Yes it was a controversy!!
The good that come of this is these problems can be avoided in the future. Believe me when I say Jammin Joe has a legitamate gripe.
Now lets move on..
liz said
April 17, 2006 @ 3:19 pm
I know! I’m dying! We started coverage at Digest ( on hot dog season and will be posting about each qualifier.
Yo Mama said
April 17, 2006 @ 4:16 pm
Did the IFOCE tell the guys to not say anything or something like that? Bubba, Larry, Erik – these guys always have stats put up right away…
Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)
April 17, 2006 @ 5:05 pm
The only surprise is there hasn’t been a real controversy in a while.
Crazy legs has a long history of eating like a slob with a ton of detrius all over the place, having a dog or two on the floor, & 4 buns worth in a couple of cups.
Sadly, he’s not even the most slovenly eater… That award probably goes to Dale “Mouth O’ the South” Boone. In the Pelmeni contest that he was awarded a win in, he had so much sh*t all over the floor, I thought he threw up.
Johnny B said
April 17, 2006 @ 5:46 pm
Some eaters are messiers than others. They should crack down on it, but if the judges allow it there will be controversy and eaters should deal with it and discuss rules with the godfather and shea’s. Gi joe, you have been out of the big leagues for so long, you are in no position to talk smack. At least the above eaters arn’t playing in the little league.
TheLegend said (Registered November 22, 2005)
April 17, 2006 @ 8:43 pm
this evening was my first real chance to post, we left the event and drove from Miami to ATL on only a few hours of sleep from the night before …I spent Easter with my family and went to sleep at like 6 yesterday, got up and went to work…I have posted on the buffet for those interested… and I ate 10 yes 10 as i said on the buffet I by mistake opened the “whoop ass” can on myself…Time to start calling out Eater X and the Big Cock, consider yourself warned I am coming to Tamales to CRUSH YOU!!!!!!
The Sicilian said (Registered February 23, 2006)
April 17, 2006 @ 9:55 pm
Larry, I am sure you are pretty cool guy, and i have a lot of respect for your feats, but i am sorry to say this but the Big Cock is gonna do some damage witht the tamales. Pat and I did run through practicing for Bacci Pizza for fun. Let me just say this, he’s goning to break “The Locust’s” record in July. I was shocked at how he tore up the “X” amount of slices in 5 minutes. I had to stop to laugh my ass off in amazement. But keep up the the good work, Larry.
TheLegend said (Registered November 22, 2005)
April 17, 2006 @ 10:09 pm
I will tear the cock up
TheLegend said (Registered November 22, 2005)
April 17, 2006 @ 10:12 pm
ok i will blow the cock away
TheLegend said (Registered November 22, 2005)
April 17, 2006 @ 10:15 pm
or maybe the cock can shove it
TheLegend said (Registered November 22, 2005)
April 17, 2006 @ 10:16 pm
or maybe the cock will spew and then i win on DQ
TheLegend said (Registered November 22, 2005)
April 17, 2006 @ 10:17 pm
or the cock might blow his load early …and then i win
TheLegend said (Registered November 22, 2005)
April 17, 2006 @ 10:18 pm
good night …i am here every day
The Sicilian said (Registered February 23, 2006)
April 17, 2006 @ 11:35 pm
Ha ha lol, that is funny as hell, Larry. Thats everyones only hope, if he blows his load, which is rare. His capacity is wicked. I wish i could come out there but i can’t make it due to school. But Good luck!
beautifulbrian said
April 18, 2006 @ 2:47 am
For all the bashers via email and what not, let me say that you thick skulled idiots still think that what i write is a personal attack on the eaters. I was fed info on Crazy Legs Conti and the Sunrise qualfier and i think its the competitive eating community’s rights to hear whatever info i have gathered. I like Crazy Legs . I will always like him no matter how much he is accused of this and that. He has always treated me with respect and has been a friend to say the least. I have to print sensationalist material or else is worthless. If you want to live in la la land watch Mr Rogers or listen to cousin brucie . That is not the real world.
April 18, 2006 @ 6:29 am
TheLegend said (Registered November 22, 2005)
April 18, 2006 @ 8:50 am
I will be waiting…10 will be all i need to beat you since you will be puking you ignorant hillbilly
Bubba said (Registered January 8, 2006)
April 18, 2006 @ 8:54 am
Dale who says your going to get to eat!
Mr . Negativity said
April 18, 2006 @ 9:44 am
Oh god will someone give this man a course on spelling I dont think he ever went to school period! “LEASON”?
Mike R. Geller said
April 18, 2006 @ 10:28 am
Same can be said for DONMOSES NEWS. KOEBAICHI????? Where on earth did these idiots recieve their education . Notice how he gets “0” comments on his last 4 or 5 posts. Is there a need for anyone to respond to that utter stupidity
The Sicilian said (Registered February 23, 2006)
April 18, 2006 @ 2:46 pm
Hey Bubba, Larry, ….Dale needs to chill because if you guys want to what’s up with him, click here (or cut and paste)
the site has a pic that you may have already seen or haven’t. Enjoy
The Sicilian said (Registered February 23, 2006)
April 18, 2006 @ 2:48 pm
Hey Bubba, Larry, ….Dale needs to chill because if you guys want to know what’s up with him, click here (or cut and paste)
the site has a pic that you may have already seen or haven’t. Enjoy
The Profit said (Registered April 18, 2006)
April 18, 2006 @ 4:35 pm
I’m looking forward to seeing Larry and Tim in Houston, but I don’t have a clue as to who “Big Cock” is, and if he’s as big a threat as The Sicilian says he is I’d like to know a little more about him.
Bubba said (Registered January 8, 2006)
April 18, 2006 @ 4:37 pm
The BIG COCK is Patrick Bertolleti.
Skinnyboy said
April 18, 2006 @ 5:13 pm
So the IFOCE rankings page will soon list #4 as
4. Patrick “Big Cock” Bertoletti
TheLegend said (Registered November 22, 2005)
April 18, 2006 @ 6:30 pm
I may not make it to Houston now, should know by the end of the week
The Sicilian said
April 18, 2006 @ 9:50 pm
Damn, profit, haven’t you been up to date what has been going on with the IFOCE and its fierce eaters? You are the profit, last years Tamale champ right?
The Profit said (Registered April 18, 2006)
April 19, 2006 @ 11:23 am
I’ve been keeping up with what’s been posted on the IFOCE website, therefore I knew Pat was kicking ass. I just didn’t know he was going by “Big Cock”.
The Profit said (Registered April 18, 2006)
April 19, 2006 @ 11:39 am
And yes I am The Profit, last year’s Tamale Champ.
The Profit said (Registered April 18, 2006)
April 19, 2006 @ 12:27 pm
Pardon my poor spelling and the correction, but it’s actually The Prophet, as in a person that views the future rather than the gains of an investment.
Mr. Negativity said
April 19, 2006 @ 2:11 pm
What goes around comes around sooner or later the bad judgement calls and crowning of fake winners come back to haunt you. Would not be surprise if one by one eaters start to say enough of this shit im outta here
ojrifkin said (Registered July 27, 2005)
April 19, 2006 @ 3:18 pm
This is a reminder that posts containing IFOCE vs. AICE insults will not pass moderation.
a fan and follower of eating said
April 19, 2006 @ 4:42 pm
As far as this controversy goes, it seems that there has only been one side of the story revealed. We are all adults and can recognize that every event in life has several viewpoints and opinions. Since this is the very serious, and very professional sport of eating, we should compare it to other sports… All sports have close calls; all sports have calls that are not appreciated and approved by all participants, fans, and judges. However, what distinguishes a fine athelete is his sportsmanship in all cirumstances, win or lose. This should be acknowledged in this instance, in past contests, and future contests.
Unfortunately, not everyone can win. Unfortunately, controversy and unfair calls have affected EVERY eater (in this case, Mr. LaRue and in the past Mr. Conti). And FORTUNATELY, IFOCE (only used as a reference tool of the eaters in question in this specific controversy) eaters are all respectable athletes with good sportmanship attitudes (I realize that most would exclude Boone) who not only make up a fine eating orginization, but have an exceptional comaderie that should be valued above all else and is the more crucial experience in life.
Name calling and insults are not only unsportsmanlike, but cruel and unnecessary as well. All the banter makes everyone involved feel badly and only results in a negative projection on others’ lives and a spoiling of the sport. Eating should be pleasurable in all quantities.
Webtoon Oku said (Comment pending approval)
September 16, 2022 @ 5:18 am
Okumak istedi?iniz tüm Manga, Manhwa ve Webtoonlar? Manga Oku TR’de bulabilirsiniz. Ekibimiz büyük bir gayret ve heves ile tüm güncel bölümleri ???k h?z?nda okuyucular?mza ula?t?r?r. Manga Oku TR kullan?c?lar?na de?er veren bir sitedir.