Luckystroke Putt Club will hold a chicken wing eating contest on December 9 in Kemah, TX awarding $500 to the winner.


  1. Anonymous said

    December 8, 2023 @ 3:21 pm

    This is a good one for Moh. I’m sure he’s somewhere in Texas or Florida or Cali, where its warm outside, and can easily take home this prize if he finds a bus route or cheap Spirit airlines flight.

    Did anyone else seen the news that the FDA approved a cure for Sickle Cell Anemia today? It is a CRISPR treatment, so he will be able to access this breakthrough cure and no longer need to eat 24/7!! (although, I never understood why he told people he has Sickle Cell–it doesn’t contribute to any need to eat more or “malabsorption”. I wonder if the FDA is working on any cure for scarring on middle finger knuckles? I hope so, for Moh’s sake. Worried that open wound might get infected if it doesn’t heal itself…

  2. Anonymous said

    December 8, 2023 @ 9:57 pm

    Moh probably has knuckle scar anemia from forced vomiting

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