has a video clip (without any IFOCE members) from its morning show promoting tomorrow's Nathan's qualifier in Tempe.

1 Comment »

  1. Pay Chestnut!!! said

    May 29, 2009 @ 5:29 pm

    Nathans sucks! They are so cheap! Joey should demand 100,000 dollars just to show up or boycott the event. Without him there is no Nathans. Stick it to these frugal punks that think there crap don’t smell. They are digusting with there millions. Every eater on the day of the finals should get togther and demand big money or boycott the event. That would be amazing! Get some of those millions Nathans has sitting in the bank. I see the way these wussies from Nathans act at the qualifers like they have some chip on their shoulders. GO TO HELL WITH YOUR MILLIONS!! Put some money in the pockets of the eaters! Somebody organize this behind the scenes. Unless Nathans pays all the eaters good money BOYCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s about time somebody stand up for what is right!!

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