A Brief History of “Suzilla”

Here is a brief history of Suzilla: The Mouth that Roars based on previous eatfeats posts

Comments (3)


  1. Anonymous said

    December 21, 2011 @ 12:04 am

    interesting that there was no mention of boone or wloce. as far as anyone knows bb.com has her ranked 4th in the world. it would bother the people here alot less if she was refered to as either a professional eater or world class instead of 4th.

  2. Watch close said

    December 21, 2011 @ 1:21 pm

    That’s funny your own Eatfeats.com has her doing a WLOCE contest. on 2009 Jun 27 …………… Way before any thing… Lies Lies Lies.

    How does this bb get away with lying …………

  3. Judge Landis said

    December 21, 2011 @ 5:05 pm

    June 27, 2009


    1st 19.5 $500.00 Dale “Mouth of the South” Boone Atlanta, GA
    2nd 14 $250.00 Loren “Bubba” Yarbrough Newnan, GA
    3rd 13 $125.00 Suzanne “Suzilla” French Houston, TX

    But what’s really funny is if Loren “Bubba” Yarbrough Newnan beat Suzy. Why isn’t Newnan number four in the world? You don’t think Dale’s ranking system could any way be flawed? Nah.

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