Adam Richman ESPN chat session
Adam Richman’s chat session on has started. He says he would like to retry the Carnivore Challenge pizza in Atlanta with Greg “The Great Moomsi” Maloomian as his partner. Some pictures from Adam Richman’s appearance on ESPN First Take earlier this morning are available on twitpic.
A podcast of Adam Richman’s appearance on the Paul and Young Ron Morning show is also available.
update A video clip of Adam Richman’s appearance on First Take is available.
Here is information about the Hall of Famer burger challenge attempted by Adam Richman and John Ritchie on First Take.
anonymous said
January 27, 2010 @ 3:53 pm
Why would anyone want to chat with that asshole? Lets talk about butifulbtain that is much more interesting
beautifulhrian said
January 27, 2010 @ 8:31 pm
Enough wiith the sarcasm