AICE vs. Japan matchups revealed
AICE news has the matchups for the five AICE vs. Japan contests.
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AICE news has the matchups for the five AICE vs. Japan contests.
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SuperPaul said
December 13, 2007 @ 10:41 am
Good Luck fellow Americans – Here’s some tips:
may them pay for Pearl Harbor, or at least make them pay for your meals, it sounds like some expensive lunches……By the way, it that really French Flies?? Make sure they don’t sneak in those German Flies,…they just don’t have the same crispy texture, or great wine-like taste. Look for the goose-stepping pattern in their walk, that will be a dead giveaway. If they are Japanese flies, they will fly directly into your mouth, kamakazi (SP) style, trying to make you choke, and die instantly. If they are Spanish Flies, you may have sudden feelings of lust for your fellow eater.
Stay away from your own hot dogs,”Turning Japanese” may cause blindness…
I’m here to help…..just don’t ask me to participate, I don’t want to commit MLE kamikazi….
I said
December 13, 2007 @ 10:45 am
Kozure Sugawara VS Elizabeth “Rubber-Gutâ€Candy
French Flies-30 Minute Contest
man i bet those French Flies are delicious……………..
anonymous said
December 13, 2007 @ 10:58 am
Paul are you IFOCE or aice? Make up your mind. Why are you wishing any of them good luck
anonymous said
December 13, 2007 @ 11:01 am
OJ why dont you cut the crap and post some of these anonymous comments ok? There is no vulgarity . Stop the pick and choose and let it roll
mike landrich said
December 13, 2007 @ 11:46 am
OJ, keep up the good work. I say leave all of the anonymous comments out. If the posters want to speak their minds let them, but only if they aren’t afraid to let their identities be known.
SuperPaul said
December 13, 2007 @ 2:42 pm
I am, and will always be IFOCE/MLE , but, what’s the matter with wishing fellow American food foragers fine feasting?? Are you some kind of Far East Fancier, angry anonymous answerer??
Rhonda Evans said
December 13, 2007 @ 3:08 pm
Thanks David R. That’s just my opinion. I certainly think Mr. Chapman will be maxed out at about 8-10 minutes, and he’s really playing into Sone’s hand in a half-hour stint. On the surface it looks like gurgitational suicide, especially for someone with a history of oral expulsion.
Anonymous said
December 13, 2007 @ 3:10 pm
I’m rooting for Japan.
joey b said
December 13, 2007 @ 3:16 pm
Don’t forget the goose, he has won against Hickman and Menchetti several times.
Carey said
December 13, 2007 @ 3:25 pm
Paul, don’t even waste your time responding to the anonymous idiots. There is no bad blood between eaters, and they are just looking to generate some.
Rhonda, there is a lot of sense there, but the only possible reason I could see for Arnie losing is if he refuses to take the ‘bathroom’ breaks that the Japanese use to clear their stomachs during the competition.
David, Gilbert is an amazing eater, and I can see him taking down Yamamoto easily. He is definitely worthy of mention.
Mega Munch said
December 13, 2007 @ 4:25 pm
Good luck to all!
I know I shouldn’t, Carey, but I’ll waste some time responding to the “why are you wishing AICE eaters good luck” comment. Only a tiny amount of people (maybe four) actually give a f**k about the whole AICE/IFOCE rivalry thing. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s only competitive eating…not the East Coast/West Coast rap feuds. What’s next? Drive-by food fights?
Anonymous said
December 13, 2007 @ 4:41 pm
Let’s not forget that there isn’t a single legitimate eater among the Japanese contingent. If the Americans win, who cares? It’s a huge joke anyway.
And don’t forget that a slow pace will be forced upon the eaters because speed eating is still not a part of the Japanese competitions.
I said
December 13, 2007 @ 5:09 pm
looks like either anonymous or Anonymous is one or two of the people who care about the ifoce – aice thing……………
Carey said
December 13, 2007 @ 10:02 pm
Dave, are you picturing the fight scene from ‘Eat It’ in your head?
Good luck everyone. Don’t hold back if they ask you to slow down. What is the worst they can do, edit it?
SuperPaul said
December 14, 2007 @ 6:46 am
How would we have a drive-by food fight? Sounds like fun!
Anonymous said
December 14, 2007 @ 7:48 am
Seems to me that IFOCE eaters are jealous, they could have had an all expense paid trip to Japan in addition to appearance fees. While Chapman gives from the heart and to his eaters, the Shea’s continue to only look out for their own pockets, not their eaters.
Bronson Fan said
December 14, 2007 @ 9:37 am
No Joey, No Pat why bother with this.
Rhonda Evans said
December 14, 2007 @ 10:03 am
In response to Anonymous from 7:48 AM: Given the Fed’s greed-provoked eating hiatus, any IFOCE eater who thinks that he’s head and shoulders above his contemporaries will face a harsh awakening when there is no one to eat against — no one to boost his ego on.
You guys that do all the practicing may be rewarded with nothing more than bulemia, weight gain, and other bad actors associated with health issues.
anonymous said
December 14, 2007 @ 10:04 am
The casual CE fan knows NOTHING about Joey OR Pat. They know The Japanese guy and that tiny asian girl. That’s it. You could put Juliet Lee in fromt of them and that would be the tiny asian girl. People know Kobayashi got beat, but they don’t know by WHO. Without the mohawk, noone could pick Pat out of a lineup, which is sad, since he has personality and just might be the best eater of the bunch
I agree said
December 14, 2007 @ 10:41 am
I agree with Rhonda on the reaping rewards from practicing which includes bulemia , weight gain and other health related issues that for the most part will screw up their entire digestive system. As far as the Japan trip it really doesnt matter if IFOCE didnt jump on it because it would end up the same pick and choose while everyone else that wasnt chosen would bitch or forced to cheer on from the sidelines. Let us not forget the occasional eatfeats sarcasm we would be subjected to from Paul Barlow. “WAHHHHHH why wasnt i chosen to go to Japan “
Rhonda Evans said
December 14, 2007 @ 11:31 am
Anonymous at 10:04: You are absolutely correct. Koby and Sonya have STAR POWER, which can only be achieved (gurgitationally) in one or two ways: by a single earth-shattering-like eating performance or by numerous attention-getting performances. (This is not to discount the niche-holding broadcast/communicative abilities of a “Crazy Legs” Conti or a Tim “Eater X” Janus, who are world-class eaters themselves.)
Koby and Sonya achieved their world-renowned status in both ways. Relatively speaking, Koby’s 50-dog outing in 2001 was the competitive eating belch heard ’round the world, as it doubled the previous record of 25 HDBs set the year before. Joey would have to eat over 100 dogs and buns to acccomplish that, and as good as he is, he is no Kobayashi.
Also, Koby has been THE dominant force in CE for 6 years. If Joey and Pat can stay on top through 2012, then their greatness may start approaching Koby’s.
Sonya Thomas ate 46 dozen oysters in 10 minutes in 2005, twice as many as the previous record holder (Boyd Bulot) from 2003. Someone would have to come along and consume over 1,104 oysters in 10 minutes to double Sonya’s total.
Sonya’s further appeal is that she is an anomaly, in that she routinely outeats most male rivals, and not until Joey and Pat came along did any male eater seriously challenge her. She’s a little teenie-weenie female in a male-dominated sport and she often makes more headlines by finishing third than men twice or more her size who win.
Any average CE spectator knows that men are SUPPOSED to win eating contests — not women. But when waif-like women do win, or finish “in the money,” against the best (and often doubly large) males in the world it is very, very special to that spectator.
Koby’s and Sonya’s presence ELECTRIFIES any audience. In the minds of the fans they’re the most special, revered people the world of competitive eating has ever known, and they continue to be, by far, the most recognizable talents in the CE world.
SuperPaul said
December 14, 2007 @ 11:35 am
WAHHHHHHH why is ” I agree” making fun of me
Mega Munch said
December 14, 2007 @ 1:43 pm
Yeah, I’ll bet there are quite a few lower-ranked IFOCE eaters who would have given their left tonsil (if they still have one) to go to Japan for an all expense paid competitive eating trip. Too bad they weren’t given that opportunity.
Mega Munch said
December 14, 2007 @ 1:44 pm
Oh, and they wouldn’t have asked for an “appearance fee.”
Bubba said
December 14, 2007 @ 7:10 pm
Mega Munch,
True dat, True dat!!!!
mike landrich said
December 16, 2007 @ 12:51 am
ANON at 1:44
You sound like you know of what you speak, except, if you want to talk smack, man up and log in under your real name. Without that bit of credibility, you are nothing……to Jim, me or anyone on this site.
Stoney Rockhead said
December 16, 2007 @ 7:01 am
Real History of sport: One day, we kill Sabertooth Tiger. Me starving at time, so me bud Fred Flintsone. Us jealous each other, make sure we eat more than each other. Blood so messy, we use water to dunk meat in. I beat Fred by one toenail (which get stuck in me throat – ouch).
Next time we kill animal, we do same thing. He beat me by 1/2 Brontosaurus Rib – no fair, me had eat small Alleyosaurus that morning – it not digest well, was kinda rancid. From then on, even if we full from other kill, we try out eat other. we form PFOCE, Prehistoric Fred Or Caveman Eaters….WE change name recently to MLE, Mammooth Lovin Eaters.
Best Contest of Year: Water Buffalo Contest…Buffalo Jim Rock almost get in, he get screw job when Tim “Giant Pterydactyl Poop” Brown make surprise trip to last qualifier and eat 41 pounds of buffalo, beat Jim by 2 ounces.
That truth, Anunymouse, you smart, but facts wrong…use name me can spell, or me no listen to you!!
Caveman Lee said
December 16, 2007 @ 10:33 am
Stoney you shouldnt talk about anonymous You just as guilty. You change name recently to MLE ass kisser which you always was. You change name to protect innocent. I reed anunymouse long winding comment. Not only smart but all facts right. If you can dispute with stoney rock hard evidence then you not as dumb as you look.
I know said
December 16, 2007 @ 11:09 am
Without going into detail i know for a fact that IFOCE was originally contacted about doing a USA vs Japan thing. Japanese made them an offer they flat out refused and aice picked up the garbage leftovers as they have been notorious for doing in the past.
anonymous said
December 16, 2007 @ 6:45 pm
By mle standards it would be “garbage leftovers”. FOR THEM! NOT for the eaters. The eaters are getting a similar amount as to what was paid for Fox’s Glutton Bowl, ESPN/Alka Seltzer & Spike TV. When you factor in the added BONUS of receiving an all expense trip to JAPAN, instead of California or Vegas, FOR the EATERS atleast, it is SO much better than ANYTHING the mle has ever done. And probably better for the eaters, than anything they EVER will do.
anonymous said
December 17, 2007 @ 12:07 am
aice is still guilty of the same format used by mle which is pick and choose. I am quite sure that there are many disgruntled aice members that felt they should have been chosen to go to Japan along with the six that were picked. .
Anonymous said
December 17, 2007 @ 4:21 am
Maybe the IFOCE thought their eaters might be embarased by the Japanese. The two girls would be anyway.
Stoney Rockhead said
December 17, 2007 @ 6:48 am
Me have whole story time-dated on me cave wall in High Def artwork.Caveman Lee, come over when sun high in sky, me show you. Me no Mammoth Lovin Eaters kisser(even though me want to kiss me some rockette counters-Yomp!), me just last week send nasty note on stone to Kate Waterfall and Rock Nertz, saying “why we have no contest now?-me starving!!”
Me not know you read, Lee -HAH, snap!
anonymous said
December 17, 2007 @ 8:47 am
many eaters were asked to go. some couldnt go on the original dates for whatever reasons. some that weren’t going to start with, ended up going when the dates changed. Its possible some aice eaters might be disguntled. But the choosing was based largely on who could make it and when.
the boy king said
December 17, 2007 @ 8:53 am
And those of us who didn’t get to go weren’t left out in the cold without any reasons behind it.
The TV show wanted girls.
anonymous said
December 17, 2007 @ 11:39 am
Boy king has a valid excuse for aice. At least they were notified as to why they were not picked. By leaving people out in the cold with no reasons behind it is not only disrespectful but shows zero class. For those that come up with the classic excuse “The Sheas are busy people they cant please everyone” , those are exactly the kind of soldiers the Shea’s want in their organization . Agree with every little move they make regardless of who gets screwed over.
Carey said
December 17, 2007 @ 11:52 am
I don’t think anyone associated with Aice is upset about not going. Arnie works close enough with everyone, and all the eaters are close enough, so that there is opportunity for all, and nothing is done behind anyone’s backs. You see this type of decentralized business structure in most top companies today. The IFOCE’s centralized organization is becoming a thing of the past.
Anonymous said
December 17, 2007 @ 12:01 pm
The TV show wanted girls?
That’s what you were told.
master of the obvious said
December 17, 2007 @ 12:34 pm
They probably wanted non asian girls. there are plenty of asian girls in japan
the boy king said
December 17, 2007 @ 3:14 pm
…..they make the rockin’ world go round!
some couldn’t/didn’t b/c of work/prior committments. some couldn’t because they lacked passports.
the ones who are there are gonna have a good time. 100%
Anonymous said
December 17, 2007 @ 6:59 pm
David R
Please explain how you know the decision making process behind the event. what conversations did you have with him or others that gave you this information. I dont even think that you know Arnie. You are obviously someone who is speaking out his/her ass. Perhaps you are jealous that AICE is in Japan
Shea Greed said
December 17, 2007 @ 7:04 pm
The idiot who said that the Japan event was offered to the Sheas first should state how they came accross this information. Also, they should comment on why the Shea sisters put thier desire for money before the the opportunity of Eaters to visit Japan?
Maybe Anonymous is a Shea lackey or the Shea`s themselves
Consolation Prize Party said
December 18, 2007 @ 12:59 am
I went to a Japanese restaurant, found a fat girl to challenge in an egg roll eating contest – it was just like being at an AICE event. We Chowdowned, then I showed her my Invader, pulled in my RubberGut, and we Coondogged all night. It was hard to remain a Gentleman, but she said I was Sweet.
It was a lot better than turning Japanese, I really think so. Good night, Eatfeats whiners, and Merry Christmas!
Stoney Rockhead said
December 18, 2007 @ 1:29 am
Them offer contest to Mammoth Lovin Eaters first. We tell them, we no even know what Japan is! Them say we eat shrimp, eggroll, other tiny food. Me say heck, no…me want big food for big prize. Them offer big gold rock as prize. Me say, how we get gold rock on Pterydactyl Airlines if we win?? It never make it past screeners, and no fit in over bird head’s bin. What if big gold rock make airline stay on ground? It all too crazy. We vote at Water Buffalo Lodge, say “NO!”
Next day we read in Daily Slate “AICE turns Yellow” – Hah! Me always think they yellow, that not news!! Oops, that wrong, what Slate means is Association Of Independent Cave Eaters take trip to this Japan thing. How they gone get rock on bird?? And what if they lose to tiny yellow people??…it make them eaters look more like minor league. Yes, me want trip to place I never heard of, but this sound like set up for failure – that bird ride home you no love for long time!
Anonymous said
December 18, 2007 @ 4:06 am
Had I been the AICE pres and known that my best eaters and I would get kicked by Japanese girls I dont think I would have wanted that kind of attention. This will help their cause but it wil hurt you guys. You guys will be labeled wussies.