All Star Pizza in Marietta, GA will hold a pizza eating contest on Friday awarding $500 to the winner.


  1. SPBBBBMBBB said

    July 19, 2011 @ 7:26 am

    tempting…right down the road

  2. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    July 19, 2011 @ 9:50 am

    Well SPBBB…….this is always the problem with choosing whether to be affiliated with organizations or stay independent. It is a choice with pluses and minuses. Even in MLE very few net/make any money. We know generally what the top five or so make. Everyone else pays their own way. It’s a hobby. It isn’t just about prize money or even trophies and other prizes, it is often about having fun and enjoying yourself. Everyone interested in competitive eating wants to eat and compete. So here is a fun opportunity for you and you cannot participate. That’s the way the MLE Matzoh Ball crumbles.

  3. anonymous said

    July 19, 2011 @ 9:58 am

    Paul with this guy around nothing is secret. You would have to pay OJ Rifkin off to keep it hush

  4. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 19, 2011 @ 10:24 am

    I agree with you Paul but U know if he is there he will rat you out quick as a bunny.

  5. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    July 19, 2011 @ 10:37 am

    Eatfeats is not anyone’s “jailer”…….that is insulting at best. Just another person trying to make someone who does a service for all of us into something negative and trying to destroy our enjoyment. Do not tell me to get a life if you are a hater. Get a real one yourself, have authentic relationships, give and take and stop hating others, you might just learn to like yourself better. I am disgusted with so much of what gets written here. I guess it all balances in the end and I keep trying to steer people away from hate.

  6. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 19, 2011 @ 10:53 am

    I like hating myself damn you SI. I have a lot of free time on my hands. I also do not think that comment was for me and if it was you have to know I care about information in a timely manner and discussions about CE. I think this site does that. Then there are days I want a little side bar info and commentary and I go to Blend the two and you have the best of both worlds for CE.

  7. anonymous said

    July 19, 2011 @ 11:01 am

    Nun no need to apologize to him or anyone else. It happens to be the truth. Paul will get ratted out . I dont know if its intentional or for the intent of obtaining another scoop but mark my words if you compete it will make its way on eatfeats.

  8. Tell it like it is said

    July 19, 2011 @ 11:07 am

    Anyone’s Jailer? I could post a list of IFOCE members that got screwed over because OJ Rifkin just had to post something that someone might have preferred to keep undercover like an eating challenge in Germantown MD a few months ago or a two team pizza challenge in CA with a highly ranked member or a former corn on the cob champ ratted out for doing a pasta contest. I could go on and on Stallion if is your sense of enjoyment considering all the wonders that life has to offer , then its is quite obvious that you HAVE NO LIFE PERIOD!

  9. Anonymous said

    July 19, 2011 @ 11:28 am

    Maybe people should just follow the rules and their contracts. Is this a new idea? No life for Stallion?…….you are the idiot….. Yeah, probably Seiken……..

  10. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 19, 2011 @ 11:33 am

    Really? They got screwed? Your full of crap. Every ranked eater knows what can happen and more than likely will if they run off and do an event that is not approved. They have eased up on challenges but if you do a contest and get your picture taken they will find out, or if your lucky another eater will send them an email. It is a risk you take as a table ender if you chose to do so. If you try and set up your own league they will hear about it. Other eaters are more likely to rat you out than this site. I agree OJ does not have any loyalty to any eater so he just puts it all out there where as BB will hold back info. I suggest a disguise and fake name for IFOCE members.

  11. Messenger said

    July 19, 2011 @ 11:43 am

    Tell it like it is, don’t blame the newspaper for reporting the news or the commentary that may follow the story by the readers of the news. If the news is not of your liking, or uncovers someone doing something they shouldn’t, it’s not Eatfeats fault for finding a reference to it on the internet and reporting about it. You make no sense. It’s judgemental people like you that obviously have no life and are just looking to tear others down to your own sad level.

  12. JOE L. said

    July 19, 2011 @ 11:51 am

    Funny I know a corn eater that did a pasta contest then got booted from an eating league. now he says the only people which are to “BLAME” are the eating org and himself. one cannot blame a blog for reposting information that is public knowledge.

  13. Messenger said

    July 19, 2011 @ 11:53 am

    I also have to add, Tell it like it is, that by pointing out stories that appeared on Eatfeats several weeks ago you just admitted to spending a lot of time on Eatfeats, therefore labeling yourself with HAVING NO LIFE PERIOD. Unless of course you want to argue with your own flawed logic.

  14. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 19, 2011 @ 12:02 pm

    Be honest…… as a table ender I know full well that if I go to an event outside the IFOCE they might never let me do another IFOCE event and drop me from the rankings. Those are the rules of the game. It is a game of risk vs. reward vs. consequences. You have to ask yourself “is the juice worth the squeeze buddy?””

  15. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    July 19, 2011 @ 1:11 pm

    Wow, what a novel idea, following the rules of your contract. What a novel idea, being honest and supporting your friends. Might just be a good approach to life overall. Wish I had thought of it………..

  16. Tell it like it is said

    July 19, 2011 @ 1:24 pm

    You will find every which way but loose to defend this cowardly charlatan even if it means IFOCE members getting thrown out of their organization. OJ Rifkin motive is to stir the pot and nothing more than that. Playing one eater against another , allowing hate comments from anonymous posters while OJ Rifkin aka ??????? just sits back and gets the biggest laugh of them all

  17. DALE BOONE said

    July 19, 2011 @ 10:01 pm

    what ever. Little girl Paul bartfart low Contest over i will be there

  18. anonymous said

    July 19, 2011 @ 10:33 pm

    One of these days i hope to see a Mad as hell tv show with Super Paul interviewing Dale Boone that is if Boone doesnt grab the mic and slam it over Barlows head

  19. anonymous said

    July 19, 2011 @ 10:37 pm

    OJ just posts the news as he sees it. It is the eaters that make the news. This is a ce site with no alligance to MLE, AICE, INDY or whatever. Stop your bitching Tell It Like It Is because you’re not really telling it the right way, just in your twisted bias way.

  20. The Cheater said

    July 19, 2011 @ 10:38 pm


  21. anonymous said

    July 19, 2011 @ 10:48 pm

    Boone what are you going to do with a stinkin $500 beating up on little kids at the table. Grow up you idiot

  22. Anonymous said

    July 19, 2011 @ 11:11 pm

    Money is money

  23. Give it a rest you creep said

    July 19, 2011 @ 11:38 pm

    10:37 you are so right. Poor OJ just reports the news Hes not to blame now is he? Seiken reports the news and all hell breaks loose. Frienships destroyed families wiped out. Poor innocent OJ would never allow that on his site. Just some hateful sidebar comments that have already destroyed the integrity of Seiken Juliet and others. The last thing on OJ mind is to rat out a major league eater that completed a challenge under an assumed name. The Rabbit, The Mayor, the asian girl from Germantown, the humble guy from PA the list goes on and on and on Own twisted bias way? 10:37 ou sound like one of the biased jurors in the Atticus Finch trial .. This entire blog reeks of favortism towards one individual OJ Rifkin

  24. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 20, 2011 @ 8:01 am


    Anymore, it is rarely fun, nor constructive, to post on or visit this blog, with so much negativity, mostly from anonymous people.

    Frankly, OJ, I think you would be best served to discontinue the blog portion of this site altogether. Pairing it with the rest of the very reputable, well-intended, professional news and database portions of eatfeats seems similar to trying to maintain a presidential library on the grounds of Chernobyl.

    I actually feel embarrassed when sponsors, potential sponsors, honorable fans, and would-be/wannabe fans visit and see all the childish and mean-spirited comments posted by anonymous people. If visits here form first impresssions, those opinions of competitive eaters must certainly start very low.

    This blog pulls all the hard work you do into a crapper.

    I’m tired of it, and my enthusiasm about posting here is markedly waning.

    I am actually sorry to say these things, but I care, and they need to be said.

  25. A-Bomb said (Registered May 7, 2009)

    July 20, 2011 @ 8:22 am

    Do not allow posting unless a person is a registered user. Won’t stop all of the stuff but it will stop most.

  26. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    July 20, 2011 @ 8:30 am

    I agree with much of what Rhonda has written but I would absolutely hate to see the comment portions removed. We would miss a lot of wonderful information directly from sponsors and others. Eaters, fans etc. contribute to the basic information. It would be boring without some commenting.

    There are only a few individuals who are responsible for the horrid comments and one in particular is clearly out to try to destroy the commenting and will stop at nothing to continue to foul this forum. He has said so publicly many times. I am fairly certain that Give it a rest you creep is Seiken. So why throw everyone out because of the few rotten fruit loops. That is exactly what he wants. He has destroyed his own integrity a thousand times and never ever seems to understand The Golden Rule.

    Those of us who care should not be denied our pleasures because of one person or the few. We know that in a classroom or group of 25, one or two difficult misbehaving students require far more attention than the 23 who are present to learn until or unless the teacher figures out how to serve all. The same applies here.

  27. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    July 20, 2011 @ 8:32 am

    Doesn’t everyone has to register one way or another except anonymous. Is Give it a rest you creep registered under some e-mail address?

  28. beautifulbrian said

    July 20, 2011 @ 8:35 am

    Rhonda that is an excellent point. If you visit my site you wont have to deal with that garbage. I was forced to temporarily discontinue my blog because that sick asshole was posting threats and nasty comments about me , Jill Menchetti and Will. After reading that horrible comment from” you know who” in regard to the Vegas qualifier with Stephanie Torres & Sean Gordon. ” Both of them blew George Shea thats how they got into the finals fu– em both ” was enough to convince me to terminate the blog for an indefin period of time. And then this demented fu– had the audacity to ask George via twitter for a VIP pass to Nathans. If may add i also find it amazing that this one other asshole(not gavonne) and i mean ONE seems to harp on the fact that my website has destroyed friendships and families? Where ? What? Show me? Youre just an anonymous asshole troublemaker who hates me for something i wrote about you in bits and pieces or about one of your buddies , which was obviously the truth and the truth hurts . The problem here is that without the sidebar comments eatfeats is worthless. OJ objective is to stir the pot and without that its no fun. By eliminating the sidebar comments , is like going to the racetrack without betting on the horses. He wont submit to it

  29. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    July 20, 2011 @ 8:35 am

    Banning Boone the Buffoon would also be in the best interest of this forum. The statements from Bartolini may be the very first time that Boone has been publicly shown to be what many have long thought and this is from sponsors. He is a loose canon too and brings nothing positive to competitive eating.

  30. anonymous said

    July 20, 2011 @ 8:38 am

    People like stallion and the rest of the anonymous fooks are opposed to banning the comments because this way they cant get their digs in on Boone Juliet or Seiken

  31. beautifulbrian said

    July 20, 2011 @ 8:45 am

    Stallion stop dragging my name into the mud . I am almost sure youre initials are RC but i cant confirm so i wont accuse. You are a low life arrogant piece of garbage. I could care less about your boring opinions . Who the hell are you ? Youre not a real person. Have we ever met ? No Have you ever met anyone involved in CE.? I doubt it. You never spent time with me nor any of the other eaters so who the hell are you to judge anyone.? You wont post youre real name because you have something to HIDE and youre AFRAID just like the rest of the fakers that hide behind the PC and post nasty comments about people.

  32. Whats the point said

    July 20, 2011 @ 9:10 am

    Register means nothing cause you can register under a moniker(ex stallion) so it basically defeats the entire purpose . If people post under their REAL names which means the names that momma gave them, then it serves its purpose

  33. Just say "Yes" said

    July 20, 2011 @ 10:32 am

    I completely agree with Rhonda on this. I’d really like to see OJ shut down the comments section of this blog. There is rarely anything positive or of any value here. OJ does the real work of providing accurate and timely information. The majority of everything else here comment-wise is either just stupid, self-centered, or hateful trash.

  34. Larell Marie Mele said

    July 20, 2011 @ 11:04 am

    Rhonda – yes, it is sooooooo annoying to constantly have to read through the hate, insults, negativity, etc. Really is such a downer. I like coming on here, posting and reading others’ comments. I do; however, agree that the other stuff is just so infantile. Adults acting like grade-school children – so pathetic. I wouldn’t want to see the blog portion eliminated tho. Wish there was a way to prevent these comments from making their way onto the site in the 1st place…just too many threads/comments to be able to do that. I don’t necessarily feel that people should HAVE to use their real names but should not be allowed to have non-related hate comments posted. This is a fun forum and for the most part everyone seems to feel the same way. 🙂

  35. anonymous said

    July 20, 2011 @ 11:18 am

    Just say yes I.agree but then oj has no reason to exist without them

  36. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 20, 2011 @ 11:54 am

    Yes, LM, posting anonymously empowers people to shirk responsibility for their actions. I equate it to irate/road-raged drivers who shoot the bird, roll down the window, cuss you out and speed away, anonymously.

    It really does get irritating.

    I too, would love this blog in an ideal world, but it is far, far from that.

    Isn’t it ironic that it’s the youngsters like Matt Stonie who are setting the example for older adults on how to act their age?

  37. Deepthroat said

    July 20, 2011 @ 12:15 pm

    Lots of new eaters post here, soon most determine it is not in their interest to do so by name and they revert to posting anony or under a pseudonym. Soon Matt will realize that when one of his seemingly innocuous posts gets taken the wrong way and winds up biting him the you know what when he’s eating on the circuit. That’s the way it is. Sometimes the annony want to get something off their chest, or say something that might not be the party line of the organization they belong to. Besides, Rhonda nobody really knows who you are? What are we going to require a government id now to post here? Relax, for all the negative posters, sometimes an anony post starts up some good discussions, provides insight that others may not have thought of, or contains information they only know due to their insider status of the topic being discussed.

  38. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    July 20, 2011 @ 12:26 pm

    But Rhonda Evans, please…….what you write above is beyond and absolutely ironic as much as I enjoy most of your postings. “We” who post here have absolutely no idea as to your real identity, just as people do not know who I am with my moniker. In fact, many many many people post under names and I have no idea who they are such as nunonabun. Obviously others do but for me it makes no difference to identify them.

    Would you propose that monikers be linked with legal birth names so that people could contact them? Like all things, it could be used for a good purpose or for a bad one. Personally I would not want to be receiving anything that a Brian Seiken might write to me personally or a Boone or a Gavonne. It is not that I wish them ill, I simply like to choose my “friends” more carefully. And I have no time or interest in communicating with lots of people except on this board. If it went away, I would pick up some other “hobby” just as anyone would. Even newspapers, New York Times, all of them have people posting under monikers. Yes, you do have to give an e-mail address to go with it to post but that means almost nothing. Anyone can have a huge number of e-mail addresses. And the papers require the address but do not post it unless someone wants to be reached or has a website.

    The real problem here is that again, a few rotten apples are spoiling the orchard. They refuse to self-restrain. Whatever happens, it is all completely up to whoever is doing this website and yes, as a service to those interested in competitive eating. We already know how a Seiken will respond to this. Imagine how much time OJ must spend reading things far worse than what he posts. Just another tactic by the rotten apples to make him give up. As far as I know, he doesn’t get paid anything for his efforts.

  39. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 20, 2011 @ 12:27 pm

    Okay, for sake of argument (Deepthroat), let’s say Rhonda Evans is not my real name. I post with that name exclusively. Even if I were totally fictitious, “Rhonda Evans” is a known entity. Can many, many, others even say that?

    Anyway, I’ve said all I need to say, and I’ve better things to do.

  40. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 20, 2011 @ 12:31 pm

    Stallion you have no room to say one word about anyone.

  41. nunonabun2 said (Registered November 10, 2009)

    July 20, 2011 @ 1:03 pm

    SI , I use an alias but I do not hide behind it. Boykin. You still might not know me though.

  42. Funny Bone said

    July 20, 2011 @ 1:46 pm

    It is funny seeing S.I. attack Rhonda.

  43. Stallion Italian said (Registered August 27, 2010)

    July 20, 2011 @ 1:53 pm

    You have all misunderstood. I am not attacking Rhonda, not at all. I agree with her. We each have a moniker and are consistently using it. Sorry Boykin, I do not know you. That is probably because I am not such an excellent follower of competitive eating as Rhonda. I do really like your moniker. Really Rhonda, I was going to write ? to your you have no room……….I think this is clearer, at least I hope it is. I love your postings and your passion for competitive eating (and your sass).

  44. Deepthroat said

    July 20, 2011 @ 2:19 pm

    Like unprotected sex with strangers, I think it would be crazy to post here without some protection of an alias. I don’t think anybody blames Rhonda for using a name other then what’s on her birth certificate. It’s smart. I can’t believe I’m sticking up for Brian, but much of the hate for him by those in competitive eating have resulted from him posting under his real name. I don’t know how smart it is, but you got to give him that he does have the guts to put his signature on his posts. But, I’d be willing to bet that even Brian posts under an alias now and then. It’s not hard to figure out. In fact, I’ll bet regulars and like Joe, LMM and Matt have considered doing so on certain occasions. If they don’t now, I assure you they will when one of their posts gets taken the wrong way by someone they had no intention of offending.

  45. Larell Marie Mele said

    July 20, 2011 @ 2:43 pm

    Lol, you know what’s funny? I never think of Stallion, Rhonda or Nun as aliases/monikers lolllll I’ve just come to think of them as your names. Weird. Of course, Nun, I know you but on here I just think of you as ur moniker. Like even on the circuit though I know an eater’s tru name, I’ll still refer to him as his eating name. Like Pete is Pretty Boy, Jarvis is Cookie, Badlands, etc.- I never refer to them by their birth names. Sorry lol I digress from the thread!

  46. JOE L. said

    July 20, 2011 @ 4:49 pm

    Y’all know who I am, what are gonna do? say something to hurt my feelings I really don’t care about the negative stuff. it’s an opinion like a boone ,oops asshole (same thing ) everybody has one . See ya just say my opinion, say what ya like I sleep fine. I actually have more respect for the people that don’t hide behind a pseudonym or an anon post

  47. beautifulbrian said

    July 20, 2011 @ 6:31 pm

    Stallion you have the right to post under whatever name you please but dont ever put me in the same category with a Gavonne ok? I havent a clue as to who he is nor do i care to know anything else about him thats already been brought to my attention.He’s not a competitive eater but some annoying disturbo with issues. You cannot win with a nut. If you ignore him he’ll try to get into your FB page with a fake account . If you dont ignore him you give him what he wants and come off looking like even more of a fool figthing with him. He’s a cancer that wont go away unless they commit to him to a mental institution or lock his ass up for good so he wont have any access to the net. He was able to sneak into a few contests in the past because he shows up before the contest and somehow managed to convince Ryan George or Rich to let him compete. They really had no idea who he was nor did they consider him a viable threat. When another organization caught on to his bullshit they not only banned him from competing but he wasnt allowed on the premisis PERIOD!. MLE has yet to show that kind of authority. Matter of fact Rich Shea asked Goldstein at the Canoli contest “Should i let this guy in”? I guess he didnt know his record or had any idea that allowing him to compete might tarnish the image of MLE. If the soon to be canoli champ didnt warn Rich that he was a convicted stalker he just might have snuck in that one as well. Out the blue this random oddball decided of all the people in CE, to pick on me and two or three other competitive eaters one being a female. The female was stalked but got up enough nerve to nip it in the butt but the problem still exists. After serving time , he’s still an ongoing problem showing up at local events and starting trouble as you saw at Nathans . . Joe Menchetti told me several months ago that he couldnt figure out what he ever did to him besides snub him . He saw that the guy wasnt “right” or a better term :” didnt look like he had all his marbles” On another note i am sick and tired of being kicked around and thrown into the mud so to speak on this site. If its not you its someone else taking over where you left off. You know its not the greatest feeling in the world to have anonymous jerks that never even met me before, take pleasure in trashing my website , a website i worked long and hard to perfect during the last 7yrs. A website that fans of the sport still flock to. Instead i have to be subjected to these morons that form negative opinions about me just to be mean or go along with the hate crowd. These same children never bothered to watch one of my 26 internet shows or even bothered to take time out to read some of my past commentary? . Much better off without the comments on this site . I for one would find it much more refreshing but then again maybe if OJ Rikfin used his head in July 2005 and just posted the news instead of allowing meaningless hateful comments, then he could possibly claim the title of gods gift to competitive eating journalism

  48. SPBBBBMBBB said

    July 20, 2011 @ 8:23 pm

    Who knew a pizza contest could arouse such passion???

  49. Luther said

    July 20, 2011 @ 10:38 pm

    Have you noticed since the chairman of the board rhonda evans voiced her diispleasure with the anonymous comments there are fewer of those and more of the real names of the sport posting on here. Keep it up for the best

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