Atlanta eaters FOX 5 appearance uploaded to youtube

Loren “Bubba” Yarbrough has emailed me that he appeared with Larry McNeil and Dale Boone on Fox 5 to promote the Atlanta Nathan’s qualifier. Yarbrough has uploaded a video clip of that appearance to youtube. Dale Boone does look notably lighter than he did last year.

Comments (9)


  1. Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)

    June 20, 2006 @ 1:22 pm

    That sob has dropped a ton of weight.

    He’s still an ugly bastard though.

    He even seemed to be on his best behavior.

    Maybe its just Carlene , Crazylegs or The Godfather that set him off.

    Don’t know how many he did in a minute?? It looked like either 5.5 or 7.5 to me, I can’t tell if they started w/ 8 or 10 or less. It looked like 8 to me.

  2. Rhonda Evans said

    June 20, 2006 @ 1:58 pm

    That was a really good apearance by Loren, Larry, and Dale. Not only is Dale less boisterous, there is much less of him to be that way. I’ll make a prediction that Dale eats at least 18. I don’t know if he’ll win in Atlanta, but he is certainly a colorful edition to any competitive eating event. I actually hopes he makes it to CI. He’s irreplaceable.

  3. beautifulbrian said

    June 20, 2006 @ 2:19 pm

    He didnt lose a ton. He lost alot around the face which is usually the case when someone diets. Let him take off his shirt and not hold his stomach in like he did on gutbusters 2 and you will see a bunch of fat. As far as totals , 7.5 8, doesnt matter . lets see how he does in 12 minutes which if i remember correctly he pulled off 20 at one time 15 to win another against nobody in 2004 and two other times puked for DQ’s in 2003 & 2005 . He has made it to Coney twice in the last four years.

  4. Yo Mama said

    June 20, 2006 @ 9:22 pm

    Rhonda, Dale is most certainly not less boisterous on BB’s Corner. But beyond all his yelling and carrying on he does actually make a couple of good points. He maybe didnt choose an effective way to get them across but the points are there.

  5. Mr Wright said

    June 21, 2006 @ 2:29 am

    The video with Boone , Mcneill & Bubba is a freakin classic! Look at the expression on the Legend’s face when Boone claims he lost 100 lbs . He looks straight ahead completely expressionless with sunglasses. This video should go down in history.

  6. Rhonda Evans said

    June 21, 2006 @ 7:40 am

    Hey Yo … I agree. Dale has his own method of communicating. To each his own. Actually, deep down I think Dale is not a bad guy at all. Insecurity and the need for attention can do strange things for a person.

  7. The Tubesock Destroyer said

    June 21, 2006 @ 5:03 pm

    Did anyone else notice that they didn’t spell “competitive” correctly on screen?


    June 23, 2006 @ 1:11 am

    When ask people around the world which most of you have not been

    people say yes i saw that contest that asian guy won

    people say yes i saw that that small girl from asia won

    and people saw ed javis
    eric booker

    even tim janas because of the mask
    and yes my bell and hat

    but never did they know the names

    nor did they care to know them

    they either like the eaters or how they eat

    and what food they did

    they care less how much food they did
    all they care was watching. what kind of show it was they were watching

    putting on a show is what they want like it or not

    with out it eating contests are just that
    a eating contest

    after a few contests people will become bore of them fast

    people who say NO WAY


    people here talk about the waffle contest i miss being in INDIA

    they dont even talk about how many JOE eat

    they talk about seeing the guys from TV


    they told that yall show up ate and that was it

    you keep doing that WE AS PRO EATERS WILL NOT HAVE A CROWD

    we took a big blow with the US OPEN lost

    but we must put on bigger and better shows

    to make up for it

    just give this for thought
    the hotdog contests has been around almost
    100 yrs

    it s just the last 10 yrs it even been notice
    thats almost 90 yrs of just PLAIN HOTDOG CONTESTS

    cause of NO SHOW VALUE

    thanks to JAPAN NOW WE HAVE A SHOW


  9. Anonymous said

    January 24, 2008 @ 12:53 pm

    Good job Dale I just got a round to watching the video!!

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