Audience members wanted for Conti & Janus on Cake Boss

An associate producer for the TLC program Cake Boss sent the following email:

Next Wednesday, September 2nd, Timothy Janus (Eater X, ranked #4 in the world) and Crazy Legs Conti (ranked #14) will be meeting up at a downtown restaurant in Hoboken, New Jersey for some cake-eating craziness.

Currently, we have limited openings for seating at the event but I’d love to get people passionate about competitive eating in the audience! We need NY/NJ-based individuals interested in attending to RSVP to with their full name, age, contact info (including phone number for confirmation) as soon as possible. Guests will need to arrive at the site at 3pm on Wednesday, and with confirmation of their email we’ll send them an address to the location.

Comments (21)


  1. anonymous said

    August 30, 2009 @ 1:29 am

    Here we go. More publicity for Conti and Janus. Limited openings my ass. They will end up paying people off the street or pleading with nursing home residents to fill up the seats same way they did with eats of strength

  2. Birthday cake said

    August 30, 2009 @ 9:05 am

    Why not Butiful Brian, Arturo Rios, Nasty Nate, Badlands Booker, Steakbellie, Humble Bob, US male, Wing Kong, Humble Bob??????????????????????????? Over and over it is the same two, although we understand Crazy Legs excellent quality as a speaker.

    X usually sounds like he has marbles in the mouth and won’t speak unless Crazy legs slides his hand into his back.

  3. anonymous said

    August 30, 2009 @ 11:12 am

    I agree the same faces over and over and over again. . Here is how it goes down. TLC asks the shea’s for two competitive eaters. George Shea picks Janus and Rich Shea picks Conti . Simple as that. It has been that way for years

  4. Anonymous said

    August 30, 2009 @ 11:48 am

    Y all the negativity? Don’t those 2 do a good job?

  5. Bison said

    August 30, 2009 @ 1:35 pm

    Legs and X to a great job promoting this Sport.

    If I lived in the New York area I would attend as often as I could.

  6. anonymous said

    August 30, 2009 @ 1:36 pm

    It’s like putting A-Rod in every single baseball ad or commercial. People would get tired of seeing the same person over & over. It’s not being negative, just an opinion and observation

  7. Anonymous said

    August 30, 2009 @ 2:38 pm

    There are many, many more recognizable superstars in baseball than CE. If I ran ML Eating I would only use C. Legs, Eater X, Koby, Sonya, Joey, Pat, or Pete Davekos, who has a C. Legs-like, entertaining ability to express himself. Events without recognizable or memorable people are worthless. No offense but if it was Seiken or some other no name people wouldn’t bother attending, unless they were drunks or vagrants looking for free food.

  8. Mega Munch said

    August 30, 2009 @ 3:00 pm

    I’m not sure what the negativity is about either (jealousy in most cases). Of all the eaters out there, Crazy Legs and X are the two best representatives for the sport that I can think of. Both are energetic and have personality, both are extremely passionate about CE, both have a unique appearance and look good on TV, both are great eaters, and they work very well together (mainly because of their close relationship beyond the table and the sport). Given all that, I defy anyone to pick a duo who would be better on television than Crazy Legs and X.

  9. beautifulbrian said

    August 30, 2009 @ 5:31 pm

    anonymous 2:38 you couldnt be more wrong with your assinine theories. Sad that you refer to me as a no name when i made my bones trying to promote the sport when there was nobody else around to promote it. Maybe you should look back at 6yrs worth of my archives and you would realize that at one point my website was the only game in town for news , gossip and media coverage. Crazy Legs and X are the two best representatives because certain people choose to put them in the spotlight or on a pedestal so to speak. It’s all about mental conditioning . Same with entertainers like Johnny Carson or Letterman . Once you are used to seeing the same faces grace the airwaves day in and day out it is almost impossible to picture anyone else stepping in to take their place. Legs and X do a fine job but for you or anyone else to believe that the show cannot possibly go on without them is not only prepostorous but ignorant as well.

  10. Anonymous said

    August 30, 2009 @ 5:42 pm

    Well stated Brian. You have a valid point this time.

  11. beautifulbrian said

    August 30, 2009 @ 6:38 pm

    Dont get me wrong i I admire the both of them. They speak intelligently and are very entertaining . In fact if i was running the show i would use them to promote my business. When Ed Sullivan went off the air in 1971 CBS went into a frenzy trying to figure out how to replace a national pastime that viewers were used to watching for 23 yrs. If other eaters stepped in the media spotlight , of course it would be met with skeptisim at first but after awihile they would get used to the new blood like everything else What that idiot stated at 2:38 made no sense whatsoever

  12. Anonymous said

    August 30, 2009 @ 7:03 pm

    Brian, no one knows you outside of die hard competive eaters or their fans. Other than that, I guesss you’d do great in someone’s mind.

  13. Mega Munch said

    August 31, 2009 @ 8:36 am

    Good point, Brian. You’re right in saying that they’re not irreplaceable, but they’re still the best out there. I didn’t mention that they’re both relatively young, which also works in their favor as representatives. And, perhaps most importantly, they’re both in good shape. Whether we’d like to admit it or not, the IFOCE has an obligation not to perpetuate the stereotype that all competitive eaters are middle-aged overweight men.

  14. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    August 31, 2009 @ 9:39 am

    Overall, I think the IFOCE has done a fair job of spreading the wealth among its better known, marketable eaters with media opportunities. Through the years I remember seeing or reading about a plethora of people, to include, Legs, Tim Janus, Badlands, BB, Tim Brown, Sonya, Juliet, Koby. DML, Hungry Charles, Pretty Boy, Collard Green, Rich and Carlene, DML, Joey, Pat B., Pat fM, Cookie, Humble Bob, Hall, Erik Denmark, Dr. Big Time, etc, etc.

    However, I agree that Legs and Tim are the IFOCE’s foremost dynamic duo in marketing the “sport,” and those two feed off one another during their appearances. Legs and Tim create a synergy for CE that positively affect all members of CE.

    As MM alluded to, when people see Legs and Tim the image that fans or potential fans remember is all positive. They’re both easy on the eyes, fit, very articulate, humorous, and just real entertaining, in general.

    If I were an eater I’d love to have them in the spotlight “batting” for me and my CE colleagues, a lot more than having to rely on my own sorry a**!

  15. spraymucus said (Registered July 1, 2009)

    August 31, 2009 @ 11:09 am

    IMO I think the main marketable guy is Tim Brown, the guy is an absolute wreck loose, his style, crudeness and sense of humor are all interesting. The guys a walking train wreck.

    Crazy legs and Eater X have a look and not much more, I admire Tim’s dedication to the sport cuz he’s improved through the years while Crazy legs has been sitting kinda idle (not saying he isn’t a great eater just saying he hasn’t progressed or digressed)… Now with that said, these two, to me are mildly interesting compared to Tim Brown.

  16. anonymous said

    August 31, 2009 @ 11:27 am

    Crazy Legs and Eater X have college degrees graduating from universities and not “college” . Makes a huge difference. Note that Crazy Legs attempts to baffle the ignorant with big words realizing most eaters that lack a solid education and might have trouble figuring out what he is saying. It’s comparable to speaking another language. Similar to Howard Cosell with Muhammad Ali. “You appear to be quite truculant” “Wells whatever truculant means if its good than das me” .Sponsors contact the Shea’s and ask them for their most marketable media guys . Everyone else is essentially passed over with the exception of Crazy Legs and Eater X. Is it fair ? Not really but they are local and accessible and Shea darlings so to speak.It would be nce if one of them would step up and say hey you know what ? Give someone else a chance. But no . they have to get their mugs in the camera every chance they get. If you really want my opinion i would prefer Barlow and Brown over those two because there comes a time in life when you get tired of eating pasta 7 days a week. Catch my drift?

  17. alf said

    August 31, 2009 @ 1:56 pm

    Personally, I like Crazy Legs and Eater X. They make great spokesmen.

  18. Nun on a Bun said

    August 31, 2009 @ 3:33 pm

    Crazy legs and Eater X live in NYC folks. Now who else is located in NYC, oh yeah the IFOCE. It makes sense for them to be out there in the media more. Not only is he man pretty but X is one of the best eaters out there and Conti is a born circus performer. The only person out there who could out do those two would be Oderius from Gwar. Koby is known but he cant do interviews by himself, Lee and Sonya are the cuties women on the circuit, oh but they are also the only women, Pat..well I think he can pull it off actually, and no matter how good Joey or Bob are they are not spokespeople.

  19. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    September 2, 2009 @ 2:51 pm

    What’s the latest on this?

  20. That One said

    September 2, 2009 @ 3:04 pm

    Here’s the latest:

    Next Wednesday, September 2nd, Timothy Janus (Eater X, ranked #4 in the world) and Crazy Legs Conti (ranked #14) will be meeting up at a downtown restaurant in Hoboken, New Jersey for some cake-eating craziness.

    Currently, we have limited openings for seating at the event but I’d love to get people passionate about competitive eating in the audience! We need NY/NJ-based individuals interested in attending to RSVP to with their full name, age, contact info (including phone number for confirmation) as soon as possible. Guests will need to arrive at the site at 3pm on Wednesday, and with confirmation of their email we’ll send them an address to the location.

  21. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    September 2, 2009 @ 3:20 pm

    Thanks. I guess I’m too hasty and need to read before I open my mouth.

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