Brad Sciullo training Big Brian’s Bits & Pieces reports that Brad “The Lunatic” Sciullo has been training “Big” Brian Subich, who will compete in Saturday’s Nathan’s qualifier in Charlotte. Brad Sciullo reportedly ate 38 hot dogs in a training session and also completed Tiny’s burger challenge at the Niner Diner which includes 5 pounds of fries. When the UEPa visited the Niner Diner in 2007, the only challenge finisher was an unnamed sub 100 pound woman according to the restaurant’s owner.

Comments (34)


  1. Anonymous said

    June 9, 2009 @ 2:39 pm


  2. Pittsburgher said

    June 9, 2009 @ 4:04 pm

    Be careful Subich, if you eat more than Brad he may run to the bathroom and cry about it just like he did at the Pittsburgh Wing Bowl….Brad = Douche Bag

  3. Aquaman said

    June 9, 2009 @ 4:58 pm

    It will be a challenge to see if anyone can fit more than 20 HDB’s in their cups!

  4. Don Juan said

    June 9, 2009 @ 5:04 pm

    Is he training him to eat or cheat, because he already has the cheat down to a science.

  5. Anonymous said

    June 9, 2009 @ 11:37 pm

    Let’s examine the real cheater, Pat Bertoletti. He eats 40+ previously then only eats 26? That’s roughly a 30% decrease. If any other eater had done that the accusations would have been flying all over this board.

  6. Tonto said

    June 10, 2009 @ 8:36 am

    Maybe our next poll should be:

    Which eater do you hate more?

    -Brad Sciullo
    -Dale Boone
    -Juliet Lee

    That would be an interesting one.

  7. anonymous said

    June 10, 2009 @ 9:04 am


  8. anonymous said

    June 10, 2009 @ 11:09 am

    I dont know whom you are referring to about finding dogs in a cup but if its about Subich , just layoff the guy ok.Can you do any better ? He can eat .he can put up numbers and all you assholes are just jealous because you were not blessed with his height and size. The hell with all of you .

  9. anonymous said

    June 10, 2009 @ 11:24 am

    Take away the secret formula that chestnut, shoudt bertolleti and eater x add to the hot lemonade and they suddenly cease putting up these non believable inflated numbers.

  10. anonymous said

    June 10, 2009 @ 11:45 am

    “Take away the secret formula that chestnut, shoudt bertolleti and eater x add to the hot lemonade and they suddenly cease putting up these non believable inflated numbers.”

    thats quite some formula that lets average joe eat 40-60 hot dogs, they can’t have any tallent at all.

    please, give it a rest.

  11. Anonymous said

    June 10, 2009 @ 12:02 pm

    Take away the extensive daily water training and downing a gallon of water and throwing it up prior to a contest then you will see a reduction in these “non believable inflated numbers.”
    I highly doubt there is a “secret formula.”

  12. anonymous said

    June 10, 2009 @ 12:49 pm

    Lets cut the bullshit . Joey Chestnut ate 23 hot dogs in his comp eating debut. It wasnt until he asked advice from all the eaters one by one as to how he could increase his totals that all of a sudden he became a world beater. Joey why dont you tell everyone about the throat medication that you were thinking of using for hot dogs after conferring with Ray the Bison? Those inflated totals are bullshit because no human being on the face of this earth can put up those numbers unless they are using foreign or performance enhancing substances. Water training my ass

  13. Anonymous said

    June 10, 2009 @ 2:09 pm

    The contests are too long.
    To be able to put down 50 or more hdb’s you have to do some crazy stuff to your body.
    To have to put down 50 or more to win is rediculous.

  14. Drugs plus Water Training said

    June 10, 2009 @ 2:27 pm

    So, you want to be the man?

    You need the Drugs for numbing the throat to reduce/eliminate the gag reflex… any viscous numbing agent.

    You need the Water Training (any capacity training would do, but this is the only one that can get the mass into the area, your stomach, quicker than you can actually eat) to have a stomach capacity to hold everything.


  15. anonymous said

    June 10, 2009 @ 2:32 pm

    i agree with anony 2:09 crazy stuff is being applied to the body but do you think they will admit it? Of course not. Ten years from now or maybe sooner the truth will come out similar to a reversal of fortune

  16. Anonymous said

    June 10, 2009 @ 2:33 pm

    If a secret formula or medication does exsist, good luck finding out what it is because nobody is talking. But what goes up must come down and when some one eventually gets really sick or worse then the shit will hit the fan and everything will surface.

  17. Off The Topic said

    June 10, 2009 @ 2:41 pm

    Hey, I thought this thread was about Subich being a cheater.

  18. Drugs plus Water Training said

    June 10, 2009 @ 2:46 pm

    Hand Speed, Jaw Strength, Hand-Eye-Mouth Coordination, Dunking Technique, Practice, Practice, Practice, The Ability to Swallow Large Pieces (so you don’t have to waste too much time chewing), Knowing the Food Item, Determination, Will to Win, and a few other things probably wouldn’t hurt either.

    Anyone who thinks that just one or two of these things will make a great competitive eater is a fool.

    Just like anyone who’s good at anything, there are a LOT of factors that go into being the best. One Drug or one Training Regimen will not do it.

    Even PED’s in baseball can’t take a “joe schmo” and make him Babe Ruth. Any one factor can only raise a person marginally above where they already are.

    A-Rod was great at Baseball. Then he took some PED’s and got better! Bonds was great at baseball. Then he took some PED’s and got better. It’s not like they were sitting at home and popped some ‘roids and took BP and all of the sudden they were great.

  19. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    June 10, 2009 @ 4:48 pm

    Play us off Keyboard Cat!!!!!

  20. anonymous said

    June 11, 2009 @ 10:48 am

    Instead of Brad hating on Pete or vica versa , both can help each other make tons of money by promoting the 98lb weakling vs the bodybuilder going head to head in competitive eating stunts. Brad & Pete are independent eaters and neither have ties to competitive eating organizations.Both of you are sitting on a goldmine.Now thats a youtube video worth watching! I would prefer watching that over another Kobe Chestnut snoozer . Go for it!

  21. Anonymous said

    June 11, 2009 @ 2:41 pm

    I must remain anonymous on this one, so as not to jeopardize the entire sport.

    So there I am, sitting at a qualifier for Nathan’s last month (city will remain unnamed to protect the participants). I was about an hour early. Three suits walk up to me from the IFOCE and ask me to come back around the back of the tent. I walk around the back and they claim that there is an upcoming overthrow of the AICE and WLOCE, and that they needed me to take throat relaxation injections at exactly 6 minutes before the contest and they were also going to intravenously pump my stomach full of water, in the amount of four gallons, which I was then to throw up. As I started to object, they told me that this was a necessity to eat more than the 4 hot dogs that Anonymous, Anonymous, and Anonymous from could eat without using these performance enhancers. I hesitantly agreed and was subject to these procedures which enhanced my performance to eat unbelievable numbers.

    Following the contest, I was reapproached and told by them, that if I were ever to hit real numbers, the big numbers mere mortals only dreamt about, I would need to accept the new IFOCE bionic esophagus and throat, model IFOCE211B that has been in the works for years now and has been used by the likes of the inhuman Joey Chestnut and Patrick Bertoletti. They were going to use my shell of a body to build the ULTIMATE COMPETITIVE EATER!!!!!! Can you believe that? Technology, Pharmaceuticals, and a touch of Invasion of the Body Snatchers would make me the next eater to consume these insane numbers.

    Since my operation, and installation of bionic body parts, and my induction into the highly secret society of throat relaxation musclular pharmaceuticals and other PEDs, I have learned what real eating is. These large numbers could really be achieved, with just slight modifications to my outer shell. I have been eating 60, and even 70 hot dogs in 10 minutes with the new secret powder that Lawrence Livermoore labs has created for me; a secret drink additive that eats the hot dogs for me!!!!!!

    The thing I can’t understand, is how Anonymous and Anonymous found out about it on this board and posted all our secrets here? I hope the sanctity of our secret pact has not been broken.

  22. Anonymous said

    June 11, 2009 @ 10:45 pm

    lets not forget to mention that the hdbs for nathans are severely altered to enhance numbers. the sheas have made this the biggest event ever by finding the secret formula for the hdbs. the increases in numbers happened WAY too fast for there not to be some oddities going on w the hdbs. they say they just removed the nitrates from the dogs but there is much more going on. pat, kobi and joey all have enormous capacities by anyones standard but they are also aided by buns that dont expand when wet and liquidy dogs that dont have to be chewed. those are not otc nathans. the sheas have done a fantastic job of getting the mass medias attention by enabling their eaters to put up more and more numbers. how many this year? 60+ in 10?

  23. Craig said (Registered February 21, 2009)

    June 11, 2009 @ 11:54 pm

    it’s nice to know people have nothing better to do than come up with conspiracy theories on a hot dog eating contest.

  24. Anonymous said

    June 12, 2009 @ 12:47 am

    so you are saying that the hdbs in the contest/s are the same otc hdbs that you get at any nathans? you my friend are living life with blinders and a blindfold on. its all about the numbers and rich and george know it. they know their trade….marketing/sensationalism. i just hope the “juiced hdbs” taste better than the regulation otc nathans hdbs.

  25. Anonymous said

    June 12, 2009 @ 5:39 am

    this is scary stuff, fella, go outside and get some fresh air,, go for a walk and find some beauty in nature, or just get a box set dvd of your fav show and relax,, but you are way too interested in this subject. If it winds you up this much Its time to walk away, its not important, its not peoples lives, its not medice, its just a bit of fun. please don’t let it get you upset, or so wound up that you have an overwhelming compulsion to browse this site and leave these comments.. I’m thinking of you, not defending anybodies point of view, you may well be right in everything you say,, but in the scope of things, it doesn’t matter. this was written with the very best if intentions, i hope you take it that way x

  26. SPBBBMB Congragigator said

    June 12, 2009 @ 6:54 am

    Pete VS Brad really is a great idea….anonymous, you need to put your name on that one! – forget YouTube, that’s a cable special waiting to happen –

  27. Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)

    June 12, 2009 @ 7:58 am

    Thats the funniest thing I’ve read today, but then again I just got up.

  28. Aobnoximous said

    June 12, 2009 @ 10:15 am

    mmmmmm…juiced buns

  29. Anonymous said

    June 13, 2009 @ 7:11 am

    Anonymous said

    June 11, 2009 @ 2:41 pm

    this happened to me too, but the men in black told me never to speak about it.

  30. anonymous said

    June 13, 2009 @ 11:13 am

    anony June 11 2:41 you are a fuckin riot! LOL LOL

  31. anonymous said

    June 13, 2009 @ 11:18 am

    I would like to get my hands on that secret powder that lawrence livermore labs has created. As of now my budget wont allow me to purchse the IFOCE211B bionic esophogus and throat model designed to give you the super powers needed to become the worlds greatest competitive eater on the face of the earth

  32. Anonymous said

    August 26, 2009 @ 7:06 pm

    Brad would start crying the moment the competition between him and Pete started. Brad is a nobody. But I would love to see Pete humiliate him by eating twice or more the amount in the same time. I would also love to see Pete comPete against people like Chestnut, Kobayashi, Bertoletti in short events. And I would also love to see Pete comPete against long-distance eaters like LeFevre.

    Unfortunately, that probably will never happen. IFOCE is the game in town (see the payouts at Nathan’s and Krystal’s) and they will not allow their members to compete against non-members. IFOCE would lose too much money if some outsider would beat their eaters. The Shea brothers have too much to lose. Because they are the ones making the most money.

    If every competitive eater were allowed in every event, then these are my thoughts:

    Kobayashi: He put competitive eating on the map and he is amazing. But after years of dominance, he has met his match. His match is called Chestnut.

    Chestnut: All superlatives that I can think of. To dethrone Kobayashi is an amazing feat.

    Bertoletti: Young and sky-rocketing. He will be the number one IFOCE eater very soon.

    Czerwinski: Amazing speed and amazing endurance. Personally, I think he’d defeat Lefevre in endurance and beat Bertoletti in speed.

    If only the powers that be would let all of them compete against each other in contests…

  33. Anonymous said

    August 27, 2009 @ 7:11 am

    Pete’s stock would take a hit if he had to compete against the IFOCE top six. I think he’d certainly win once in awhile, but he would more than have his hands full with Humble Bob, Tim, and Sonya in most foods, let alone Koby, Joey, and Pat.

    To me, Pete is like Gal Sone of Japan. Notice what happened to “The Gal” when she went up against “The Witch” Sugawara for Gluttonous Queen in Japan. I think she was undefeated before that.

    Pete can learn from that and keep doing what he’s doing, so he can stay undefeated. Forget the pride thing.

  34. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    August 27, 2009 @ 7:27 am

    A: I admit, Joey’s got Koby’s number in HDBs, though Koby has everybody else’s number in that event.

    But take away that food type and look at the head-to-head competition like: Singapore Chicken and P’zone, which have been the two most recent events of that type.

    What do you think would happen in other food types that involve hand speed and nondunking?

    Joey eats great, but Koby’s was and still is THE greatest eater in the world.

    But, like I said, since all the emphasis is on HDBs, and Krystals to a lesser extent, Koby will never again attain the World # 1 ranking … even if he were to topple Joey in Krystals.

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