Beautiful Brian’s Coney Island auction report
Beautiful Brian has posted a video commentary about the Coney Island benefit auction on Monday in which George Shea was honored. He received an Obama/Chestnut T-shirt which Joey Chestnut wore at Nathan’s which he will not wear in public.
Ugly Abrin said
November 7, 2008 @ 7:05 am
I also received a Chestnut/Obama shirt, and I love to wear it in public. It always gets positive comments, and gets folks talking about competitive eating. Chill, BB
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
November 7, 2008 @ 9:49 am
I feel the same about both Obama and Joey: I think they’re both quality people, but I’d rather see someone else at the top.
As far as the T-Shirt, if I kept it, it would still be pristine after 5 years, because I’d never wear it; it would be hippocritical of me to do so.
anonymous said
November 7, 2008 @ 11:56 am
Brian i saw the video. Get it through your head the Shea’s enjoy hearing ” put your hands in the air put your hands in the air” and not “your’e doing steroids and i think it’s such a crime” Sweet science and all day buffet is like god bless america to them.
Anonymous said
November 9, 2008 @ 8:21 am
Beautiful Brian will never ever stop pushing his face and his website and all CE activities into everyone else’s face. He has no clue of what friendship means and has no common sense. His loyal fans are mostly his party of one self running around giving himself votes so he can say he was begged to continue. His attacks on everyone who isn’t his favorite flavor of the day should embarrass him. But they do not. Basically, he loves to give it out but can’t take it. It is unfortunate but too true. He feels that he can attack anyone and everyone, beg for attention for himself, then rant about how badly he is being treated. Respect has to be earned, not demanded.
beautifulbrian said (Registered November 22, 2005)
November 9, 2008 @ 11:28 am
Sure i totally agree 8.21am that resides in PA or maybe your’e the great eater that cheated his way into 2007 Nathans finals. If you are not any of the above , then what the hell i took a shot anyhow. Since i dont have a clue to what friendship means , then i guess i can attack anyone and everyone right? Maybe you should take a lesson on the value of friendship or learn how to keep your word when you make a promise to someone. . Just for the record, when i took that poll the votes i recieved from fans were legit and not like the stuffing of ballots which someone like yourself would more than likely engage in . The poll allows you to only vote once per computer.I own one PC and i certainly dont have the time to run to libraries or internet cafe’s to send in votes for myself , you ill informed idiot! . To steal a line from the previous poster “You my friend just showed your true colors” Anyhow i just gave you a paragraph of my time which is more than you deserve. On to more positive news. I would like to share my meatsauce recipe with everyone. I guarantee when you are done in the kitchen your wife GF or side bitch will never ask you to take them out for Italian food. I have other recipes which will also save you a ton of cash on dining out. . Depending on supermarket pricing , the total cost of these items should set you back less than $20 Here goes
BB’s Italian meat sauce
2 28oz cans of crushed tomatoes
8oz of peeled garlic cloves
2lbs of chopped meat
4oz of fresh basil or bay leaf
3 tablespoons of oregano
2cup olive oil
one med size onion
6oz can of tomato paste
Fry the garlic and olive oil in a saucepan. Brown the meat and onion in another pan and combine both . In a large pasta pot add the two cans of crushed tomatoes with 28oz of water. add tomato paste and stir frequently on small flame . After about 20 min add the ground beef , onions and garlic to the mix. 45 min later add the basil or bay leaves Low flame for approx 2.5 hrs stirring every 15 min until sauce is ready. Add to pasta and you have enough sauce to last you for a few days depending your appetite or the amount of guests you serve.Please let me know how it came out Enjoy!
anonymous said
November 9, 2008 @ 1:15 pm
aint that the same dude that posts under don juan and the truth hurts.? Didnt work so he went back to anonymous. I hate anonymous phonies