BeautifulBrian on new rankings and Philly Guy
Beautiful Brian has posted his commentary for February which deals with who he thinks should rise and fall in the next installment of the IFOCE rankings. He also has some thoughts about his dispute with Pete “Philly Guy” Miernicki.
Steakbellie said (Registered August 11, 2006)
February 10, 2008 @ 12:27 pm
I’d like to make the case that I’m worthy of the #21 spot or slightly better with some recent data. WB dont mean crap. Noodles I was .42lbs behind CLC in the finish, In the last Major, Krystals, I tied Russ Keeler for 2nd with 31 (we fought it out side by side, it was awesome), Wedges I edged out Mad Greek and was only .07lbs behind Juris, Eggs, I hit the 40 in 8 minutes mark,
Maybe you are weighting my Cranberry performance too heavily? I didnt react to the refined sugar load very well, and I tip my hat to all the guys who were able to motor through it. It’s hard to say that I didnt do well with 6.5lbs of the stuff down, but that’s how it was.
I think you are right about Russ, he’s solid
I think Wing Kong is continuing his steady rise
I think Brad is going to be top 20 or better this year
I think US MALE needs to be ranked and Corn and HotDogs will be great opportunities for him to show us all where he belongs
fanatic313 said (Registered June 8, 2007)
February 10, 2008 @ 2:02 pm
When is the next episode of BB’s corner coming out?
beautifulbrian said
February 10, 2008 @ 2:25 pm
After viewing the ham and eggs i think i prejudged you on the ranking steakbellie. You performed very well. I was basing my judgement on some of your earlier performances and until you mentioned some of your finishes i think the early 20’s ranking fits you quite well. Sorry for the mistake. I didnt appreciate being accused of inflating totals which is why i came down hard on that kid. Even though i had some words with him on the net i think that people should lay off him. He’s been taking a beating on this site as far as his eating ability and he does give it his best shot. I would personally like to call a truce as far as he’s concerned and let bygones be bygones. There are a few assholes out there that are much worse than him as far as obnoxious qualities but i wont get into it. Those were the exact totals that Ryan quoted me after the rind contest. Anyone who has a problem with that can call or email him at the office. Dont go by what was read off a sheet from a punter that didnt even make the Giants squad this year.
Anonymous said
February 10, 2008 @ 2:28 pm
I thought Brian and Pete were tight. What happened?
Philly Guy said
February 10, 2008 @ 7:12 pm
Based off of the evidence I had my claim wasn’t unwarranted. So your response was out of line and I’ll forgive you for that.
There is no need to bug the IFOCE office that is busy getting more and more contest up for what’s going to be a wild year. That contest will never happen again. It was a weird food that didn’t go over well with any of the eaters. I have my eyes set on a different eater anyway. One of those young guys that acts like a bit of a lunatic if you ask me.
Anonymous said
February 10, 2008 @ 7:36 pm
You know all you crying wining babies,#1, eaters like Brian, Don, Booker, Cookie,Hardy,LeFevre,Eater X,Sonya,Kuch and yeah even Boony made this federation.They competed and changed a few times in the rankings.They never cryed about their positioning in the rankings.You wanabees do what these guys did and the and only then you will have a platform to speak your case..Learn and compete,dont cry.
Gentleman Joe said
February 10, 2008 @ 9:29 pm
Hell, I not only didn’t complain about rankings, but commented that I thought I was over ranked when I was #6. (I thought I should have been #7 at the time)
For the first year or so, I too was concerned with such things.
anonymous said
February 10, 2008 @ 9:36 pm
Can anyone make sense out of this anonymous comment from 7:36 am ?
anonymous said
February 10, 2008 @ 10:01 pm
People will only believe totals that are posted by the official IFOCE website even though they screw up on numerous occasions. For some reason their final stats are the word of god to some of you people
anonymous said
February 10, 2008 @ 11:57 pm
Philly guy makes a good point. he should concentrate on new blood challenges like Brad old school which in turn will make both of them great eaters . I predict that Brian is on his way out of the entire CE scene . I seriously believe that after his album comes out he will dissapear off the face of the earth.
anonymous said
February 11, 2008 @ 1:17 am
wishful thinking anonymous 11;57
Rhonda Evans said
February 11, 2008 @ 7:46 am
Overall I think the IFOCE does a good job with the rankings. It’s not perfect,. but I doubt any other group of people could do any better.
It’s also obvious that most of the better eaters do little, if any, whining. Perhaps this is because they have confidence in their abilities and know that their future performances will shine through.
anon said
February 11, 2008 @ 10:23 am
if philly guy moves up, this whole thing is a joke.
anonymous said
February 11, 2008 @ 11:58 am
I wonder if philly guy got beaten up after school when he was a little kid and during the process his lunchbox opened up with an apple falling out .
Jake from SF said
February 11, 2008 @ 1:06 pm
Brian your last sentence about “hoping I made a point without hurting anyone’s feelings” was total BS. You wrote up that whole rant just to try and hurt Philly Guy’s feelings. No one will mistake me for a Philly Guy supporter, but if you are going to rip someone then do it and don’t try to back down at the end by writing some garbage like that. Why do you care where you are ranked anyways. Caring about where you are in the bottom of the rankings is just as bad as caring about whether you finished 7th or 8th in an CE contest. So by your standards you’re no better than the boy you are bashing. Win some contests (or at least place in the upper half) and then you’ll have something to argue!
anonymous said
February 11, 2008 @ 1:42 pm
Brian this guy really loves you
beautifulbrian said
February 11, 2008 @ 2:05 pm
Maybe i should send him a valentine’s day card
anon said
February 11, 2008 @ 2:32 pm
does philly guy have any supporters? For someone who talks so much shit, you’d think he could back it up with some placings….right?
Philly Guy said
February 11, 2008 @ 3:39 pm
I don’t really talk trash. I just don’t back down when someone calls me out. Brian acts like I’m the worst eater in the world, yet my personal best in some foods are better than his. I’ll admit I’m really off sometimes i.e. my WIP stunt. More recently I’ve shined more than faltered. In ribs I was .15 behind Crazy legs (conflicting reports say I beat him by .5, but I’ll go with the IFOCE call) and in Krystals I got 25 which beat several eaters ranked ahead of me. More recently I only fell to Brad the Lunatic by 3 wings in a Wing Off. So talk all the crap you want. You can eat your words while I eat my way to victory. I got close and I want to finish what I started. I’m gunning for the Lunatic.
Mega Munch said
February 11, 2008 @ 4:08 pm
I support him. Philly Guy has a lot of determination and love for the sport (way more than some of the top ranked eaters) and that should count for something.
Anonymous said
February 11, 2008 @ 4:46 pm
Phill Guy really shouldn’t be talking shit.
Anonymous said
February 11, 2008 @ 6:08 pm
I don’t think one call really say he has more passion. You can he has a lot of passion, but you can’t really measure it, especially if you barely know the other eaters.
The mediator said
February 12, 2008 @ 1:47 am
Jake the snake wasnt it you that blasted philly guy a few days ago claiming his hot dog stunt was lame ? You are so full of sh its not even funny. Using this poor kid as a scapegoat just cause you are a BB hater . It’s all about your intense hate of Brian and certainly not loving Philly guy Go crawl back in the snake pit like the sneaky two faced ass we all hate and know. .
Tom Petty said
February 12, 2008 @ 8:17 am
Philly Guy should be ranked about the same as Skinny Boy or lower.
UP's All U-S said
February 12, 2008 @ 9:00 am
I listened to all of you eaters for too long now. I’ve competed with most of you and there is no one at this time that will ever come close to Joey & Pat. Are you really doing this for fame and fortune then keep your day job. I’ve competed along side both BB & Pete and they are both goog people and thats what is is all about just having fun. There are 2 peolpe that really love competing with a pasion and some day they will get thier win just like BB got his pickles and they are all good people ” Wild Bill ” and Pete ” The Philly Guy” When you stop having fun get out, stop complaining and get a life.
Talk is cheap said
February 12, 2008 @ 11:12 am
Pete, by boasting about almost beating Crazy Legs or finishing 4 behind this one and 6 behind that one does nothing for your career. There are some eaters that have titles that noone cares about because they have so many . Some eaters are known for one single title than the fifteen or twenty the others have . In your case you have zero and technically have nothing to brag about, so until you beat a top name in the sport then i suggest you shutup or put up. 25 krystals is a start but win a nathans or krystal qualifier and people will start giving you respect. Until then expect to be a table ender that gets little if any attention.
Stoney Rockhead said
February 12, 2008 @ 11:53 am
Him no mention me…you forget me 22 lbs of Bronto Burgers, and that Pterydactyl Wings Bowl Contest me dominate…you caveman hater…me no cave ender!
Rhonda Evans said
February 12, 2008 @ 12:16 pm
For Philly Guy and everyone else: It’s all about having fun, knowing yourself, finding your niche, and knowing your role, in that order. Not everyone has or ever will have the phenom status of a Koby, Joey, or Sonya, the legendary status of “Cookie” Jarvis or “Badlands” Booker, or the eating prowess of Pat Bertoletti, Tim, “The Locust,” or “Humble” Bob, and that’s A-OK.
Nor will many people have the charisma, salesmanship, eating competency, and likeability of “Crazy Legs,” or as interesting a schtick as Paul Barlow, Erik “The Red,” Don “Moses” Lerman or “Beautiful” Brian, or the ostentations of Dale Boone or Dr. “Big Time,” or the kindness, beauty, and affability of Juliet Lee. That’s all okay.
Each and every eater who graces a competitive eating table, whether that person is a table ender or one of the top gurgitators, surely has at least one thing that he or she can do very, very well, better than most. The key is to find it, use it, exploit it and have fun.
Remember, it takes more than great competitive eaters to make great competitive eating.
Anonymous said
February 12, 2008 @ 2:11 pm
Seriously, Pete. The last thing you should want is for these angry, desperate, what-about-me comments to define your career.
Jake from SF said
February 12, 2008 @ 3:52 pm
Mediator, as I said before I am not a supporter of Philly Guy. I wasn’t defending Philly Guy as a person on a competitive eater. I was only pointing out that Brian complaining about his ranking status from 35 to 50 while at the same time criticizing Philly Guy for wanting clarification between who finished last and who finished 2nd to last is like the “pot calling the kettle black.” (or in Brian’s case the elephant calling the hippo he’s fat). Hey, Brian.. guess what… you’re FAT!
beautifulbrian said
February 12, 2008 @ 5:48 pm
Not as fat as you Jake. I think in your case you are just fat dumpy looking and ugly all at the same time. Have a good life . I think this site is your only life
Jake from SF said
February 12, 2008 @ 7:40 pm
Dude 6’1″ 187 I hardly call that fat… what do you weigh brian… close to 300 if not over.
anonymous said
November 26, 2010 @ 7:50 pm
what ever happened to Stinky Pete Miernicki?