Big eating car model
Import Tuner has an interview with car model Tanya Ann Schafer, whose trim waist belies a big appetite:
TS: Hang out? What’s that?! I don’t do too much of that anymore because I’m always working, but when I do go out it usually involves dancing. Anywhere, anytime, as long as some kind of music is playing. Oh, and I love to go out to restaurants because I love to eat. People are usually in shock when they see me eat.
2nr: Really… you have to describe.
TS: It’s not all over my face or anything! I can just eat a lot, and people are surprised because I’m pretty thin.
2nr: It must be your hollow leg. So what is your favorite food to stuff yourself with?
TS: Everything! But if I have to name one type, it would have to be Italian.