Bigger Mac Daddy Burger contest gallery has a gallery from the May 17 Bigger Mac Daddy Burger eating contest. The captions state that Ian Hickman was the winner.

Comments (9)


  1. jumby said (Registered April 10, 2008)

    May 26, 2008 @ 9:26 pm

    nice job invader, how much was the weight that u ate?

  2. North Pole said (Registered April 28, 2008)

    May 27, 2008 @ 8:50 am

    Wow, that’s a big burger.

  3. Rhonda Evans said

    May 27, 2008 @ 9:38 am

    Congrats Ian!

  4. Anonymous said

    May 27, 2008 @ 10:45 am

    He ate with who ??? not one Pro-Eater Nice Lube Job

  5. North Pole said (Registered April 28, 2008)

    May 27, 2008 @ 11:02 am

    One of the guys is Joel “The Cannon” Podelsky. “The Cannon” has been real busy lately, two contest on May 17, one on May 23, and one on May 24.

  6. Rhonda Evans said

    May 27, 2008 @ 11:14 am

    So what? Regardless of who was there or who wasn’t there, when you eat you, in essence, you eat against the clock. Other eaters’ presence is simply a side issue.

    If someone can eat 30 dogs in 10 minutes by himself, that person can eat 30 hot dogs in the company of others also.

  7. Gentleman Joe said

    May 27, 2008 @ 12:00 pm

    All you can do is find out about a contest, show up & do your best.

    We seldom have the choice of who competes with or against us.

    Unfortunately, we’ll never know if contests would have been different if say, I hadn’t run into, legendary traffic on my way to the Newark Bears cheeseburger eating contest, or if Sonya was allowed to compete against Ian in the Bigger Mac challenge, or if US male, or Wing Kong had competed in wings at the Chili fest in Sewell.

    Most of life is showing up.

    If you show, & win you deserve the Kudos.

  8. North Pole said (Registered April 28, 2008)

    May 27, 2008 @ 1:39 pm

    Heck, if you show up and compete your best, a kudo is nice as well.

  9. INVADER said

    May 27, 2008 @ 8:33 pm

    Thanks Rhonda and Jumby.

    I’ll be agreeing with Joe on this one. For the most part, you never know who is going to be there until the contest starts. Plus, last minute entries are common and the food is rarely consistent making CE as challenging as it can be.

    I personally was expecting Juliet or Sonya to come through that door before the contest started. Both live just as close as I do (if not closer) and I figured “flying under the radar” would not be the end of their contracts IF the IFOCE found out. The competition would have been that much better and the totals would have been that much higher in my opinion. You are always eating against the clock, but I try to eat THAT much harder when I know there is someone either ahead of me or on my ass.

    I actually enjoyed competing with Joel and he ate a very respectable total in the process. We ate and bullshitted throughout the 45 minute time limit. Imagine a free lunch with a friend of yours and a crowd of strangers that just happen to be there. The folks at Burger Joint were nice and glad to have us there to compete. Hopefully, they’ll do something like this again.

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