Competitive Eating / Drinking Deaths category

10 employees fired following water drinking contest death reports that KDND fired 10 employees, including the three DJs who presided over the water drinking contest in which Jennifer Lea Strange died after drinking approximately 2 gallons of water. has more details about the contest including reports that the DJs were warned of the risks of the contest by a caller:

About two hours into the contest, a woman who identified herself as Eva called the show. She warned the hosts that “those people that are drinking all that water can get sick and possibly die from water intoxication.”

One host replied that “we’re aware of that.” Another said the contestants had signed releases, “so we’re not responsible.”

“And if they get to the point where they have to throw up, then they’re going to throw up and they’re out of the contest before they die, so that’s good, right?” one host said. One of the hosts then asked a DJ stationed in the kitchen with the contestants, “Is anybody dying in there?”

“We got a guy who’s just about to die,” he said.

“Make sure he signs the release,” the host replied.

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Woman dies in bladder endurance contest

(Thanks Brian Subich) reports that a woman died after competing in a contest in Sacramento where the objective was to avoid going to the bathroom while drinking a 8 ounce bottle of water every 15 minutes. The winner would receive a Nintendo Wii.

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Slashfood thread about “Chubby Bunny” fatality

(Thanks Brian Seiken) Slashfood has a post with currently 100 comments about the death in the “Chubby Bunny” marshmallow stuffing contest in Canada last week.

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Ontario woman who choked on marshmallow dies

The London (Ontario, Canada) Free Press reports that a woman who was in critical condition after choking on a marshmallow at the Western fair died. The woman was participating in a contest in which the objective was to stuff as many marshmallows as possible into one’s mouth and then say the words “Chubby bunny” The woman’s family did not release her name.

Updated 1:56 am The Globe and Mail has a long article about the death which includes the woman’s name. The “Chubby Bunny” game killed a 12 year old schoolgirl in Illinois in 1999.


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