has a series of questions labeled The Ultimate Competitive Eating Quiz.


  1. Don "Moses''Lerman said

    August 31, 2010 @ 8:22 pm

    The test has a wrong answer, I developed the water Technic back in 2000 to expand the stomach and strengthen the cardiac sphinx muscle at the bens matzah ball contest, the time is 2min not 30 sec..Don Lerman

  2. Will said

    September 1, 2010 @ 12:39 am

    Don is right.

    He came up with this tech. that has given all top comp. eating people the ability to eat heavy amounts of food.

  3. Anonymous said

    September 1, 2010 @ 1:50 am

    Except that doing it in 30 seconds is faster and reflects the training target of today’s top eaters!

  4. no one cares said

    September 1, 2010 @ 4:24 am

    thats not a C E quiz it’s an IFOCE quiz

  5. Jimbo said

    September 1, 2010 @ 8:28 am

    The IFOCE does not institute this kind of training.Only deep breathing and good sleep.

  6. The future said

    September 1, 2010 @ 9:16 pm

    Don is still the originator no matter how fast you drink water for training.That is the truth.

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