Competitive Eaters in best of 2008 lists
Joey Chestnut is a choice in the ESPN poll for the five members of the 2008 All SportsNation team.
Jeff Olson is one of DelawareOnline’s 8 most intriguing people of 2008 (which appears to be restricted to Delaware residents). Jeff’s proposed Wing Bowl qualification stunt of eating 3 pounds of cottage cheese in 3 minutes was rejected, so he will try to qualify at a Wing Off.
Anonymous said
December 24, 2008 @ 5:28 am
Sports nation? What physical activity is joey good at?
Tonto said
December 24, 2008 @ 10:20 am
He’s in dead last. Ouch.
Anonymous said
December 24, 2008 @ 5:00 pm
Kobe Bryant is the only logical choice. They must have Joey’s name there for a laugh.