A reddit thread is seeking comments from competitive eaters interested in competing in the Crif Dog Classic. Only one at two reddit.com slots is available; the other has been awarded to bsimpson.


  1. ummmm yeah said

    May 24, 2012 @ 7:47 pm

    I sure hope thats a joke… For Crif Dog Classic and Kobi’s sake at least.

  2. Pondering said (Registered July 22, 2010)

    May 25, 2012 @ 5:57 am

    Seems not to be a joke. I read it, the usual suspects are interested, Pat from Moonachie and Gentleman Joe. It seems like a good opportunity for them and others perhaps, but it is Kobayashi who is the draw. Seems like another nosedive for Kobi, a little money here and there, some interest, another kind of hair brained scheme, and really guys, wouldn’t you get more attention if it were not on the 4th of July? Make your own something or other, just seems like a big stretch for little reward.

  3. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    May 25, 2012 @ 8:08 am

    I’m certainly no marketing expert (though I don’t think I’d fail at it), but it seems logical that the WORST day to have a Crif Dog CE event would be July 4th. This event is not a “diss” to Nathan’s. On the contrary, it’s a BOON for it!

    Having this contest on the same day as competitive eating’s nationally-televised Super Bowl really helps put things in perspective. It will be perceived by the general public as a Class “B” contest for those not good enough to eat at Nathan’s. I’m tempted to say that eaters participating in Crif Dogs would be perceived as equivalent to teams which couldn’t make the NCAA basketball tornament, and instead have to opt for the NIT, but even that is a stretch.

    Given Koby’s lack of success in topping Joey on July 4 three years in a row, coupled with Koby’s absence from the Big Show the last 2 years, Koby’s perceived status as something less than the World #1 is further solidified—-that’s an understatement.

  4. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    May 25, 2012 @ 8:10 am

    tournament, not “tornament.” It’s too early.

  5. Randy Santel said (Registered June 2, 2010)

    May 25, 2012 @ 8:35 am

    I think ummmm yeah was referring to the actual reddit thread, and not the contest. lol & I see what he means after clicking the picture of him practicing…

  6. Yuck said

    May 25, 2012 @ 11:14 am

    Oh, this is beautiful. Kobi’s now holding court on who can kiss his ass better. Oh man, Dale Boone chiming in is perfect for this sham. Kobi’s gotta choose Boone to make this travesty a complete festival of idiocy. Rhonda, I agree that anyone participating in this sham is a joke, and a real case study in the lack of self esteem by the background eaters and ego gone crazy by Kobi. And, you’re absolutely right that Nathan’s can only look better compared to this joke celebration of all that is Kobi. Earlier, I thought the moment Kobi jumped the shark was is when he got hauled off to jail for storming the Nathan’s stage, the “I’m not gay, I’m Japanese” remark wasn’t exactly a high water mark, but this actually takes him lower than whale doo doo. But you know what, I still feel the people of Brooklyn deserve better in terms of how they opened their heart to selfish Kobi kid and he treats them douchebags. What’s really amazing is Crap Dog’s and Rosario’s total lack of self awareness of their image amongst the Brooklyn community. You’d figure companies, especially local companies, would have a clue that this is going to kill their image. Kobi, pick me! Pick me! Hey Crif dog background eaters, why don’t you just bend over and let Kobi get it over with? B. Simpson, whaa?

  7. Yuck said

    May 25, 2012 @ 11:25 am

    Oh, and one more thing. When they announce the prizes next week, how much do you want to bet they’ll be exactly like Nathan’s?
    Which should totally bankrupt Crif’s and Rosario’s. So, I guess that’s just deserts for companies that are willing to screw over their local community. Hey we’re just like Nathan’s … except we suck!

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