The Charleston Daily Mail has a preview of Saturday's pepperoni roll eating contest at the Three Rivers Festival with quotes from Joey Chestnut, Tim Janus and Miki Sudo. Pat Bertoletti departure from MLE is mentioned.


  1. Anonymous said

    May 24, 2013 @ 2:09 am

    According to the article: “Miki Sudo, currently ranked at No. 7, is an up-and-coming rookie who is nearly matching 10-year veteran Thomas’ records left and right”. I am confused because when I look at Miki Sudo’s bib sheet, I don’t see any records. This begs the question of which of Thomas’s records has Sudo claimed? Has Thomas eaten a gyro? She did not have the asparagius record. Her female record in hot dogs is 45. Thomas does not have a record in pepperoni rolls. If Miki wins Saturday then she wiill have a record but the record will not be one she took from Sonya. Even if Sudo somehow wins on July 4, unless she eats 69 she will still not have an actual world record. The article makes Sudo come across as if she is already at Sonya Thomas’s level, only a newby, but she somehow has escalated to Sonya Thomas’s status in only a few weeks. Right now all is okay and as a newbie she has a kind of get out of jail free card with respect to fans of many of her C.E. peers. The fact is, in Sudo I see an arrogant, self centered, unrespecting attention starved competitor.

  2. Anonymous said

    May 24, 2013 @ 5:10 am

    Haters, us Miki fans love you even though you are totally blind to reality. . Your retarded comments are amusing because it shows just how stupid your mind melts.

  3. Anonymous said

    May 24, 2013 @ 5:29 am

    @209 how are you gonna call her arrogant, self centered, unrespecting attention starved competitor. Did Miki claim this things? Did she write those articles about herself? All she does is compete she never boast about herself on this page or anywhere else. She’s new to CE but ive never once heard or seen her talk smack about any other eater. The only arrogant person is you! You judge a book by its cover smh….

  4. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    May 24, 2013 @ 8:27 am

    You would think that without Bertoletti and Stonie, the field would not be very deep, but such is not the case. You (at least me) would think that Joey and Tim are shoo-ins for first and second, respectively, but if either of them is not totally on his game, there could be a surprise or two.

  5. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    May 24, 2013 @ 8:51 am

    You can never take at face value articles about competitive eating. Oftentimes, the “journalists” who write them either don’t do their homework or take liberties of embellishment—-or both. Even MLE does the latter. I actually don’t blame them in most cases. They’ve a product to sell.

    Miki brings an air of youthful excitement and passion (for CE). Those qualities, in concert with her immense talent, are a real shot in the arm for competitive eating, both in and outside of MLE. You’d either have to have no hearbeat or be an extreme cynic to not appreciate her.

    My curosity is peaked concerning her room for improvement. How much? I thought Sonya hit her peak years ago, but her performance last year in HDBs and oysters the previous 2 years proved me wrong. What is left in the Widow’s tank?

    Also, in all this, Juliet’s name seldom comes up, but she remains one of the best female eaters on the planet. The lady is both beautiful (and sexy) and talent-laden!

  6. Anonymous said

    May 24, 2013 @ 9:11 am

    Interesting about the new female competitors. It seems that Juliet participated a lot in the beginning but does not now whereas TBW has been on course since her very beginnings. Newcomers are quite exciting, finding females who can come close to Sonya is something to be celebrated. About what appears in articles, unless the person writes, as in something they write or tweet or whatever, you can be sure that things will not be accurate. Writers also have something to sell……their writing. CE is about entertainment.

  7. Anonymous said

    May 24, 2013 @ 11:36 am

    Oh, hater @209a, do you really think the eaters are the ones approaching writers to be included in articles? Do you honestly believe that Joey, Janus, Sonya, and Miki all simultaneously thought, “hmm. Let me call up the Charleston Daily Mail and talk about myself today”? That’s what we call a rhetorical question, and in case you didn’t understand that, the answer is “no”. The eaters don’t contact the media outlets. They don’t write the articles. Go take your issue up with a paper that’s likely miles and miles away from your creeper cave.

  8. Wow said

    May 24, 2013 @ 11:53 am

    Of course Queen Miki “Me Me” Sudo doesn’t boast about herself, she just has Dax, BB, Vegas buddies, and her other flying monkey’s go out and crap on other eaters for her. If Me Me disapproved of them making crazy claims about her and dissing other eaters she would tell them BY NAME (becasue she knows who they are) to stop. Me Me has her friends crap on other eaters and comes on here and says, oh I’m so sorry please stop (tears). Me Me knows the only way these people will stop their poor behavior is to call them out publicly. Me Me won’t do that, because she loves the attention.

  9. anonymous said

    May 24, 2013 @ 12:32 pm

    I wonder what the Queen Sudo crap and the tribute song was all about? I would expect that El Toro got something out of the deal and i don’t mean $$$

  10. Jordy said

    May 24, 2013 @ 1:42 pm

    eating contests have the wierdest followers than any other activity.This is a nice site but lots of crazy thinking people post here.Its more fun to read the crazy posts than it is too read about the event.WHA WHA WHA all the way home with a straight jacket coming around the next corner.

  11. Anonymous said

    May 24, 2013 @ 1:49 pm

    @wow obviously u have no friends because then you would realize friends back each other up when people smack talk them or friends boast about their friends talents to other people I’ve done it when someone said crap about my buddy and I’ve done it when I thought one of my friends achieved something great! That’s what friends do they got each others back through the good and the bad. You should change your account name to “wow I have no friends” or “wow I’m a big loser”

  12. Wow said

    May 24, 2013 @ 2:36 pm

    Anony 12:32 — Are you serious? A tribute song to Queen Me Me Sudo? One of Queen Me Me’s monkey’s actually wrote a tribute song to her? What did the other Monkey’s do to better El Toro, self immolate theselves? Oh that’s perfect. What are these people 12 years old? Did he also buy her bracelet from Seven-Eleven? You have to tell me where I can find this tribute song? Sonya Thomas has “Hell’s Bells,” Queen Me Me can have “El Toro Wuvs Miki.” What was it based on? “Leaving on a Jet Plane?” “Big Ole Jet Airliner?” “Come Fly With Me?” “You Dropped the Bomb on Me?”

  13. Anonymous said

    May 24, 2013 @ 3:17 pm

    @wow There are three other eaters mentioned in the article… four if you count the mentioned absence of deep dish. Why not talk about Joey, X, Sonya, Juliet, or Pat, instead of carrying on your zealous tirade about Miki Sudo (who, by the way, just performs without caring to use a stage name)? It seems like you’re the one giving her the most attention.

  14. Oh My said

    May 24, 2013 @ 3:53 pm

    You can tell a lot about a person by the company they keep.

  15. anonymous said

    May 24, 2013 @ 4:29 pm

    Wow the link was posted here for the song on youtube last month . Ask OJ

  16. Wow said

    May 24, 2013 @ 4:53 pm

    3:17 — Not using a stage name? I thought you monkey’s gave her the Queen Miki title? Dax the Dumbass (her self proclaimed spokesperson), Anony’s (BB and her Vegas Court), and El Boro (12 year old secret Wuver) were sure throwing the Queen name around quite a bit here. Did her Highness disapprove? I like “Me Me.” Did she say something to you and now you are forbidden to use the Queen title when referring to Me Me? Friends? You and your kind are just a bunch of lowlifes, jocksniffers and talentless eaters who got to together to worship someone with considerable talent. Me Me just keeps you guys around to throw compliments at her. 3:17 Why don’t I mention the other eaters? Because they don’t have a bunch of lowlifes who come on here everytime Miki farts and start yacking. Oh, my god that fart was legendary! Best fart ever! No one will remember anybody else except Miki after that spectacular fart! Only Miki and Jackie Robinson could fart like that!

  17. Anonymous said

    May 24, 2013 @ 5:16 pm

    I agree with Wow.

  18. Anonymous said

    May 24, 2013 @ 6:21 pm

    Hey “wow”: Do you realize you’ve now posted about Miki 6x more than Dax has in the last 2 days? That’s right. Go count how many times you’ve said her name compared to Dax, bb, el toro, or anyone else. Seriously, you probably have a shrine and a voodoo doll for miki by now.

  19. Wow said

    May 24, 2013 @ 6:42 pm

    Hey guys, I’m sorry.

    I just read the R&H article about gyros (great article!), and I have to say, Miki doesn’t sound half bad.

    In just a few quotes, she not only gave to credit to other eaters, but also thanked the sponsors. I apologize for making hateful remarks and unfounded claims. It’s been a rough year for me.

  20. DaxtheGinger said (Registered April 23, 2011)

    May 24, 2013 @ 10:28 pm

    I hate this place.

  21. anonymous said

    May 25, 2013 @ 2:55 am

    You can add to the list of me me’s past and present
    1. Cookie Jarvis
    2. Matt Stonie
    3. Dale Boone
    4. Moses Lerman
    5. Jamie Mcdonald
    6. LA Beast

    You can add to the list of eaters taking an interest in others
    1, Bob Shoudt
    2. Larell Marie
    3 Michelle Lesco

  22. Anonymous said

    May 25, 2013 @ 5:16 am

    @wow your an idiot like I said you have no friends get a life too little too late …. also to the person who agrees with WOW maybe you guys can be friends lmao. First this is a web site. You can never truly understand a person unless you meet them in person, talk to them, and interact with them. Even then you will never truly know someone. There are so many arrogant people on this site always so quick to judge someone. You can have your opinions that fine but, judging someone and making claims about them are another thing…… P.S. Molly fan here lol

  23. How sad said

    May 25, 2013 @ 11:06 am

    Its a shame that a few grown men with dead end civil service jobs that are actually women living in a mans body, have nothing better to do than to make up lies about ones personal hygiene and their personal lives.Those jobs are usually reserved for people that could never make it in the real world or “corporate america” They actually sound sort of feminine when they speak. If you were to actually meet this person (1 or 2 of maybe 3) you would realize this individual constantly craves attention to divert the problems they have in their own lives. Two of the three have little if any social life . They try to make friends when nobody else wants to be around them because of their holier than thou attitude or because of their miserable but unfortunate family life. The third individual was tormented and picked on growing up as a young teen, so youtube and the anonymous grade school mentality thrillseekers, are his only outlet . It takes a real man with class to ignore haters, but the ones that feel they need to get down dirty and personal are the most dispicable dirtbags on the face of the earth

  24. Anonymous said

    May 25, 2013 @ 3:06 pm

    11:06, hard to understand what you are saying. There are two mail men in competitive eating right? One of them spreads lies and has an obsession with body odor. Read my sentences as to most people they will make no sense either. Let’s get some facts here for a change. Pepperoni smells, that is what interests me. Let’s get to the contest.

  25. anonymous said

    May 25, 2013 @ 5:56 pm

    Spreads lies ? I dont think so. Those lies turn out to be the undeniable truth but not to the ones that live in denial such as yourself. As far as odors ? Many in competitive eating have them. Seiken is not one of them

  26. Anonymous said

    May 27, 2013 @ 3:00 pm

    Anonymous @255: Now you’ve got a problem with Matt Stonie? You’re sounding crazier with every post.

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