The La Costena facebook has a gallery of the jalapeno eating contest at the Atlanta Peachtree Latino Festival won by Dale "Diego" Boone.


  1. SuperPaulBBBBMBBBarlow said

    September 14, 2010 @ 12:43 pm

    can’t believe they let him even enter..this is the contest where he screamed at the sponsor, insulted the audience, and was thrown out of IFOCE for good. Oh, well, if Pete Rose is allowed on the Reds field, I guess anything is possible. Too bad Bubba wasn’t there to beat Coonskinhead….good times

  2. Anonymous said

    September 14, 2010 @ 3:07 pm

    People have very short memories. Unless I am incorrect, he won $100. For most people a contest is a contest. If the sponsor paid IFOCE for a contest in the past, it cost a lot more than what they spent sponsoring it themselves now. Boone is known in the area, the details aren’t really important. IFOCE showed them how to do it, now they do it themselves. Pretty simple arithmetic. I kind of like it.

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