Darren Rovell of ESPN has posted a complaint about Burger King's use of the "Polish Punisher" in the ad promoting its hot dogs instead of an actual competitive eater. The "Polish Punisher" is played by actor Dave Maulbeck, and the ad has ran nationally at least 1,233 times according to ispot.tv.


  1. Anonymous said

    March 26, 2016 @ 10:32 am

    I bet the Polish Punisher can eat more that 11 of those Burger King hotdogs

  2. Anonymous said

    April 1, 2016 @ 9:22 am

    I saw the commercial, it was completely boring. I have no idea what went into the decision making for the commercial, but it could have been a zillion times better.

  3. Ron K said

    April 1, 2016 @ 11:55 am


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