Darren Rovell reports on Vince McMahon’s “death”
CNBC sports business reporter Darren Rovell, who appeared on the Nathan’s finals telecast when he was with ESPN, wrote a blog entry on whether the WWE faking Vince McMahon’s death is grounds for a lawsuit from WWE shareholders. The WWE responded to Rovell’s analysis by pronouncing him a suspect in McMahon’s “murder”.
SuperPaul said
June 21, 2007 @ 7:19 am
I think I heard Vince McMahon once say “If Sammy Sosa hits 600 home runs, I’ll just Explode!”……obviously, the wrestling mogul is a man of his words.
carey poehlmann said
June 21, 2007 @ 8:22 am
I really cannot believe how much publicity that stunt got. They actually stopped talking about Paris Hilton for two minutes to discuss it on the radio. Share holders? I hope that no one at all believed this actually happened. I know, Luther, it was on TV so it had to be real. I liked the article though, very detailed.
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