DCMilitary.com has an article about Sonya Thomas, who says she hoped to eat 55 hot dogs at the recent Nathan's finals, but switching her beverage to hot water harmed her performance.


  1. anonymous said

    July 12, 2013 @ 9:46 am

    Sonya Thomas should thank her lucky stars that Miki Sudo pulled out of Nathans. Look at it as a gift of respect from Miki. Let TBW have one more day to shine in the sun before she gets used to finishing behind Sudo on a frequent basis. Have fun Sonya a new dawn has arisen

  2. Anonymous said

    July 12, 2013 @ 10:20 am

    Bull Crap is was hot water that harmed her. It was the fact she got caught cheating at the pepperoni roll contest by stuffing her cups being the messiest eater on Earth. She played it safe for fear of being called out.

  3. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 12, 2013 @ 10:43 am

    Even though she only ate a mere 36 HDBs, after reading what Sonya endured, I’d have to say that 2013 was not only her most gutsy performance in HDBs, but perhaps her most gutsy showing in any food. I don’t know how the woman even finished the contest. I’ve looked at lots of pictures and videos and the woman absolutely looked sick. Her body must have severely overheated. Did she have any cool water at all to drink during the contest? I think not!

    0946, and that’s as it should be. And in time, after some woman, whether it is Miki or someone else, accumulates 150+ victories and over 26 (IFOCE-recognized) World Records, then they may add emphasis to an argument that TBW has been replaced. But, TBW’s legacy never will.

    (Regarding those World Records, MLE needs to update their site with her 47 dozen Acme oysters in 8 minutes set in 2012 and her 445 Foodabluza oysters in 5 minutes from earlier this year.)

    Every other woman to come around after 2003 should appreciate TBW taking the lead in laying a decade’s worth ground work in helping women become recognized as actual CE contenders, who can hold their own or better against most of their male competitors.

  4. anonymous said

    July 12, 2013 @ 10:55 am

    Sonya had more debris of corn kernels left over than Conti in the corn contest two years ago in WPB

  5. anonymous said

    July 12, 2013 @ 11:04 am

    Rhonda how do you know so much about Sonya and Crazy Legs Conti? Do they know you or claim to know as much about you as you know about them. I find your closeness and one sided attachment with them quite strange

  6. Anonymous said

    July 12, 2013 @ 11:16 am

    Not sure if im buying the hot water story?

  7. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 12, 2013 @ 12:53 pm

    What I don’t find strange is five anonymi trying to blow smoke out of their respective asses, the comments from whom I’m sure Sonya and Legs are overwhelmed with grief.

    From that blow I’m concerned they may never recover … Oh … F-me to tears! LOCOMAO!

    Oh, and that stands for “Laughing One Cheek of My Ass Off,” as you don’t deserve two.

  8. anonymous said

    July 12, 2013 @ 1:09 pm

    That is untrue Maybe Sonya was flown out more frequently in the past but not now. Drew Cerza might still have a soft spot for her and fly her to Buffalo as long as she remains champion but Sudo will take care of that this year. I remember several years ago Sonya flew to NY to compete in a clam contest but got there late and they were forced to start the contest without her . She did spend her hard earned cash to travel to the event but nearly got hit by a car in the middle of the gutter screaming and yelling at the Ryan Nerz and the sponsor for starting the contest without her

  9. anonymous said

    July 12, 2013 @ 1:17 pm

    “Thomas said she intends to stay in the competitive eating circuit as long as she keeps winning (and her health is not impacted).”

    Dint she used to say “as long as it’s fun”? Does this mean she’ll throw a fit and leave as soon as the younger, more talented eaters like stonie and sudo overtake her in it he rankings? It’s obviously happening soon. MLE’s got a tough job on their hands, dropping TBW 2 spots in one swoop

  10. Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)

    July 12, 2013 @ 2:02 pm

    It is unfortunate that competitive eating attracts two or three low, destitute, unloyal, lowly-esteemed fans.

    It’s all about knowing who you are and finding something you really enjoy / having multiple interests, versus taking issue with people you resent the talents of. You two or three anonymous shit-in-the-punchbowlers who post on this site need to get a life. Until you do, or should I say unless you do, you will never, ever be happy. But, perhaps that is your destiny.

    A destiny to fulfill your Mariana Trench-deep dreams right here on eatfeats?

  11. Anonymous said

    July 12, 2013 @ 2:19 pm

    Rhonda I always appreciate your input but in the case of Sonya Thomas she is a different person in contest. The complaints about her stuffing her cups are from other eaters imagine you beat her but because shes TBW she gets the win in her favor. Also she’s not the same person she portrays herself to be. She’s nasty to other eaters. These are all things you would never know unless your at the table with her. Hot water is actually preferred by eaters over cold water during a contest.

  12. anonymous said

    July 12, 2013 @ 2:45 pm

    Why are they shit in the punch bowlers Rhonda? Because they don’t see eye to eye with you and your’e beloved princess ?

  13. anonymous said

    July 12, 2013 @ 6:24 pm

    Rhonda Evans must have one hell of a boss. From 9-5 M-F he allows her to sit by a computer for 8 hrs and post comments on eatfeats. Wonder how much she gets paid?

  14. Anonymous said

    July 12, 2013 @ 7:32 pm

    Rhonda is Hank right.

  15. Anonymous said

    July 12, 2013 @ 7:37 pm

    Who knows what Rhonda Evans really does. She may be her own boss. She may not work. She may be a guy. She may be a trained monkey. Only Seiken can get to the bottom of this.

  16. Anonymous said

    July 13, 2013 @ 6:10 am

    Seiken is at the bottom all right, the bottom of absolutely everything. Laugh BS, tell us again how you love being quoted and people flock to your pitiful site. Dumping on TBW and Rhonda and eatfeats, there is no sneakier person than you. With friends like you, who needs enemies? You think you are shitting on eatfeats by repeating what you thought was not good? You are one weird weird dude. No wonder you have no friends. Look at this. Crazy cuckoo what you write. You are defending Humble Bob? The thing about the comments on here is that for every Rhonda who is a real fan with real knowledge and opinions there are people like Seiken, an eater himself who says he is a journalist (pardon me while I leave the building) who dumps all over competitive eating and eaters and just about everyone. Fortunately not too many people who follow competitive eating read the comments here.

    Seiken defending HB and crapping on eatfeats? Judge for yourself. “I read some of the recent comments on eatfeats and for the first time in 7yrs Bob Shoudt struck back on the haters. Bob was also not pleased that his dad was mentioned in one of the threads. The thread was a positive one but there are some not so positive comments being made about family members of eaters which are not very nice. One in particular was said in confidence to another eater at a Nathans qualifier in 2005 or 06′ The eater who was a non participant , was standing directly behind Shoudt dad and questioned the hygiene of Shoudts dad to the other eater. It was derogatory and uncalled for”…….

    Readers, do judge for yourself, go to his site if you wish, it is a free country. And Humble Bob, by all means come on here and defend your friend BS and complain about eatfeats. Really, think about it. Who are the really loyal MLE eaters? Those who take the high road like Sonya Thomas. If she has problems with MLE, I am sure she acts like a grown-up and takes them up with MLE. Some others should follow her lead.

  17. Anonymous said

    July 13, 2013 @ 10:08 am

    If TBW didnt formally recognize Seikens apology then this is his way of striking back but I think he had help from the spouse of one of the eaters.

  18. Not Tit For Tat said

    July 13, 2013 @ 10:24 am

    BS will give you the shirt off his back but you’d better give him a tuxedo in return.

  19. anonymous said

    July 13, 2013 @ 10:47 am

    610 you must love what he writes or you wouldnt bother paying attention to anything he says now would you?

  20. anonymous said

    July 13, 2013 @ 11:14 am

    610 is a riot. Was she writing this shit just to fuck with BB head or was she really that angry? This is one of my fav quotes
    Dumping on TBW and Rhonda and eatfeats, there is no sneakier person than you. With friends like you, who needs enemies? You think you are shitting on eatfeats by repeating what you thought was not good? You are one weird weird dude. No wonder you have no friends. Look at this. Crazy cuckoo what you write

  21. Anonymous said

    July 13, 2013 @ 11:28 am

    1047 people visit the shitter to relieve themselves but that does not mean they enjoy commodes.

  22. Anonymous said

    July 13, 2013 @ 12:48 pm

    All power to EA. The group, Eatfeats Anonymous has many members. Well BS is one too. My humble opinion is that 6:10 is not angry at all. Nope, just telling it like it is.

  23. Angry Asp said

    July 13, 2013 @ 2:30 pm

    Seiken is Not a snake. We’re better than that.

  24. Anonymous said

    July 13, 2013 @ 2:35 pm

    Eatfeats Anonymous. I like that. They rule.

  25. off the press said

    July 13, 2013 @ 2:51 pm

    Premiere of the new OJ Rifkin song called “feces”

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