Adam Richman's new show, Man Finds Food, was to have debuted tomorrow on the Travel Channel, but its launch has been delayed after the former host of Man vs. Food had an angry exchange with commenters who objected to his use of the Instagram hashtag #thinspiration, claiming it promoted anorexia.
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anonymous said
July 2, 2014 @ 9:37 am
I watched Man Vs Food rerun on travel channel last night. Adam attempted the brisket latka slider challenge in Arizona and a steak challenge in TN topped off by the monster pork burrito Still entertaining
Randy Santel said (Registered June 2, 2010)
July 2, 2014 @ 11:14 am
He had to have been hammered drunk or at a very low point to think it was ok to say some of those things. Terrible word choices lol did he think none of this hundreds of thousands of followers would not get offended? I bet he doesn’t do anything like that again!
anonymous said
July 2, 2014 @ 12:40 pm
Randy i noticed you did the Lanskys deli challenge on your site a few yrs ago. I completed in in 2010. No big deal The owner Mr Ross is a cheap old fuck. I doubt hes still alive He was 91 at the time. They asked me to come back for the T shirt cause they didnt have one after i did the challenge