THe Douglas County Sentinel has an article about Steve "Pi Guy" Martin, who says he is 99% sure he will continue with competitive eating despite being dropped from the most recent IFOCE top 50.


  1. anonymous said

    March 5, 2013 @ 12:05 am

    Steve martin is right there with joey chestnut. Just wait till title rally when both of them meet head to head

  2. Anonymous said

    March 5, 2013 @ 7:14 am

    The commenters on this site are indeed not even yet out of kindergarten. Unfortunately one of them gets paid by our taxes.

  3. Anonymous said

    March 5, 2013 @ 8:42 am

    Whoever wrote this got their facts wrong says Sonya Thomas ate 68 hot dogs at Nathans great job smh….

  4. anonymous said

    March 5, 2013 @ 9:04 am

    never belonged in the top 50, more guys with better skills and bigger heart that never get respect

  5. anonymous said

    March 5, 2013 @ 9:53 am

    His name got him ranked as a goof.

  6. Anonymous said

    March 5, 2013 @ 10:51 am

    There does not seem to be much fact checking in general but you cannot really blame eaters themselves or the people who are interviewed. The writers should be checking the facts and it is even possible that editors change things.

  7. ButtKicker said (Registered June 26, 2012)

    March 6, 2013 @ 6:44 pm

    The author of the article, Ken Denney, had better look up the meaning of “avocation”.

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