Easter egg eating contests at Maryland Zoo
There will be 4 Easter Egg eating contests for adults at the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore over the next two weekends on March 31st, April 1, April 7 and April 8. The Maryland Zoo website provides the details on those events:
The annual Mary Sue Egg Eating Contest. See how many Mary Sue Eggs you can eat in two minutes. First place winners receive a $250 Mary Sue Candy Basket. 10 contestants per contest. First come first serve. Sign up at the Main Stage in Flocker’s Field (near Polar Bear Watch and the Carousel).
Susie Mae Simpkins (5 years old) said
March 29, 2007 @ 11:50 am
Is this an AICE event?
Wise Old Owl said
March 29, 2007 @ 4:29 pm
Gee, you win more than if you won a Nathans qualifier and they seem to have it open to everyone. There are four separate contests as well. Seems like an A.I.C.E. event. Maybe i’ll go give a hoot.
Mega Munch said
March 30, 2007 @ 7:37 am
What constitutes an “AICE Event”? Is it an event organized by AICE or an event likely to be attended by AICE eaters?
the boy king said
March 30, 2007 @ 1:24 pm
Mega, don’t be dense….. they’re bagging on AICE b/c they’re scared.
anonymous said
March 30, 2007 @ 2:15 pm
It is quiet obvious that there are quite a few contests that have been posted on this site for almost a year and IFOCE members are dying to participate in but they are scared due to the serious restrictions imposed. This is really getting crazy and if it keeps up they might lose members