Fall 2012 MLE top 50 released
The Fall 2012 MLE top 50 has been released. The only change in the top 10 is Matt Stonie (now #5) and Bob Shoudt (now #6) swapping places. Other changes:
- In: Steve Hendry (#25), Matt Bonanno (#29), Ben Do (#40), Joao Paulo (#44), Mary Bowers (#47), Tracy Goode (#50)
- Out: Allen Goldstein (#23), Marcos Owens (#28), Gary Klucken (#36), Randy Harrison (#46), Steve Martin (#49), Bruce Ollis (#50)
- Rising 3+ spots: Yasir Salem (#22 -> #19), Juan Rodriguez (#26 -> #21), Meredith Boxberger (#31 -> #22), Larell Marie Mele (#30 -> #26), Jon Bello (#38 -> #32), Bill Myers (#39 -> #36), Damien Boykin (#44 -> #41)
- Falling 3+ spots: Crazy Legs Conti (#17 -> #20), Brian Dudzinski (#20 -> #24), Brian Subich (#21 -> #27), Eric Livingston (#24 -> #30), Ron Koch (#27 -> #34), Bryan Beard (#32 – #37), Dax Swanson (#32 -> #43), Brian Seiken (#43 -> #46), “Bam” Martinez (#45 -> #49)
anonymous said
November 21, 2012 @ 7:06 pm
Absolute crock of s..t…I know there are 30 eaters I can out eat.Just dont have the money to travel. The top ten will always compete against each other in the big shows, so whats left for the bottom feeders? Its called INDEPENDENT
Larellmarie said (Registered May 9, 2010)
November 21, 2012 @ 9:03 pm
Whoooohoooo quite excited & pleasantly surprised!! Congrats to all the risers & new MLE-ers, nicely done. To those leaving, best of luck in future eating endeavors & for those who were lowered, this is just an challenge to step up the game & claim that higher ranking again!
Starstruck said
November 21, 2012 @ 9:38 pm
So happy to see that Beautiful Brian could hang in the top 50. I knew he was still a force!
beautifulbrian said
November 21, 2012 @ 10:06 pm
Ill save my opinion for my site which will be updated thanksgiving. There are several eaters ranked above me whom i would beat handily one on one. That’s how they run the show . In my case its ring out the old farts ring in the new. Be grateful your still ranked .
Anonymous said
November 21, 2012 @ 10:18 pm
Congrats to Beautiful Brian.. He is finally ranked ahead of the Shredder.
anonymous said
November 21, 2012 @ 11:29 pm
Brian, You know what the problem is.Its called respect”’ Half of the time they won’t even let you in the contest..You can outeat half of the eaters rated above you….NO RESPECT
Starstruck said
November 21, 2012 @ 11:51 pm
IIIt is nothing less than an outrage that an ion with the cout of Brian Seiken is ranked outside the tiop ten!
anonymous said
November 22, 2012 @ 2:02 am
Hey let not make this a slam Brian site..He got screwed with a few others,and there is a certain pregadis towards Brian and a few others on that crappy list..
anonymous said
November 22, 2012 @ 11:16 am
Isn’t great to have your name in the bottom 30? Chances of getting into a major contest are slim and non. Why dont MLE do something for the bottom feeders?
anonymous said
November 22, 2012 @ 2:36 pm
Some of those guys ranked in the high 40’s can whip ass on many in the low and high 30’s
Anonymous said
November 23, 2012 @ 11:17 am
As a fan I can only hope that this new ranking will run its course in terms of comments, the silliness which goes on here gets stale very fast and is pretty much an insider bunch of nonsense in my view. Why don’t “you guys and gals” start your own forum and blast to your heart’s content and keep this place more what it really should be I do not understand. But that’s democracy for you, I guess.
There is almost always no real joking about these things, just tearing each other down and infighting, pointing fingers, making accusations, etc. By this time everyone should know that MLE will do what it does. If you have problems take it up with them. If you have problems with each other, take them up privately or create a forum where you are free to monitor it yourselves. Otherwise, this crap just drives away the very people you want and need, fans, sponsors, publicity, just about anything and everything which could benefit all eaters no matter which organization or independent. Talk about divide and conquer? No, you are just doing damage to yourselves as individuals and within your own organizations.
anonymous said
November 23, 2012 @ 2:32 pm
I think Seiken wanted to create such a forum 1117 but with assholes like Gavonne who live for this stuff making death threats and chanting hile hitler , everyone will be turned away
anonymous said
November 23, 2012 @ 6:23 pm
If women are rated with the men , then let them eat with the men…There are three women that are rated now that couldn’t beat any of the bottom feeder. But the look good..They get it both ways..As a bottom feeder I would like to compete in the womens division………Hey there is none
Molly Yard said
November 23, 2012 @ 7:23 pm
We do eat wiyh the men.
Anonymous said
November 23, 2012 @ 10:42 pm
Seiken blames everything on Gavonne, and Seiken is hardly the poster child for competitive eating. He’s a child all right, Gavonne shows no respect whatsoever but then usually Seiken does not either. What is worse with Seiken is that he puts his name on as many threads as possible to draw attention to himself instead of working on his own blog. Seiken is so transparent in posting about himself as if he is someone else that it is ridiculous. 2:32 pm, it is very easy to monitor comments if one person is monitoring them and remove them. There ARE things called community standards, your comment does not wash.
anonymous said
November 24, 2012 @ 2:14 am
Who did you beat ? #50?They want the money and want to have their own contests…Blah
the great gavonne said
November 24, 2012 @ 10:12 am
For the record I never chanted Heil Hitler, I don’t live for this crap like Seiken, & there is no one here who deserves respect. As for the rankings, it is not based on contests or anything scientific. Whoever sucks the Shea’s cock the most gets rated the highest, plain & simple. Also, if u appear in a MLE contest & u don’t get an appearance fee u r a moron & u don’t deserve respect or anything. Death threats? C’mon, douche bag, that’s the best lie u can come up with? 2013 is probably going to be the last year MLE is in business so get it while u can, kiddies.
ButtKicker said (Registered June 26, 2012)
November 24, 2012 @ 4:16 pm
Seiken = idiot. End of story.
Conti Fan said
November 24, 2012 @ 4:49 pm
beautifulbrian said
November 1, 2012 @ 1:26 pm
All i have to say is this . Once my pc is up the backstabbing phonies will be mentioned by name. Save yourself the embarrassement and reveal yourself now
Seiken is and always has been ALL talk and no action. Why he is even ranked at all is the real question? Is it out of pity? He often claims he will do things like the post he made on 11/1 above, didn’t he claim to have something “bigger than Singapore” in the works a while back, sadly he appears to simply be a pathological liar along with self esteem issues.
He has no shame, no fame, no game… and comes off very lame.
Just for the record ths is not Seiken
anonymous said
November 24, 2012 @ 7:04 pm
@ conti fan i would certainly hope not
Anonymous said
November 24, 2012 @ 8:06 pm
Glad to see Mary Bowers as a new entrant.