The Fox 8 Morning Show has a video about Thursday's Nathan's qualifier in Cleveland. "LA Beast" says he expects to compete along with "Buffalo" Jim Reeves. Crazy Legs Conti has also said he would compete.
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Anonymous said
June 6, 2012 @ 2:05 am
Beast should win, he eats clean. Beast better speak up about clc debris.
Anonymous said
June 6, 2012 @ 8:39 am
From what I understand, CLC will be going up against some very accomplished hotdog eaters in all 3 of his chosen qualifiers and are all very familiar with his “Houdini of Cuisini” antics. In other words, he won’t be getting away with squat.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
June 6, 2012 @ 9:06 am
It’s not a neat eating contest. That’s for kids. The only things “cleanest eaters” get are pats on the back and kind words.
I think those whose main focus is on how “clean” one can eat do so because they they need something to compensate for their inability to keep up with those with more talent, coupled with their refusal to acknowledge accomplishments of those whom they finish behind.
anonymous said
June 6, 2012 @ 9:23 am
Rhonda the extreme favortism you show for Legs points to one thing. You are either his mother Rich Shea or Eater X
Umm said
June 6, 2012 @ 9:29 am
There is a huge difference between cheating and not being neat.
MLE Vet said
June 6, 2012 @ 10:43 am
Clearly you have a warped view on Competitive eating and have little integrity in sportsmanship.
There are eaters who eat cleanly and are extremely talented (Stonie, Morgan, X and Shoudt are a few that come to mind). Then there are eaters who let a few debris slip by because of their style of eating not because they are trying to be messy (Pat B, Denmark, Pretty Boy). Then you have the likes of CLC and J. Lee who just flat out cheat by dropping food on the floor and spitting food out into cups.
Not only is your reply completely off base but it’s actually the exact opposite. The deliberate NON-clean eaters are the ones who “need something to compensate for their inability to keep up with those with more talent, coupled with their refusal to acknowledge accomplishments of those whom they finish behind.”…
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
June 6, 2012 @ 10:56 am
OK, I could be either one. Rich, X, OR Rona. Just call me RORIX, for short, and perhaps I’ll be in there somewhere.
As opposed to showing “extreme favoritism” toward Legs, let’s just say that I’m merely trying to balance things out by going in the other direction to the same degree as those two or three anonymous idiots who have plenty of time to bitch, moan, and point, as opposed to taking responsibility for personal improvement.
That’s all it boils down to, and the guy is too classy to (nor should have to) defend himself, so I’ll do it for him.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
June 6, 2012 @ 11:02 am
MLE Vet, you’re a “vet” all right—-a vet of anonymous bitching and moaning, to be sure.
I think it’s a fair assertion that your glass house needs more than Windex. Drop the stones.
MLE Vet said
June 6, 2012 @ 11:32 am
You’re the oldest vet of anonymity on this site, your glass house has been shattered for A LONG time now.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
June 6, 2012 @ 11:46 am
Yep, I’ve always been quick to admit my vulnerabilities and mistakes, which enables me to live with what I see in the mirror. I also forgive and forget. You appear to do neither. No better time to start than the present.
Give it a rest said
June 6, 2012 @ 11:47 am
Rhonda, arguing with him useless. Every eater knows who it is and he’s a loser. He’s the guy who got all worked up posting over the corn contest and sticking his nose into something when the actual eaters affected (Sonya and Bob) really didn’t care that much, and surely not enough to make asses of themselves like he does on this site. Just go back and look who originally posted Bob’s photo of the corn and you know who it is too, so just ignore him. I defend Jason too, but it’s useless with this guy because he’s nuts. Just put together the facts. An “MLE vet” that was never any good and hasn’t won a contest in years, thrives on rumors and creating controversies, and constantly looking to uncover names of those who post against him. Seriously, just go to any contest where Legs and him are at and of course they both ignore each other. For Legs part, he just ignores him because the other guys a piece of crap and Legs has too much going on to deal with his type. The other guy ignores him because he’s so jealous of Legs that he can’t stand it because Legs is able to make his talents work beyond his eating capabilities. He’s also hurt because he never gets invited to after parties because nobody wants to see him in a social setting cause you’ll read about the next day on this site.
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
June 6, 2012 @ 12:08 pm
The last thing I want to add is MLE Vet is NOT the person you think it is. It is NOT BB. It is someone else. I know that for sure.
Anyway, GIAR, stick a fork in me on that issue, ’cause I’m done.
beautifulbrian said
June 6, 2012 @ 1:00 pm
Give it a rest sorry to dissapoint. I am not MLE vet . Just knocked yourself out for nothing asshole
Give it a rest said
June 6, 2012 @ 1:27 pm
I never said you were.
Kory said
June 6, 2012 @ 1:50 pm
it’s the guy wearing the antlers at the pie contest.
Anonymous said
June 6, 2012 @ 3:50 pm
Well Rhonda and Brian, just tell us who it is.