"Furious" Pete Czerwinski has started a bodybuilding.com thread about his two record-breaking victories (Jake's Burgers & Dani's Pizza) this weekend. The thread has pictures which display Pete's new hair dye job. (Kobayashi is the only other competitive eater to change his hair color for a contest I am aware of.)


  1. anonymous said

    August 2, 2009 @ 6:18 pm

    Tired of hearing about the documentary on his life and his record breaking victories. He is very popular on the bodybuilding thread but on this site its a whole different ballgame

  2. Don Lerman said

    August 2, 2009 @ 8:07 pm

    I Don Lerman dyed my hair Black to match the black dyed beard while i was competing in 2001-2002,I have the distinction of being the first before Kobayashi

  3. anonymous said

    August 3, 2009 @ 12:07 pm

    6:18, I love to hear and read about Pete, though I’m tired of the constant baby wine almost every time there is a post about him, just don’t click on the link, its that easy.. you sound like a spurned ex-girlfriend.

  4. anonymous said

    August 3, 2009 @ 12:22 pm

    “Tired of hearing about the documentary on his life and his record breaking victories” ?

    Its like going to a football match and complaining that they aren’t playing rugby.. this is a site about people eating and record breaking.

    I’m confused.

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