Gal Sone dyes hair black

GalSoneBlackHair Natsuko “Gal” Sone’s October 12 blog entry describes a trip to a salon where her hair was changed from its characteristic blonde color to a more natural hue. The dye job was reported by Ameba news.

Comments (20)


  1. "Tiny" said (Registered March 5, 2008)

    October 15, 2009 @ 11:06 am

    I dont care what color her hair is, she is HOT!
    I love you Gal.

  2. anonymous said

    October 15, 2009 @ 12:54 pm

    you have nothing better to do than report that gal dyed her hair black. Other compeitive eating websites have far more pertinant info but just for spite you delib ignore them just to see how far you will go to piss them off. I wonder where your direction in life would head to if you did not have this site to occupy you 24/7

  3. 'The Honeydipper'' said

    October 15, 2009 @ 2:01 pm

    The question everyone mind…does the carpet match the drapes?

  4. mega munch said

    October 15, 2009 @ 2:01 pm

    Wait, there are OTHER competitive eating websites?

  5. "Tiny" said (Registered March 5, 2008)

    October 15, 2009 @ 4:00 pm

    I’d have an eating contest on Gal Sone.

  6. A-Bomb said (Registered May 7, 2009)

    October 15, 2009 @ 9:30 pm

    Munch, have you forgotten about

    Featured articles include: how to get to Coney Island on the 4th, Kobayashi’s P’Zone strategy, and Joey winning the eating contest on the 4th of July. It’s great stuff.

  7. BigWillTheChamp said (Registered February 1, 2009)

    October 15, 2009 @ 11:41 pm

    All IFOCE sponsored.

    I think the point is that eatfeats is the only complete comprehensive database and news site.

  8. anonymous said

    October 16, 2009 @ 12:57 am

    It is not a complete database. Check out the question marks on some of the stats. He might be on the money with current stats but eaters stats going back 3 years and better are loaded with flaws. Take it from someone that competed for quite some time

  9. Damon said

    October 16, 2009 @ 3:00 am

    Eatfeats is the most informative site today.

  10. anonymous said

    October 16, 2009 @ 2:02 pm

    why dont you mention ? What else is there besides eatfeats? For those haters that have nothing nice to say about his site , it is because you dont like him and that is the only reason

  11. Anonymous said

    October 16, 2009 @ 2:19 pm

    Damon yes, anonymous 12:57 am no. Must be BB. If not, offer to help. Send your corrections. Offer proof.

  12. Anonymous said

    October 16, 2009 @ 3:23 pm

    Beautiful Brian dug his own hole. And he doesn’t stop. Why should this website give him any publicity after all of the horrible tasteless things he writes about it, the threats he makes, the ravings. He is lucky he gets to post here at all, under his own name and the anonymous posts he makes even when he promises never to come to this site again. I am sure we will be hearing from him soon. He is lucky that there is still a link for him here.

  13. Anonymous said

    October 16, 2009 @ 6:17 pm

    I agree. I don’t even visit Brian Seiken’s site any more, nor would I ever recommend it to anyone. It is the Sanford and Son junkyard of competitive eating, and even that is a bit of a stretch. Why O.J. lets him continue to post here I will never know.

  14. Anonymous said

    October 16, 2009 @ 6:52 pm

    This site is a Rolls Royce. Seiken’s is a Yugo. Most of the other comp. eat. web sites are somewhere in between.


    October 17, 2009 @ 2:54 am

    I could care less if you pathetic faggots vist my site or not. It would make your head spin if i emailed you my latest traffic report. Oh shit i cant do that because you are anonymous right? You are anonymous like OJ Rifkin which also means that you have no life and spend your entire life hiding behind an alias. You would not have the balls to repeat any of that to my face now would you. I will get as ghetto and dirty as i want because you are nothing more than a low life piece of shit created by Hide behind mommys skirt OJ eatfeces rifkin. I was the original trendsetter for competitive eating websites. My site was the original and no ce site can ever hold a candle to it. Rifkin and his eatfeces crap got his big break because i mentioned it on bits and pieces or else nobody would ever know it existed. Hey OJ why dont you reveal your identity. Hmmm? Something to hide? Its obvious that you must have something to hide after 4yrs of remainng anonymous along with your other anonymous identities that post hateful remarks about my website. Anony 6:17 since you were an ex fan of my site if you put two and two together which you might have a problem with, it doesnt take a brain surgeon to figure out that you are a current member of the IFOCE. Maybe we should add you on as part of a multiple choice million dollar question on how to become a millionaire. I guess i must enlighten your pathetic lives by posting on here and by the way your posts were brought to my attention from close reliable sources for i can guarantee i do not post anonymously on this site nor do i waste my time reading stories that i can find on my own by subscribing to google. Rolls Royce my ass you DICK!

  16. Anonymous said

    October 17, 2009 @ 12:40 pm

    I don’t want to know who OJ is. The mystery adds to the mystique and wonder of this amazing site!

  17. Anonymous said

    October 17, 2009 @ 12:45 pm

    B.S. to say what you just did the way you did you must have had to draw on about four years of your grade school education.


    October 17, 2009 @ 1:41 pm

    And the sad part is that i really liked OJ Rifkin at one time until he decided for some bizarre reason to shut me out of publicity. Did not interest me to find out his or her identity . I figured he was entitled to his privacy and everyone else should respect it as well, but when i started reading the personal attacks against me that had nothing to do with competitive eating i realized that my integrity as a human being was being destroyed. Most of the attacks on other competitive eaters relate to their eating abilities and not their personal life. When you hit below the belt i have no choice but to strike back. I tried on several occasions to make peace with the guy or gal but my emails were ignored and the attacks continued on this website. As stated in the past, most of the anonymous posters are competitive eaters that i have had some contact with at one time or another or someone that i was close with but decided to turn on me because i ask for a little attention every now and then. Everyone wants attention on occasion. Whats wrong with that? If they tell you otherwise they be lying through their teeth. I have read other comments from other eaters responding to posts and instead of congrag an individual , they talk about their past conquests boasting they hold the record in consuming the most jalapenos and burgers. Who gives a shit? . I never go that route. I speak my mind on other topics because thats what the fans want . I will never change in that respect. Go ahead keep responding back as “anonymous” because thats where you feel most comfortable with . This way you can get all the hate off your chest without revealing your true identity and avoid confrontation at a future contest. It takes a real man or real lady to post their real name but most of you are not real men to begin with. Maybe you should be like Mike Landrich or US Male who post under their real identities unlike the alias posters that slam me on this site while smiling in my face at a contest. If you had the balls to post your real name maybe we can talk it out and straighten out our indifferences so we can live in peace and harmony. But you wont go there . Instead you want a forum with the hope that narrow minded individuals such as yourself will view my site as a “sanford and son junkyard” or a “yugo” . Do you find that amusing to put someone’s website down like that? A site that i worked my ass off since 2003 with the hope of providing news and gossip that will interest the fans of the sport. Think about your actions if you have half a brain and just think about how pathetic and hateful you really sound. Nuff said !

  19. Anonymous said

    October 17, 2009 @ 3:01 pm

    Than say no more.

  20. anonymous said

    October 17, 2009 @ 6:39 pm

    OJ Rifkin wont promote Brian Seiken site because he is influenced by the anonymous haters who degrade his website whenever his name happens to come up As you can see OJ will ignore or not mention any of Brian’s editorial so not to upset his band of anonymous assholes that hide behind the pc and wait for the golden opportunity to slam Brian whenever his name is mentioned . There will come a time when nobody will care about his googlesque posts promoting $100 burger contests featuring high school cheerleaders , The haters are comprised of ifoce and ape (all pathetic eaters) members with the majority leaning towards the latter. It is also very ironic that Brian has been contacted on a number of occasions by the elite eaters of the IFOCE expressing their discontentment with this site claiming it instigates nothing but hate and negativity .LIke ape, a vice that promotes hate, such as this site will never convince quality eaters to eat at their tables or post on this website. They have also assured him that they dont post nor do they visit this site. So Mr or Mrs Rifkin have fun with the Tiny’s , the megamunch , and the majority of anonymous pussies which make up the broad spectrum of the comment page. What on earth would OJ do if he didnt have the anonymous posters controlling the ever popular yet pathetic comment page .

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