Gal Sone’s 15,000 calorie meal
JapanProbe reports that TV Tokyo (producer of Gluttonous King / Queen) admitted to broadcasting a program that made false fitness claims. Some people might claim that this places Gluttonous Queen champion Natsuko “Gal” Sone’s achievements in doubt, but that would ignore that Gal Sone has performed her feats on networks besides TV Tokyo.
R Suzuki reports that Gal Sone’s most recent television appearance was on the Nippon Television Network in which she ate a meal of 15,000 calories over 1 hour and 55 minutes. Video captures of that show are available.
The subtitle of the show was “Can Gal Sone outeat Elvis Presley” ([erubisu] [puresuri]). It is claimed that Elvis ate 15,000 or more calories a day near the end of his life. Will the unnamed burger girl of Memphis emerge to challenge “Gal” Sone and avenge the honor of Memphis residents? 😉
Anonymous said
February 24, 2007 @ 1:51 pm
(Butch) I’m as impressed with this R. Suzuki for reporting on all the food as I am with Gal Sone eating it. I have to give it to The Gal, not many eaters around the world could do what she does, male or female. She is something.
KevinRoss said
February 24, 2007 @ 5:07 pm
Did she actually eat all that food pictured in front of her in one sitting? Maybe it’s deceiving in the pic, but that looks like it’d have to be well over 20lbs of food sitting there. . .
Tell it bro said
February 24, 2007 @ 5:25 pm
Until she brings her butt into the united states all of this is just a tease
Anonymous said
February 24, 2007 @ 5:42 pm
(Butch) I doubt we’ll ever see that. She seems to have a comfort zone and a niche in Japan doing what she’s doing. But wothout Koby’s endorsement of her, things do seem amiss. She is a fellow countryman, but Koby never seems to talk about her. Maybe he knows what’s up.
Baby Huey said
February 25, 2007 @ 7:28 pm
The peace sign finger thing is annoying as Hell. Sonya would kick her butt and make her sorry she ever came to America. For that matter Juliet Lee would kick her butt as well because Gal is a sucky eater and our girls freaking rock!
Anonymous said
February 26, 2007 @ 3:16 am
(Butch) Maybe that is the prime reason she does not come to the U.S.
Rhonda Evans said
February 26, 2007 @ 9:24 am
BH that is a hurtful thing to say. Don’t you realize that we have many foreign vistors on this site? Please temper your enthusiasm with tact. Thanks in advance.
Kitty said
March 4, 2007 @ 3:49 am
maybe you should view her competition on youtube or something before you judge.