George Shea appears in an advertisement for the O’Reilly Auto Parts 500 at the Texas Motor Speedway, so the Fort Worth racetrack might be the site of a Nathan's qualifier on April 7 or 8.


  1. anonymous said

    February 10, 2018 @ 11:37 am

    Honestly he looks real bad . Lost a ton of weight and aged rapidly . He is only like 50 but he looks more like 75

  2. Reflect OnThis said

    February 11, 2018 @ 4:32 pm

    Seiken, that’s an awful thing to say. Look in the mirror.

  3. anonymous said

    February 11, 2018 @ 7:37 pm

    Seiken did not make that comment . It could have been or it must have been Goldstein

  4. anonymous said

    February 11, 2018 @ 7:45 pm

    That was a pretty awful comment but the finger is pointed to none other than Allen Goldstein He will never forget the remarks George Shea made about him in his last contest vs Yasir Salem in 2012 when he got his ass handed to him in hot dogs . “Ladies and Gentleman this man lives for the past . He needs something anything to fall back on to pass on to his grandkids (of course he has none and never will ) when he passes away which will be very shortly” How can an MC of an eating contest make such crude remarks about one of their competitors

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