“Gluttonous Queen 2007” being recorded in Hawaii

A Japanese blogger is currently on vacation in Hawaii, and s/he saw a television crew recording Natsuko “Gal” Sone competing in the “Gluttonous Queen” contest on Waikiki Beach. The contest will be televised later this month or in April. It is too bad that apparently no American women were invited to compete.

Exactly recording the gluttonous king decisive game being done at the Waikiki beach, it increased.

The gal 曽 root it was.

Comments (4)


  1. Anonymous said

    March 10, 2007 @ 2:37 pm

    Do you honestly think they would want to expose the Gal for the fraud that she is by having her compete against Sonya or Juliet? There is no reason to believe any of the hype until she does something on American soil for everyone to see. If she is the real deal let her prove it in an IFOCE sanctioned event instead of these pre-recorded Japanese exhibitions. Shirota has lost a lot of his credibility as well be going along with this crap!

  2. Gentleman Joe said

    March 10, 2007 @ 3:10 pm

    I don’t think Shirota cares what anonymous people think about his credibility. I’m willing to bet he’s getting paid more handsomely than anyone outside the top 3.

  3. Anonymous said

    March 10, 2007 @ 4:37 pm

    (Butch) A large percentage of Hawaiian residents and big whigs are Japanese. They know exactly what they are doing. Some day I think Sonya and the Gal will hook up when the Gal gets cocky enough. And it won’t be pretty because I think Sone will opt for an endurance event. Little does she know. I also think Sonya would likely beat Shirota right now also, even in a real contest.

  4. Anonymous said

    March 10, 2007 @ 5:08 pm

    (Butch) I would like to see the reaction on her face if Sonya was introduced to the crowd as a last minute entry. She would need to change her underwear.

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