The application form & rules for this year's contest at Go! Go! Curry! are now available. Like the 2009 competition, the grand prize for this year's contest will be a $500 American Express gift card. The first qualifier will take place on Thursday.


  1. Gentleman Joe said (Registered December 8, 2005)

    April 12, 2010 @ 6:37 pm

    I don’t believe I am going to defend my crown.

    I was under the impression the contest was going to be brought down to 5 minutes, not 10 minutes.

    Furious Pete has indicated that he is coming.

    I would beat him in the qualifier, & it would be close if it was 5 minutes, but I can not beat him in 10 minutes.

    If it was say, $1,000., $500. & $250. instead of just $500. I’d give it a shot, but as it is, 10 minutes may as well be the original 15 minutes.

    I mostly went last yr, to give Moses a spanking.

    I wish everyone at Go! Go! Curry! well, & hope to compete again next yr, if the time is brought down to 5 minutes.

  2. Don '' Moses''Lerman said

    April 12, 2010 @ 6:58 pm

    I may be there next year to teach Gentleman Joe a lesson providing can Get my weight down to 200or less, but I want the time to be 15 min . I will beat the field next year.. Don Lerman

  3. Porkslap Arcaria said (Registered June 16, 2008)

    April 12, 2010 @ 9:57 pm

    If its five min. Ill be there. Any idea if the qualifing set up is any different this year?

  4. beautifulbrian said

    April 13, 2010 @ 12:23 am

    I can easily qualify under a minute, I work 6 blocks from the place and ordered take out on many occassions. cant jeopordize my loyalty to IFOCE but i would love to givr it a shot in exhibitiom without qualifying

  5. Don '' Moses''Lerman said

    April 13, 2010 @ 3:43 am

    Brian,maybe we can both go and give an exhibition on the qualifying time just since I’m skipping it this year, I”d meet you there..Moses

  6. Shalom Clinic said

    April 13, 2010 @ 9:40 am

    Brian, stop the rhetoric, you could never qualify for this contest. The only contest you could win is a humble pie contest, you eat that all the time in mass quantities.

    For future reference you are loyal to no one but yourself.

  7. beautifulbrian said

    April 13, 2010 @ 9:56 am

    Thats a possiblity Don. I will ask them if they would prepare the same amount as they do for the qualifier.. I would have a hard time beating your time but its always worth a try.

  8. Anonymous said

    April 13, 2010 @ 9:57 am

    I think BB should give it a shot, but only dressed as Elvis. “A hunka hunka burnin curry.”

  9. Mega Munch said

    April 13, 2010 @ 10:57 am

    Mmmm…. humble pie.

  10. anonymous said

    April 13, 2010 @ 12:09 pm

    shredder, US male and BB are competing why werent those names mentioned?

  11. Don '' Moses''Lerman said

    April 13, 2010 @ 2:50 pm

    I’ll go along with that Brian,last years was last year this is another year and I am like Lerman the Hut right now .who knows how well i’ll do. But I’ll give it the old College try.Be well , Moses

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