Golden Palace to accept US online bets for at least 30 days reports that will continue to accept online bets from the United States for at least 30 days while they determine a course of action. canceled all of its sponsorships for October IFOCE contests this week.
Skinnyboy said (Registered September 17, 2006)
October 7, 2006 @ 7:54 pm
Doesn’t the internet gambling act that was shoved into the Port Security bill by the oh-so-on-high-moral-ground Republicans not take effect for 9 months after being signed by W? I thought a provision in the Act gave banks 270 days to figure out the technical aspects. Online casinos can rake it in for those months, couldn’t they?
beautifulbrian said
October 7, 2006 @ 8:34 pm
IFOCE will find a replacement for goldenpalace. It is a big loss but i reeled off a good portion of existing sponsors on bits and pieces.After reading you will agree with me that they wont starve to death.
Anonymous said
October 7, 2006 @ 10:58 pm
Business plans aren’t short term. They’re based on forecasts of long-term trends. Goldenpalace has to cut corners now. It can’t start cutting them finally when the Port Security Bill is enacted.
Ed Charles said
October 8, 2006 @ 12:03 am
Anonymous is there any reason you cant give your real name. I can see if you mentioned something negative or controversial about the ifoce and you dont want your identity revealed but your comment is a general opinion on goldenpalace. The only reason i can possibly think of not revealing your true identity is because maybe you dont want anyone to think at 10:58pm that this is all you have to do on a saturday night instead of getting layed.