Houston matzoh ball contest reports
Pat Bertoletti has written a blog entry about his trip to Houston for the matzoh ball eating contest at Kenny & Ziggy’s Deli. He believes he was leading Joey Chestnut until about the five or six minute mark. The report closes with Pat’s thoughts on his current status in the IFOCE:
3 years on the circuit have driven me to reflection. Throught this reflection I have realized that eating is tier based. You start on a natural talent tier and as time, contest experience, and training sets in you have a break through. You then plateau and level off as your body gets used to its new capacity. I have gone through these and am on a plateau. I am trying to get over the hump as we speak. It’s one giant hurtle to overcome. To beat joey and kobey in nathans or krystal is no walk in the park. I don’t know if it’s possible for my body to hold 70 nathans but I am going to damn well try to hit that number on the 4th. One can only play 2nd fiddle for so long before he gets the itch and wants to be the lead. But, there is something to be said when you’re number 2. Motivation comes easier when you know that ever contest you need to up your game and compete on the top level.
The Jewish Daily Forward also has an article about the contest.
Bronson Fan said
March 13, 2008 @ 10:50 pm
Pat has the drive to be number 1 and he will do that very soon!!!!
something to aim for said
March 13, 2008 @ 11:41 pm
Pat needs to choose his goals more wisely and have more faith in his body. When Joey set out to win the title, he knew koby was not going to stop at 55. for months, the number in joey’s head was 70 hot dogs. You better believe that the number he is shooting for this year begins with an EIGHT.
If pat does not “get over the hump” he will lose to koby this 4th of July
SyKoBOZO said (Registered September 17, 2007)
March 14, 2008 @ 12:16 am
that was pretty cool Pat,you are very wise young grasshopper…i will be happy just make it to 5,969 (hey US MALE i took your one point gimme,so now im ranked 5,970),,,serious being at the back of the pack is fun i think,theres no pressure to eat,i just get to go and have fun and meet interesting people…but i will admit that last Saturday did feel pretty damn good to win,now i can lose the next 5 events with honor,Have A Nice Day 🙂
Rhonda Evans said
March 14, 2008 @ 9:18 am
Guys you are assuming Koby will be there. I think there’s an equal chance he won’t.
Here’s something to consider, and something I believe to be true. Because of Koby’s smaller frame, his stomach can stretch only so far. In 2007 he hit his stomach expansion limit with about 62, which was his best ever and he could not topple Joey. Joey’s stomach can perhaps expand even further than it did last year, by a dog or two, but Koby’s limit has been exhausted. (Technically, yes, he did reverse, but not because of sickness, but because there was no where for the food and water to go except outside his body. As such, I don’t think Koby deserved to be DQ’d, but when food comes out because of capacity exhaustion, the count should stop–and it certianly did. The judges made the right call.
Pat, assuming your stomach isn’t hindered by much belly fat, and because you have an even larger torso than Joey, there’s probably a bit more room for your stomach to expand than Joey’s. So I believe it is physically POSSIBLE for your stomach to hold very close to 70 HDBs. Here’s the problem Pat: While you are absolutely the fastest speedeater in most nonbreaded, nondunking foods, Joey is able to stuff the dogs (and burgers) (with the mushy, water-logged, soup-like buns) down his throat faster than you OR Koby. It’s as if his esophagus is so big that he is able to just push them down his throat. That’s a physical attribute that he is “blessed” with over any other active (or retired) competitive eater.
Pat, I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think12 minutes is enough time for you to stretch your stomach to its maximum, to the point at which you can overtake Joey in hot dogs. Joey can eat a dozen HDBs in a minute (I’ve seen him do it on one of the TV morning shows.). Joey can eat more hot dogs and buns in 5 minutes and change than 90 % of all the other eaters at the table eat in the entire contest! And once he gets the lead, well, it’s all over but the shoutin’.
As much of a fan as I am of Koby, I’m convinced that he has no chance to beat Joey this year, or any year, because of the aforementioned reasons. For Koby’s sake, I do hope Koby does not return, because the odds are physically against him, and on TWO counts: Joey and Pat. Pat, you are the only one besides Joey with a chance to win it. I do wish you luck.
Anonymous said
March 16, 2008 @ 7:48 am
I wonder if it is as far of a drive to Reflection as it is from Chicago to New York.