Takeru Kobayashi's update: former< /b> manager is Don Povia, who is a co-founder of HuggingHaroldReynolds.com. The HHReynolds twitter accused MLE of fixing the gyoza contest to promote Matt Stonie as Joey Chestnut's rival and also asked Joey Chestnut how much money did he bet against himself in that competition.


  1. Anonymous said

    August 20, 2013 @ 2:16 am

    Seriously? Stonie has beaten Joey three times in the past six months. Were all of those fixed? Methinks Kobayashi would rather have only one rival, rather than two.

  2. Anonymous said

    August 20, 2013 @ 7:06 am

    good story but this article is almost 2 years old. Mr. Povia/HHReynolds is no longer associated with Kobayashi.

  3. Anonymous said

    August 20, 2013 @ 9:02 am

    Thanks 7:06 am for pointing out the date. I read it and thought it was funny because it says the rules were no talk of MLE, then much of it is about MLE.

  4. anonymous said

    August 20, 2013 @ 9:14 am

    good story but i think it should be about Seiken

  5. Anonymous said

    August 20, 2013 @ 3:11 pm

    Maggie is his Manager now and guided him totally in his ideas about MLE and the contract. He had other connections/agencies and such in Japan but they never dealt with MLE. She and Kobayashi just did not understand about sponsors once he came to live in the US. When he only came for Nathans and a few contests, it was different. He is still hugely talented. I really hope that he is happy with his life in the US and his freedom as an independent eater.

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