“Hurl” (G4 Network) details

A press release about the upcoming G4 network series “Hurl” is available. The show will have begin with an eating contest and then participants will do a physical challenge like mechanical bull riding. Another round of the eating contest and physical challenge will then take place if necessary. The last person to throw up will be declared the winner.

BroadcastingCable.com calls “Hurl”
“the worst TV show in the world”.

Comments (3)


  1. Maria Kenyon said

    May 1, 2008 @ 10:07 am

    Do you seriously believe a show like this is in anyway entertaining? Millions of people worldwide go hungry every minute of everyday, and you are showcasing contestants vomiting?

    Get real

    M. Kenyon

  2. joey B said

    May 1, 2008 @ 12:20 pm

    Maria, what are you doing about the hunger problem? The IFOCE and AICE donate money to hunger organizations. We are fortunate enough to have copius amounts of food in this country. The problem is providing transportation to other countries, and making sure that the food transported is secure, so we don’t have problems like we did with war lords in Somalia.

  3. Carey said

    May 1, 2008 @ 2:22 pm

    I won’t be tuning in, but I don’t watch Fear Factor either. Many others do, and will probably watch this also. Perhaps complaining to G4 will do more good than posting your disgust here.

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