IFOCE contract analysis by WIOR?
This post is for the breakdown of the IFOCE contract by “Who Is OJ Rifkin?” which begins:
Let’s talk about the “lovely little contract†that these guys make you sign. I will be dedicating my next few postings to this issue. Of course those eaters who have sworn undying allegiance to MLE will dismiss or disregard this issue. For those of you who might care about things like ownership of your name and fair compensation may wish to read and comment on this issue. Perhaps the best way to proceed is to break it up in a few pieces and analyze what it really means. You may not like the author of this posting but realize this: I did not create this contract the Shea brothers did:
Here we go part 1 of the contract:
Membership AgreementThis agreement (The “Agreementâ€) is made and entered into this __________day of__________,
2004, by and between International Federation of Competitive Eating, Inc., with its principle offices
At 151 W. 25 street, 4th floor, New York NY 10001 (“IFOCEâ€), and ______________ an, individual residing at _________________(“Performerâ€) upon the following Terms and conditions.1. The term of this agreement shall commence as of the date hereof and shall continue for a period of eighteen (18) months thereafter.
OK, so far so good…next part:
2. (a) Performer shall have official status of an “IFOCE Eater†during the term with eligibility to participate in IFOCE events. Performer recognizes the benefits of the eligibility and status of an IFOCE eater and in consideration of such benefits, performer agrees to participate solely and exclusively in organized competitive eating events, exhibitions and appearances of any kind in the media related to eating (collectively “Eating Eventsâ€) Which are sanctioned and approved by the IFOCE. Performer shall notify IFOCE in advance of competing or appearing in any eating events not sanctioned by the IFOCE and must obtain IFOCE’s prior in order to participate or appear. This approval maybe withheld in IFOCE’s sole judgement based on safety of such Eating Events, competition with other organizations or other conflict with the reasonable objectives of IFOCE.
Anonymous said
September 11, 2007 @ 8:41 pm
I’m sick of looking at the contract. The first thing I did was take it to my lawyer years ago, and I know all the ins and outs. I know what it says and I’m damn proud to sign, even with my limited talent. MLE is exactly that Major League Eating. Your organization is BLE (Bush League Eating) and I, for one, would stop eating competitively altogether if BLE was my only choice. Enough already!
beautifulbrian said
September 11, 2007 @ 8:47 pm
Note that the contract is from 2004 meaning that is was one of Arnie’s rare collector editions of the IFOCE contract specifically the one that either Arnie or Joe saved and refused to sign from the Bens Matzah ball eating contest.
Who is OJ Rifkin said
September 11, 2007 @ 9:17 pm
What does the IFOCE mean when it says that the reason they have contracts is to protect the sponsor? Is there any example of this really happening. What is really meant by protecting the sponsor.
Rhonda Evans said
September 12, 2007 @ 7:24 am
WIOJR don’t you think you have beaten the dead horse of addressing IFOCE contractual issues long enough? Most of the top eaters in MLE are well educated collegians and professionals who can read quite well. Yet you want to come across as if you’ve cornered the market on understanding the MLE contract. You’re in no position to sound condescending, and offer no extra insight into the matter and are wasting your time and ours.
You can’t help your organization by belittling extraorganizational eaters or those that govern it. Engaging in such negative tactics is not helping APE, yet, ironically, it does assist MLE’s cause. Yet, somehow don’t see that.
Everytime I flush the toilet I see your organization’s future — right down the shitter!
Mega Munch said
September 12, 2007 @ 8:00 am
I don’t think section 2a is unethical. I’m not saying I agree with it (at least not for all eaters).
It’s not much different than the non-compete agreement many of my colleagues sign in the advertising/PR biz (basically stating that we’re not allowed to go work for a competing agency for X amount of years after our departure from our current agency).
It’s also similar to the contracts of most pro athletes. Many contracts, especially the multi-million dollar ones, contain laundry lists of things the athlete cannot do (play basketball, go rock climbing, ride a motorcycle, etc). They’re just looking out for their investment in sort of the same way they IFOCE is.
It’s nice that the IFOCE still allows participation in non-IFOCE contests “with approval” from the IFOCE. Whether or not that approval is ever granted is another question. Has anyone ever asked for permission to do a local wing contest or attempt a restaurant challenge and been denied?
anonymous said
September 12, 2007 @ 8:52 am
someone needs to get layed
Carey said
September 12, 2007 @ 9:34 am
If I was an actor or athlete who was paid a salary, I would be more inclined to sign a contract like that. MM, the operative word in your statement is work. Most of the eaters in the IFOCE don’t work for the IFOCE directly, and there aren’t enough contests for everyone to be satisfied without going to outside contests. This is true because of all the ‘table enders’ that get bitched out by others for taking spots at the contests. Mainly though, I wonder what the problem is if someone ranked below the top 10 went and did an outside contest? Is this act going to hurt the organization at all?
Brian, how does the contract nowadays differ from the one that we are discussing here?
Rhonda Evans said
September 12, 2007 @ 9:56 am
Getting laid is not all it’s cracked up to be.
beautifulbrian said
September 12, 2007 @ 11:45 am
To be quite honest and i dont want it to sound like im biting the hand that’s feeding me but the IFOCE contracts since that time have way way more restrictions than the 2004 contract he posted. I dont want to go into specifics . Ask other IFOCE members if you want to get into stuff like that or if they are willing to share that type of info with you
Look At Me said
September 12, 2007 @ 12:18 pm
mm, i wonder if the ifoce approved this…………….
This is the first few minutes of the bratwurst eating contest. It was during Octoberfest at the BrewHouse in Santa Barbara. Joey Chestnut devoured 31 sausages in 10 minutes while the winning rookie ate 9. fall of 2006.
Carey said
September 12, 2007 @ 12:22 pm
What’s wrong, Rhonda? You’re boyfriend’s texas weiner isn’t doing it for you?
Anonymous said
September 12, 2007 @ 12:32 pm
WOIJR, you’re anchoring all of your hostility in a contract that is three years old.
I love WOIJR said
September 12, 2007 @ 1:46 pm
yeah the contract is three years old but has it changed??????????????????????
Rhonda Evans said
September 12, 2007 @ 1:52 pm
Carey you have a very valid point, and I’ve maintained a similar stance all along. One of the things that MLE could do to keep the second and third tier eaters from jumping ship is to pay 10 places, sort of like golf pays virtually all golfers making the final cut. It wouldn’t take away too much from the top three’s winnings, and the small sacrifice would reward the lesser eaters and give them additional incentive and hope to stick around, abide by the contract, and try to improve.
Also, let’s face it, top MLE eaters are like celebrities. How many people would like simply to be able to tell their friends that they ate at the same table as greats like Kobayashi, Sonya Thomas, Joey Chestnut, Pat Bertoletti, or the Adonis with the face paint, Tim “Eater X” Janus? Many MLE events make the AP news — especially when Koby or Sonya wins. They draw more attention than any other eaters, hands down.
Carey, aside from all my posts directed towards Mr. Chapman, I honestly believe your organization has the potential to ascend to the level of MLE. I don’t mean that in a negative way … I really don’t. You folks are really decent people and many of your eaters are world class, and you guys deserve more recognition than you are able to get with the current regime who runs it.
Rhonda Evans said
September 12, 2007 @ 1:56 pm
Carey, he’s no fun anymore; I wear ‘im out. I love him but he’s no walking ad for Viagra.
Mega Munch said
September 12, 2007 @ 3:37 pm
Whoa, TMI Rhonda. Your “adonis” Eater X is single. Maybe you should dump your dude and throw down with Tim. Don’t worry, the face paint probably washes off.
anonywawany said
September 12, 2007 @ 11:10 pm
I heard rhonda and tim were a hot number. Many a night they spend alone together. They are so close, it’s almost like they’re the same person. I guess that’s what love is all about.
anonywhohony said
September 12, 2007 @ 11:14 pm
That’s interesting anonywawany. Here’s something else I just read elsewhere: “In Roman mythology, Janus had two faces looking in opposite directions (Janus Geminus (twin Janus) or Bifrons), in some places he was Janus Quadrifrons (the four-faced). Originally, one face was bearded (Eater X) and one was clean-shaven (Rhonda or one of Tim’s other feminine ids).” I wonder what that guy is trying to say????
anonymous said
September 12, 2007 @ 11:35 pm
Ok Tim you made your point . Please realize that most of the readership that frequents this site might not have gone to college so your so called double talk on Roman mythology fails to impress me or anyone else . Noone has a clue as to what the hell you are talking about.
Oh yes i know said
September 12, 2007 @ 11:53 pm
Carey brings up a good point from a past post either on this site or megamunch , that the IFOCE ranking system is a showpiece for sponsors to examine and decide if the IFOCE is a worthy business for the sponsors to invest their money in. It’s like a magazine salesperson showing a retailer the layout if he decided to invest in advertising space with the magazine. This way the IFOCE can pitch a potential sponsor and have a full page ranking of eaters to boast about. On the downside a great number of these fools , especially the midranked eaters and below do not realize that the organization is using their names to sell the sponsor and nothing else. All they have to look forward to is registering for a contest and hope its not full. That is really a total fuckin travesty. 5 to 6 eaters in the IFOCE get to taste a piece of the pie while others basically get shit. The bottom line is if you hang around and enjoy getting fed shit , it will be gladly served to you day in and day out on a silver platter.
Anonymous said
September 13, 2007 @ 12:09 am
I don’t think Tim is anonywawany.
Mega Munch said
September 13, 2007 @ 7:20 am
I don’t think Tim is even on EatFeats. I heard he doesn’t watch TV and doesn’t even have cable in his apartment, thus no cable internet. He also doesn’t have a land line phone. He just uses his cell phone – same with many people, thus no dial up internet access. Living in New York isn’t cheap, even for a top ranked IFOCE eater, so I guess he’s had to make a few cutbacks.
Not sure if he’s still doing his day trader thing (which does allow him to surf the net), but I do know he’s doing the pizza thing (a way cooler job anyhow), which doesn’t give him access–or time–to surf the web.
Carey said
September 13, 2007 @ 8:53 am
For those of you who run in marathons, or play in league sports, or have any other hobbies and interests where you compete in some way against others, how many of you had to sign a contract stating that you won’t compete outside of that organization? How many of you can think of similar interests in which you don’t have to sign a contract? I myself have played in dart leagues, been on multiple billiard leagues, at the same time, and never signed a contract. I know professional pool players, and they never had to sign a contract with any promotors. Sure, they have contracts with sponsors, but that is a given.
anonymous said
September 13, 2007 @ 10:01 am
LOL LOL wearing a Nathans shirt three times a week? That is fuckin hilarious. Its like a rabbi catching one of his young orthodox pupils buying a hot dog from a street vendor and the rabbi smacking the hot dog out of his hand. “How dare you buy a non kosher hot dog. that is a disgrace you are a not a jew”
Gentleman Joe said
September 13, 2007 @ 10:01 am
When I made an appearance w/the AVP volleyball people, they were the few who understood what I was talking about. They did have to sign a contract, & weren’t terribly happy about it either.
I love WOIJR and Carey said
September 13, 2007 @ 10:50 am
man why not just drop it??????????? anyone who has signed the contract knows its pretty much shit but its got to be done to play ball in nathans and at krystals………. are you trying to make joey or pat think hmmmmm he’s right i should quit the ifoce……….. come on the top guys have a lot to lose by rising up so that will never happen………
I'm Tim said
September 13, 2007 @ 11:20 am
I’m Tim, ok?
Mega Munch said
September 13, 2007 @ 11:27 am
Then what’s the purpose of this contract at all? Is it to keep top talent in the IFOCE and not in other leagues? Not likely, considering there aren’t any other leagues that top talent would be tempted to jump to. AICE is great, but the money makers in the MLE Top 10 aren’t going there any time soon.
Is it to keep middle and lower tier talent in the IFOCE and away from AICE? Perhaps. These eaters are the most likely to make a jump to AICE, but why should the IFOCE care if an eater competes in both? Are they worried that lower ranked eaters will PREFER AICE and stop competing in IFOCE contests? Who knows.
I love WOIJR and Carey said
September 13, 2007 @ 12:12 pm
i think it is marketing in that the ifoce to potential sponsors can claim hey look at us we have x amount of people………. the ifoce doesnt give a shit aboutthe bottom eaters its all about money to $hea$…………………………
I love WOIJR and Carey said
September 13, 2007 @ 12:39 pm
egos????????????? maybe $hea$ are over compensating for something………..
Anonymous said
September 13, 2007 @ 1:02 pm
Do you guys, seriously, not understand the point of the contract? Is it really that hard to understand how the contract protects the sponsors, who spend a ton of money to have THEIR products, not the products of their competitors, associated with competitive eating and the eaters of the IFOCE?
Richard Foley said
September 13, 2007 @ 1:13 pm
To anonymous of 09/12 @11:35PM – Don’t assume your ignorance should dictate the upper limit of obscurity of a comment.
To anonymous of 09/13 @10:01PM – Your anti-Semitic rant is beneath the lower limit of an appropriate comment.
To OJ Rifkin – maybe you could add a number to anonymous posts so we can match up anonymous posts so we can tell if we are addressing the same person
The Sicilian said (Registered February 23, 2006)
September 13, 2007 @ 1:25 pm
Dave, it’s about sponsorship as well, not just rivalry leagues like AICE. The IFOCE/MLE is the best when it comes to contests, bottom line. The sponsors such as Kyrstals and Nathans are huge. Lets say if Pat Bertoletti went on to do a Vienna Hotdog eating contest or a White Castle (if they had one) to take a stab at an opportunity to make some money. This would be a violation to the contract because Nathans and Krystals are huge sponsors to IFOCE/MLE brought into the spotlight by the federation, then if another eater goes into the spotlight for another sponsor, the other sponsor has snagged the spotlight by capitalizing on a big eater bringing attention to their product, thus IFOCE loses credibility. If you come from the IFOCE/MLE you have to stay with it or else you bringing attention to other sponsors without the IFOCE in the spotlight. If the IFOCE is not repsresented with their sponsors, forget about it. If someone is interested in doing something out of the norm, it never hurts to ask, the worst they can say is no.
When I was ranked, I wasn’t able to compete in a contest because the sponsors where in conflict with the IFOCE, and yeah, i asked. So if anyone wants the real deal, IFOCE/MLE is only place they are going to get it, bottom line. I don’t think i can push my self to become a top 10 at this time, but it doesn’t hurt trying. All the IFOCE/MLE haters can cry and bicker all they want about the contract and the Shea’s, but they are the real deal. All the big contest are done by the IFOCE/MLE, unfortunetly Goldenpalace was the uncomparable sponsor by far, they we’re starting to cover the map, state-to-state, county fair tocounty fair, city to city, they were onto something, but it ended due to the ban on online gambling. It’ll take a while, but another sponsor will eventually catch on and they will run with it, just like Goldenpalace did. AICE and other leagues don’t even compare to the likes of what the IFOCE/MLE has covered and connnected to.
KevinRoss said
September 13, 2007 @ 1:44 pm
It enrages me that our government is able to make these completely unconstitutional laws, such as the online gambling thing. Apparently they think adults are too stupid or immoral to spend their hard earned money however they see fit. I’m surprised instead of banning it that they didn’t instead try to regulate it better so that they could charge outrageous taxes on it. That would still piss me off, but it would be the lesser of the evils and at least one could choose to gamble or not, rather than just being parented and told they can’t. I’m sad that I missed the boat on the golden palace eating contests, having started eating right about the time when they stopped doing them. I too hope someone comes along as awesome as they were. . .or even better this stupid anti-gambling crap is lifted and goldenpalace can come back!
Carey said
September 13, 2007 @ 1:48 pm
ILWIJRAC- I am not trying to get anyone to quit anything. I don’t expect anyone to strike or picket. I don’t even want anyone to do any of that. I have a personal interest in the contract situation because that is what brought on the banning of me and many others who were granted spots to participate, only to have them taken away last minute because of the so called rival league that the IFOCE supposedly doesn’t even care exists. I live in Philadelphia, but can’t even participate in Wing bowl. Is any of the reasoning given for the contract justified? Three Brother’s pizza doesn’t care if you go eat at a Domino’s contest. Hell, the IFOCE has a big PIZZAHUT logo on the front of their website!
MM- all valid points, except that the contract isn’t going to keep anyone from jumping ship. They can do that now as it is. It just keeps eaters from joining their league. Kind of like a crab trap that only lets the crabs out.
I love WOIJR and Carey said
September 13, 2007 @ 2:05 pm
and egos………………………
Anonymous said
September 13, 2007 @ 2:15 pm
if you want to gamble, go to vegas
Mega Munch said
September 13, 2007 @ 2:30 pm
Good point Anonymous #27. But I’m not buying the argument that the contracts are in place to protect sponsors.
Except for a few perennial sponsors like Nathan’s and Krystals, most sponsors are a once and done thing. And I really don’t think the Krystal’s CEO cares if the #26 ranked eater participates in McDonald’s burger eating contest a week later. MAYBE he’ll care about some top ranked eaters doing that, but even then I think we might be overestimating the “celebrity” of some of our talent.
Most sponsors are also so regionalized that it wouldn’t matter if Pat or Joey ate in their XYZ contest and then turned around ate another brands XYZ later that year. Hell, on August 25, the IFOCE held an Ash Creek Rib Contest (attended by Pat and Joey) and four days later they held a Nugget Rib Contest (also attended by Pat and Joey).
Carey said
September 13, 2007 @ 2:41 pm
KevinRoss- makes me think of other possible sponsors. how about BoDog, or any of the poker sites. Hell, they should just pick up on the trend and put out their own CE events, with a lot of money going to the finishers. I wonder if they would require contracts. They don’t for the card players.
KevinRoss said
September 13, 2007 @ 5:32 pm
I dunno Carey, I’m pretty sure there is contracts involved with card players. For example, pokerstars uses winners of the WSOP in their ads and things and I never see them appearing in other poker ads – so it would lead me to believe pokerstars has exclusive rights to use those players in their ads. Of course, the players can play anywhere they want, so maybe that’s all you meant.
Contractually Challenged said
September 13, 2007 @ 6:10 pm
these answers are longer than my college term papers
Bill R said (Registered March 18, 2007)
September 14, 2007 @ 8:11 pm
If anybody is still interested in this, here are a few more thoughts on the contract:
1. makes what we’re doing more official/legitimate, maybe making a better case for writing off expenses on your taxes.
2. the Sheas absolutely must at least try to protect themselves from liability.
3. turns the group of contracted eaters into a more concrete/saleable commodity in case the Sheas want to auction us off.