IFOCE rankings updated
(from humblebob.com) The new IFOCE rankings have been updated. The previous rankings can be found here until Google updates its cache. Notable risers are Joey Chestnut to #3, Patrick Bertoletti to #10 and Bob Shoudt to #11. Rich LeFevre is the most significant faller who drops out of the top five at #6. Dale Boone only falls one spot despite going on a hiatus.
September 14, 2005 @ 10:12 am
If you notice the eaters age 40 and up were dropped such as Goldstein, Lerman, Larue Lefevre and Seiken. Jarvis was moved to #4 because they were afraid he would either quit or tear the office to pieces.
Rich LeFevre said
September 16, 2005 @ 5:12 pm
Congratulations Joey for obtaining a ranking which is well deserved. You have worked very hard to reach the level you have and you will reap many rewards for your efforts. It was also very generous of you to donate half of your Waffle House winnings to the Red Cross Hurricane Relief Fund. That shows what a terriffic human being you are as well as being a great eater!
Hall Hunt said
September 16, 2005 @ 5:57 pm
Rich, you don’t deserve to have been dropped so low in the rankings. I can only think of three people who can give you a hard time. That is obviously Takeru, Sonya, and now Joey. You can handle anyone else without much trouble. I am sure you will show everyone that at the Krystals contest. Are you going back to Perry/Macon Georgia this year? I think I have a picture or two of you, so if you ever want to contact me to get that or have anything else you need you can contact me at Hall4Jesus@aol.com . Good luck to you and Carlene with all of your endevors.
February 21, 2006 @ 5:56 am