Both Jamie McDonald and Miki Sudo completed the Lucky 13 burger challenge today at Lucky 13 in Salt Lake City and received an award of $1,000.
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anonymous said
March 14, 2013 @ 2:41 am
Miki Sudo will soon make everyone forget the name Sonya Thomas
Finally! said
March 14, 2013 @ 8:55 am
After a decade wouldn’t you say it is about time somebody exceeded her level!
anonymous said
March 14, 2013 @ 9:24 am
When she steps up and takes on Sonya head-to-head, then you can say something. Before then, STFU.
Anonymous said
March 14, 2013 @ 9:56 am
Good for Miki Sudo. Some troublemaker awake during the night has to try to make silly linkage. Let’s say that if Miki has great potential to follow in the footsteps of Sonya Thomas, Sonya herself would be the very first to cheer her on. If they were to ever compete side by side, Sonya would give everything as she always does. Sonya congratulates people and is one of the most to be admired competitive eaters period. That she is a woman and petite only adds to her profile.
Yeah right said
March 14, 2013 @ 9:59 am
Anony 2:41 is the same idiot who six months ago was saying that Stephanie Torres was the second coming of Sonya Thomas. Sonya Thomas, an unprecedented over decade of being the top woman in the world in competitive eating, over 10 years at being a top five eater, has held and holds about every record known to competitive eating, and is considered independently by news organizations like CNN as one of the top 10 female athletes who can actually beat men athletes (historically mentioned on par with the likes of Billie Jean King and Danica Patrick). Yeah, Sonya Thomas is going to be forgotten — dumbass. You independents really need to take a reality pill. Maybe Miki may someday be a good eater, but a Sonya Thomas. Why doesn’t Miki go eat in against Sonya? Because she knows she can’t. Without Sonya, their never would of been a Miki, Grace Lee, and all the other small Asian-American women Black Widow wannabes.
anonymous said
March 14, 2013 @ 10:50 am
Boy someone hit a nerve
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
March 14, 2013 @ 10:52 am
I think Miki just enjoys competitive eating. She certainly has freaky-good talent, and she’s having fun making the most of it. Isn’t that as it should be? Are comparisons even necessary? Just have fun!
Yeah right said
March 14, 2013 @ 11:11 am
Agreed Rhonda, but why do people like Jamie McDonald’s manager and Miki Sudo’s posse try to continually say outrageous things about their eaters that only make their eaters look like idiots? Frankly it is beyond me that independent eaters continually set themselves up for these outrageous comparisons that only force the issue that they’re not as good as the Kobayashi’s, Chestnut’s and Thomas’es of competitive eating. Hey, if Miki someday becomes a good eater, great! But saying that people will forget Thomas and McDonald is on a par with Kobayashi and Chestnut, they’re just asking to be made to look the fool. In fact, if Miki wants to go eat against the Black Widow, and actually beat her, fine. But, I’m pretty confident Sonya’s not looking over her shoulder anytime soon. Hey, McDonald’s already proven he can’t eat against top MLE eaters, deal with that, and go do his independent thing. But please, can we just stop these nutty comparisons.
Anonymous said
March 14, 2013 @ 12:26 pm
Miki did her first competition at the end of August of last year. I think it’s too early to say she’s avoiding the top competitors, especially since there was a 4month break in MLE events.
Anonymous said
March 14, 2013 @ 12:53 pm
Why did they get $1000? The eatfeats challenge database doesn’t mention $1000.
anonymous said
March 14, 2013 @ 1:42 pm
What is with the database. You make it seem like its the bible of comp eating and its not. Tons and tons of errors that were never adjusted.
Honestly said
March 14, 2013 @ 2:20 pm
Look I’m willing to look past some Miki Sudo buddy making inane comparisons to Sonya Thomas. I do think that Jamie McDonald and Sudo do need to talk to their folks and say cool it. By not saying anything, they are just giving tacit approval to that type of behavior which surely isn’t helping their images inside and outside of competitive eating. That being said, unfortunately due to a previous mistake by Sudo, she might not ever get the chance to eat against Sonya Thomas. Sure, APE will allow their eaters like McDonald eat against anyone with a mouth and puke at any contest across the country. But, MLE is very protective of their image, and facts are facts. Sudo’s background isn’t exactly ESPN profile material. I hope the best for Sudo in overcoming past actions, but in reality this is a big hurdle in ever getting any time on a national stage:
Feel Like a Number said
March 14, 2013 @ 3:19 pm
No other Comp. Eat. database comes close to that of eatfeats
Anonymous said
March 14, 2013 @ 3:28 pm
honestly, its not that bad. she was a little irrational, used poor judgement, and made a mistake. She also admitted to what she did, learned from her mistakes and accepted her punishment. MLE understands that there is more to a person than the worst thing they have ever done. she still has a good shot.
Honestly said
March 14, 2013 @ 4:06 pm
3:28 I do hope so. But due to the nature of Miki Sudo’s felony conviction, has she been no-fly listed? I mean if she joined MLE, how would she get to events outside of the Vegas driving area? If so, that would limit her assets to travel to world events MLE puts on. I realize she’s done her time, but the nature of her crime and the date of the event is a pretty difficult thing to smooth over with the intense spotlight of the national media. People’s lives were altered due to her actions. When it comes to media coverage, Nathan’s, ESPN and Hooters aren’t just the Las Vegas Pennysaver, Lucky 13, and Mama and Pappa’s Pizza. I wish her luck, but with a section of the media bent trashing competitive eating, her record would be one more thing for MLE to deal with. It is telling though that since Thomas has done several events since Sudo has begun eating, Sudo hasn’t seemed to make any effort to go up against “The Black Widow.” I guess we’ll know at the Vegas qualifier.
You're kidding? said
March 14, 2013 @ 5:48 pm
Seriously, “a little irrational, used poor judgement, and made a mistake?” It’s a freaking felony – are you nuts?
Next time you need to be somewhere on a plane when they have to pull an emergency landing, cargo and passenger removal/re-screen, because someone’s feeling “a little irrational,” let me know then. Does this really seem like anything MLE or CE in general really need at the moment?
anonymous said
March 14, 2013 @ 6:22 pm
You vicious no life bastards will do anything to protect an aging black widow reputation including researching closet skeletons. This site is nothing but poison
Anonymous said
March 14, 2013 @ 6:43 pm
Wasn’t Poison an 80’s band also?
Umm said
March 14, 2013 @ 6:57 pm
Yeah BS would never air anyones dirty laundry. Puh-leaze BS.
Miki said
March 14, 2013 @ 7:57 pm
While the comparison is flattering, I’m nowhere near Sonya’s level, and I’ve never claimed to be. (@”Honestly”, I guess we’ll find out together.)
Anonymous said
March 14, 2013 @ 8:17 pm
lol the things people argue about on this site are just so entertaining also for the person who said Miki and Jamie should tell their fans to cool it with the comparisons to the greats if they did that they would have to be on this site 24/7 monitoring idiots all day I think they make the right move by saying absolutely nothing “aint no one got time for that”
anonymous said
March 15, 2013 @ 3:31 am
What kind of a moronic analogy is that? People lives were impacted. Everyone makes prank phone calls like ordering 20 pizza pies to someone else house that never ordered the pizza. She just happened to run into some bad luck making the prank call during a time when they passed a law in Vegas which made it a felony. For the record the asshole of a boyfriend stiffed her on a plane ticket and never paid her back. Leave her alone she’s not a hardened criminal
Rhonda Evans said (Registered March 6, 2008)
March 15, 2013 @ 9:39 am
Miki, you don’t have to be the absolute best to still be classified as an outstanding competitor, which you indeed are; that has to be obvious to everyone unless they’re either ignorant or just plain dumb!
It’s very unfortunate that the “tone” of most of the comments on this blog is so negative. That’s why the more positive, successful people, like yourself, don’t comment here at all, or when they do, it’s very infrequent. People tend to become like the company they surround themselves with, and the smart ones, like yourself, know that.
Best of luck to you in all your CE endeavors, and I hope you do well in the Vegas HDB qualifier, should you choose to participate.
anonymous said
March 15, 2013 @ 9:54 am
If MLE can allow a mentally disturbed loner to show up a contest and rant fabricated filth about eaters on stage , then they can let Miki Sudo with her harmless baggage , compete in the IFOCE
Honestly said
March 15, 2013 @ 10:57 am
I salute Miki Sudo for properly giving Sonya Thomas the respect and accolades she derserves. When Thomas first started she was always looking for ways to promote and salute the contributions of Carlene LeFerve. As she should. LeFerve knocked on the door of competitive eating. Thomas knocked the damn door down. Opening oportunities for other women like Sudo to walk through that doorway and show their stuff. Now, only if competitive eaters like Jamie McDonald and his manager could learn from the women, drop this comparison game, and give proper respect to former and current top eaters, letting their eating do the talking. If McDonald is someday a top eater, let others make that distinction of greatness not the eater or his manager. I think we could all learn from how the women handle themselves in competitive eating. So, I hope MLE lets Sudo eat. But, an airplane bomb threat on 9/11 is not a “prank call.” I’m not dissing her just stating reality.
Abby Normal said
March 15, 2013 @ 1:08 pm
Honestly? Yeah right…
Yeah right said March 14, 2013 @ 11:11 am
McDonald’s brother? Come on now really? That’s all you got? His brother thinks he is great? I got news for you only some asshole like you even cares or knows he has a brother you really come off sounding jealous or maybe it is something they did to you personally and you have a grudge. Do a Google or yahoo search about CE in the last year and see who has the most headlines you just can’t deny he is on fire and exploding in popularity. Good for him! Who is he hurting, your feelings? For you to try and undermine his success is laughable at this point you are a bit too late and your arguments are weak and without merit and only valid in your twisted mind.
Honestly said March 14, 2013 @ 2:20 pm
Aren’t you are just full of cheap shots and proud of yourself too? Kind of dirty pool isn’t it? If the behavior doesn’t directly relate to CE one should tread lightly about a competitors prior legal issues. May very well be a can a worm’s best left undisturbed.
Can you guess who this guy is with a previous criminal case. Santa Clara County California, Criminal Case CC58759 4/6/2005 1138238311
Anonymous said
March 15, 2013 @ 2:23 pm
No one will EVER forget the name Sonya Thomas. Just like they will NEVER forget the name Kobiyashi. These two broke into the market making a real name for competitive eating as a sport for men and women. Miko and Jamie are just wannabe’s who may be “talented”, but they weren’t the first and won’t be the last. They are the ones who are easily forgettable. Wait… Who were we talking about again? Oh yeah Kobiyashi and Sonya.. The King and Queen of Competitive Eating! Take your place in the back of the line losers.
Honestly said
March 15, 2013 @ 3:46 pm
Anony 2:23 — There are few moments we can look back on when competitive eating crossed over into the general public’s consciousness. Joey v. Koby, the battles, etc. But the first time this commercial went public has to be one of the top “watercooler” moments for competitive eating. Notice how one of the largest corporations in the world didn’t even feel the need to list their names because everyone has some recognition of who they are. I now have hope for Miki Sudo, but It’s too bad some independents like the McDonald’s repeatedly disrespect the hard work of Kobayashi, Chestnut and Thomas with wacky comparisons. Even more so, because without them, independents never even would have gone into competitive eating, nor would numerous competitions and challenges have sprung up throughout the world for them to participate. What’s amazing they’re still going strong today. Takeru and Sonya forever:
Anonymous said
March 15, 2013 @ 4:03 pm
Didn’t miki just fly to Utah? And Minnesota a couple months ago?
Honestly said
March 15, 2013 @ 4:22 pm
4:03 That’s good to hear. I’m glad that they didn’t put Miki Sudo on some no-fly list. More of an argument for MLE that she could appear at the Nathan’s qualifier, final and future MLE events. Now MLE’s only worry is how her record might appear to the public. She does, however need to be careful in what events she chooses from now til then. She doesn’t want to be seen eating a clear MLE sponsor’s competitor’s product. MLE doesn’t want to take make the same mistake like they did with supporting someone like a Stephanie Torres, who really just wanted to lie on her contract and go out and eat whatever she wanted after taking Nathan’s final money. Just some advice.
anonymous said
March 15, 2013 @ 10:42 pm
Good point 422 . Sneaky Stephanie fit her image just fine