An episode of the NBC series Jay Leno's Garage was recorded at Big Mama's & Papa's pizza in Burbank, CA. A 52 inch USA Giant Sicilian Pizza tribute was created for the occasion.


  1. anonymous said

    January 29, 2017 @ 8:15 pm

    I cannot find anything entertaining about a team of eaters trying to finish a 52 inch pizza

  2. A. Nonymous said

    January 30, 2017 @ 10:37 am

    ^ So why are you here?

  3. Yeah said

    January 30, 2017 @ 11:10 am

    It’s so 2013

  4. anonymous said

    January 30, 2017 @ 1:57 pm

    Either one finishes it or nobody finishes it . Team concept is stupid

  5. Anonymous said

    January 30, 2017 @ 8:18 pm

    50 lb pizza? By one pizza? Troll.

  6. Dummies on here said

    January 31, 2017 @ 12:59 pm

    “50 lb pizza? By one pizza?”

    Are you fucking dumb?

    What does this even mean, dumbass?

  7. Anonymous said

    January 31, 2017 @ 6:20 pm

    I see you fell for my own trolling.

    Obviously… It should read 50 lb pizza by one person. But you were too dumb to grasp that.

  8. anonymous said

    September 24, 2017 @ 7:30 pm

    Is Jon Bello allowed to compete in big mama pizza challenge as ranked member of MLE ? As of right now the event is going on live as we speak with Bello killing it

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